DMT & Chakra Healing 22 - Students

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Anubha doshi
Karishma Harlalka
 The chakra system is a seven leveled philosophical model
of the universe
 Chakras are not physical entities in and of themselves.
Like feelings or ideas they cannot be held like a physical
object, they have a strong effect upon the body as they
express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the
physical plane
 Like Emotions affect breathing, heart rate and
metabolism the various chakras influence body shape,
chronic physical ailments, thoughts and behavior
 By techniques such as yoga, breathing, physical exercise,
meditation, bioenergetics, we can influence our chakras
and health
 We are a circle within a circle …with no beginning and
never ending
 Wheel like energy – centres called chakra
 Located on the etheric or the subtle body on the spine
 Swirling intersections of vital life forces each chakra
represents an aspect of consciousness essential to life
 Together the seven chakras form a profound formula for
wholeness that integrates mind body spirit
 chakras are organizing centres for the reception,
assimilation, and transmission of life energies

 The chakras are linked with science and practice of yoga

 The word ‘yoga’ means to connect, unite or ‘yoke’. The thing
we look to connect to is the true Self, also known as the
‘divine essence’, ‘ultimate self’, or atman. You might also
think of this as the soul.
 Mortal self to pure consciousness
 the ultimate goal of any yoga practice is to
attain moksha, meaning liberation or freedom.
Pancha Kosha- five sheaths

 In yoga psychology - the subtle body is divided into five

Kosha, sheaths
 At the core of the body, the subtle field appears as
spinning disk – chakras
 The chakras are the psychic generators of the auric field
 Koshas determine our thoughts, emotions, words, and
 They correspond to human personality
 The chakras Located near seven major nerve ganglia
that emanate from the spinal column
Pancha Kosha

 Anna-maya Kosha - Physical Body

 Prana-maya Kosha - Etheric Body or Vital Body
 Mana-maya Kosha - Lower Astral Body or Individual Mind
 Vigyana-maya Kosha - Intuitive Body or Higher Astral
 Ananda-maya Kosha - Blissful Sheath or Casual Body.
Chakras- Background

 Chakras as the name suggest are the wheels of energy through which life flows
both in and out of the body
 In our etheric body the energy or prana flows through a network of Nadis.
 There are 72000 nadis in the energy system; Sushumna, Ida and Pingala being the
most important.
 Sushumna is the nadi that acts like pipeline between all the chakras.
 Pinagala and ida are the two nadis that spiral the sushumna in serpent like manner.
 Pingala represents the masculine energy and is referred to as solar nadi. Ida on the
other hand represents feminine energy and is associated with lunar energy.

 Pingala controls the logical left side of the brain whereas ida rules the intuitive
right side of the brain.
 Both the sides of the brain rule the opposite side of our body hence our right brain
rules the left side of the body making it intuitive side and left brain rules the right
side of the body making it logical side.
 Before awakening the chakras we need to activate them.
What blocks a chakra

 Childhood traumas
 Cultural conditioning
 Limited belief systems
 Restrictive habits
 Physical emotional injuries
 Coping strategies become chronic patterns anchored in
the body and psyche as defense structures
 If affects our posture, breathing, metabolism, and our
emotional states, as well as our perceptions,
interpretations, and belief systems
 The unconscious is not evil by nature, it is also the source
of the highest good, not only dark but also light, now only
bestial, semi- human, and demonic but superhuman,
spiritual, and in the classical sense of the word , ‘divine’-
Carl jung
 Each of the chakras have a counterforce that opposes
natural activity of the chakra, this bring more awareness
to the chakra and helps strengthen it
 But when unacknowledged it keeps us from moving
 It fixates our energy blocking the resolution
 Eg- to acknowledge fear enables us to face fear and
understand its origins
 The objective is to clean the chakras of old, nonbeneficial
patterns so that their actions can have a positive
influence and our life energy can continue to expand
 Closed chakra is a chronic avoidance of certain energies,
while an excessively open chakra is a chronic fixation
 Avoidance leads to chakra deficiency and
overcompensation leads to chakra excess
 Egs – bully – insecurity
 Avoidant eg – person feels powerless – will make effort to
avoid conflict
 An excessive chakra needs to discharge energy and
deficient chakra needs to receive energy
Health of the chakra

