DMT & Chakra Healing 22 - Students
DMT & Chakra Healing 22 - Students
DMT & Chakra Healing 22 - Students
Anubha doshi
Karishma Harlalka
The chakra system is a seven leveled philosophical model
of the universe
Chakras are not physical entities in and of themselves.
Like feelings or ideas they cannot be held like a physical
object, they have a strong effect upon the body as they
express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the
physical plane
Like Emotions affect breathing, heart rate and
metabolism the various chakras influence body shape,
chronic physical ailments, thoughts and behavior
By techniques such as yoga, breathing, physical exercise,
meditation, bioenergetics, we can influence our chakras
and health
We are a circle