 Doing physical exercises pertaining to relaxing, opening or

stimulating the chakra
 Working with images, colours, sounds, or elements
 Working through the feelings and values about that chakra,
and bringing those insights into your behaviour
 Before awakening the chakras we need to activate them.
 Top 3 chakras relate to our the spiritual selves
 Heart chakra is a mediator between our physical and
spiritual self
 Lower 3 chakras relate mainly to our human self-
information about the body in terms of survival, sexuality,
and action
 7 major chakras are inseparably interrelated
 A block in the functioning of one chakra may affect the
activity of the one above or below it.
 In childhood the chakras open sequentially, starting with
the first chakra which is dominant during first year of
life and moving upwards towards the crown as we
mature into adulthood
The 7 Chakras-
Root chakra/ muladhara
Location – Base of the spine
Lotus – 4 petals
Colour – Red
Element – Earth
Mantra – Lam
Sense – smell

Developmental stage – pregnancy to 1 year

 Ericksons - Trust vs mistrust
 Maslows - Physiological
Root chakra/ muladhara

 It gives us physical identity and focuses on our survival.

 The base, or root chakra is the chakra which roots our
souls in our bodies and our bodies to the Earth and the
physical plane.
 It expresses our need to physically survive - to eat, fight
or flight and procreate. It is the centre of our safety and
security as physical people on this Earth.
 A healthy balanced root chakra indicates a healthy
engagement with the outside world and resources and
well as people.
 There is a healthy sense of identity as a human being
belonging to this world and plane and such a being will
say ‘yes’ to their physical existence.
 One who is perpetually struggling with health problems
or financial crises is stuck here
 Insecure, panicky feeling
 Raised with concepts of scarcity, there is guilt and
 Inability to have, is root chakra programmed on
foundation of scarcity rather than abundance
 Hard time accepting love or pleasure
 Case study – Mary
 Under-balanced - fatigue, lower back pain, depression,
sciatica, cold extremities, inability to accomplish goals,
varicose veins, lack of supportive relationships and a
feeling of tiredness.

 over-balanced - resistance to change, materialistic

attitude, greediness or obsession with security.

 Fear – threatens survival, makes us hypervigilant and

forces energy into upper chakras

 Body in state of hypervigilance, fear heightens our

awareness energizing the body for action
 Fight – flight
 We cannot settle relax or let down
 how do we overcome fear – by understanding it first
 Where did it come from, how did it serve you,
 Release and integrate the instinctual responses
 Does it make you want to run?
 does it make you angry, or paralyzed ?
 Allowing the body to express these responses helps
complete the response to the original trauma

 Think about core physiological needs in your current

 Food
 Shelter
 Survival
 Security
 Finances
 Physical body
 Material possessions
 Relationship with money
Sacral / svadhisthana

 Location – below the navel

 Colour – orange
 Element – water
 Mantra – vam
 Lotus – 6 petals
 Sense – taste
 Developmental stage- till 2 years
 Ericksons - Trust vs mistrust or separation vs attachment
 Maslows - safety
 It gives us emotional identity and focuses on our desire.
 The sacral (or abdominal) chakra is all about desire,
passion, pleasure and basic emotions and it also is the
centre of sexuality.
 This chakra motivates us to express deep feelings by
being creative in music, art and poetry.
 Balanced - natural flow of life and feelings
 One feels the flow of creative life energy as it streams
through the body, soul and mind.
 Feelings are undistorted, genuine and actions are
 Underbalanced - eating disorders, allergies, urinary
problems, impotence and frigidity, diabetes and blood
 There may be a lack of self-esteem, emotional paralysis
and life may seem dreary to a person with an under-
balanced sacral.
 Over- balanced – excessive emotional attachment,
undue focus on sex

 Sexual abuse
 Denial of child's feelings states, lack of mirroring
 Emotional manipulation,
 Physical abuse
 Parents who haven’t worked on their own issues around
 Incest cases

 Curtails free flow of movement by taking the pleasure out

of it
 Guilt is the prison guard that keeps the shadow caged
 Second chakra opens up the dual nature of reality guilt
polarized personality – either or thinking
 Morals taught to children without a sense of connection
tend to be in black and white terms
 Children who live in fear of punishment get frozen in
polarized thinking, they want rules to be clear, but
feelings are ambiguous
 Guilt can also become a guide to boundaries and change
its only when its excessive or internalized does it hamper
solar plexus chakra

Location – above the navel

Colour – yellow
Element – fire
Lotus – 10 petals
Sense – sight
Mantra – ram
Manipura – lustrous gem, shines bright like the sun, radiant glowing

Developmental – 18 months – 3 years

Erikson – autonomy vs shame & doubt
Maslow – self – esteem
 It gives us ‘Ego’ identity and focuses on our
 The solar plexus chakra is the centre of our personality,
character and individuality.
 It is connected with intellect, thought, mentality and
personal power.
 It is a centre that can be protective or aggressive and is
connected with our will and ego.
 Power doesn’t necessarily mean negative but it can be
positively owning your true power
 Replace ‘Power over’ with ‘power to’
Ego identity

 Ego functions as an executive identity or CEO of the self

 Individuation is an expansion of the Self beyond the ego, yet
the ego is necessary to anchor this growth
 The word ego is from the Greek roots for I(e) and earth(go)
 Thus the ego is the grounded self, the individualized roots
of consciousness
 The ego is the house where we live in, giving us place to
grow and change , creates boundaries
 The problem comes when we confine ourselves with guilt,
shame, and don’t open the windows and doors
 Power only exists in the doing, in the powering of changes
or ideas
 Under balanced –
 sluggish digestion, indigestion, stomach ulcers, intestine
and colon problems, diabetes, constipation, nervousness
and poor money
Over balanced –
 dominating and aggressive
 Manipulative, power hungry,
 Temper tantrums, violent outbursts
 Driving ambition, competitive, arrogant
Traumas and abuses

 Shaming
 Authoritarianism
 Physical abuse , dangerous environment
 Fear of punishment
 Age appropriate responsibilities – parentified child
 Inherited shame from parents
 Shame is the demon of the third chakra
 It is inversely proportional to personal power – the
greater the shame, the less we feel powerful and the
harder it is for the ego to form itself
 Shame blocks the liberating current and prevents energy
rising from the lower chakras form forming into
effective action
 For a healthy ego, it is ok to make mistakes. For shame
bound personality there is no room to err, and expansion
is restricted
 How can we reach and grow if we cannot make
Heart / anahata chakra

 Location – centre of the chest

 Colour – green/ pink
 Element – air
 Lotus – 12 petals
 Sense – touch
 Mantra – yam
 Developmental stage- 3 – 7 years
Maslow – Belonging
 It gives us ‘Social’ identity and focuses on our
 When activated, this chakra allows us to love deeply,
feel compassion, and have a deep sense of peace and
 The heart chakra is the centre of unconditional love and
 Pure, spiritual, divine love passed down from the upper
chakras is interpreted here as unconditional love.
 This is the centre of happiness, joy, beauty and
 Under balanced – asthma, heart and breathing
disorders, breast cancer, and high blood pressure, skin

 Over balanced/ disharmonious –

selfish conditional love, poor boundaries, demanding,
clingy, jealousy
Inability to be open to giving and receiving love

 Rejection, abandonment, loss

 Shaming, constant criticism
 Unacknowledged grief
 Divorce, death of loved one
 Conditional love
 Betrayal
Eros and Thanatos

 Eros – force of life and Thanatos force of death

 Couples who want only eros and are idealistic find
greatest pain – myth of happily ever after
 Our unconscious patterns sabotage our relationship,
pick fights, distance ourselves from our lover, makes us
wants to pull away
 Doesn’t mean this has to end in tragedy
 People who honor the separation, misunderstandings as
part of growth are rewarded

 Thanatos strikes we experience grief

 Sits on the heart like a stone
 When heart is heavy with grief its difficult to breathe
 We become numb to our feelings and aliveness
 When grief is acknowledged the heart lightens there is
 Hurt in love is most vulnerable, our purest self is
 Coming to terms with our own suffering and grief leads
to opening of the heart and feeling compassion for
Throat/ vishuddha chakra

 Location – center of throat

 Colour – light blue
 Element – ether/ Sound
 Mantra – ham
 Lotus – 16 petals
 visuddha – purification
 Developmental stage – 7 to 12 years
 Maslow – Self – actualization
 The throat chakra is the centre of communication, self
expression and non - judgement.
 through sound, vibration, self expression and creativity,
 It is the centre of purification
 Ability to hold the good and the bad like shiva holding
the poison and locking it in the throat
 This chakra is connected with being able to express our
true, ever changing selves and being able to listen to
and truly understand others.
 Its attributes are listening, speaking, writing, chanting,
telepathy, and any of the arts – mostly those related to
sound and language
 Under balanced –
 colds, coughs, lack of communication skills, thyroid
problems, fevers, infections, mouth, jaw, tongue, neck
and shoulder problems, mood swings, hormonal
disorders, PMS, menopause
 Over balanced –
 too much talking, feeling of superiority hence keeping
people at a distance, inferiority complex, jealousy

 Lies, mixed messages

 Verbal abuse, constant yelling
 Excessive criticism
 Secrets and threats
 Authoritarian parents – don’t talk back
 Open balanced throat chakra there is expression of
thoughts, feelings and inner knowledge freely and
without fear,
 Honesty toward self and others
 Ability to say no
 Blocked or disharmonious functioning interferes in the
communication between the mind and the body
 Feelings of guilt, fears and critical self- judgement
prevent one from seeing and expressing ones true self
Third Eye/ Ajna chakra

 Location – between eyebrows

 Colour – indigo
 Element – light
 Mantra – aum
 Lotus – 2 petal
 Developmental stage- adolescence
 Ajna – instructions, intuition
 To perceive or command
 Gurukul – activating with the tikka on forehead
 Maslow – transcendence
 Seat of higher mental powers, intellectual capacity to distinguish,
our memory and will
 It is the highest centre of command for the central nervous system
 The third eye is the centre of clairvoyance, insights during sleep
or meditation
 Clear visions of Spirit Guides, Angels or people who have passed
on, whether during sleep or while awake are through the third
 An activated third eye can see energies around us but can also see
information that comes down from higher up.
 Harmonious functioning indicates an active mind and advanced
intellectual traits
 Well developed capacity for visualization and comprehend and
integrate intuitively

 We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are

– Anais Inn
 The illusion I hold of how something should be is usually
an image of what it currently is not.
 They are held by psychic energy, we fixate on an image
 Eg- model of happily ever after as an escape
 Become obsession or delusion
 When an archetypal image is not fully integrated into
the ego, we are subject to illusion
 Eg – hero

 The process of individuation mirrors the unfolding of the

chakras, where we reclaim the shadow, establish our
autonomy, express our individuality, integrate our anima
and animus, recognize the archetypal influences, and
integrate all these elements into a greater wholeness
 Archetypal identity
 Recognition of images and symbols that appear in our lives
through dreams, imaginations, art, and their significance
 Eg – mother archetype
 Recognizing this helps us from being unconsciously ruled
by it rather use its energy for growth
 It becomes an inner ally and clarifies our purpose in life
 Underbalanced –
lack of energy, negative thoughts, learning difficulties, co-
ordination problems and sleep disorders, sinus, central
nervous system issues, memory
Spiritual reflections, discussions and truths are rejected
 Overbalanced –
person lives in a world of fantasy,
delusions and obsessions
Crown/ sahasrara chakra

 Location – top centre of the head

 Colour – violet
 Element – thought
 Mantra – aum
 Petal – thousandfold
 Developmental stage- early adulthood and beyond
 Erickson - Integrity vs Despair
 Maslow - Self actualization, transcendence
 The Sahasrara chakra/crown chakra is not really a chakra
but a connection to our higher selves and the Divine
intelligence and source of all manifestations
 It is also known as the abode of Lord Shiva. Here the
mystical union of Shiva and Shakti takes place. It is centre
for fusion of individual soul and supreme soul.
 It gives us ‘Universal’ identity and focuses on ‘Nirvana’.
 In yoga this is the seat of enlightenment
 Ultimate state of consciousness beyond reason, beyond
senses, beyond limits of the world around us
 Yoga practice advises withdrawing of the senses
(pratyahara) to achieve mental stillness to perceive this
ultimate state
Healing the crown chakra

 Meditation is a technique for energizing, calming, and

clarifying the mind
 Train the mind to enter subtler states of consciousness
and transcend petty concerns allowing us to access a
deeper grander state of awareness
 Mindfulness – key to living a conscious life.
 Takes our entire awareness into the present moment,
enabling full experience.
 It is a state of observation. It does not judge, value,
negate or applaud. It simply witnesses.
 Meditation is both an end and a means
 Dimension of ‘withinness’ meditation is key to inner
 Alpha waves increase
 Physiological benefits –
 Heart rate decreased by 25 percent
 Blood pressure lowered
 Body enters deep state of rest deeper than sleep
 but awareness increase
 Imbalance –
 Headaches, mental illness, neuralgia, senility, epilepsy,
coordination problems and skin rashes

 Attachment – it obscures realization and unity with

cosmic consciousness. In Eastern religions, attachment
is seen as the basis of all suffering.
 With the chakra awakening all other chakra blockages
dissolve and energies vibrate at highest possible
 True self is realized one becomes one with the divine
 individual ego transforms into universal ego
 Greatest emptiness (nothingness) but it is identical to
abundance (everything)
 Transcendence is a movement from mundane to sublime,
from sensory to intuitive and from self (ego) to Self
(enlightened). It is a psychological process of rising from
narrow, personal reference of a problem that causes
suffering to a transpersonal, holistic understanding,
wherein the problem loses its sting.
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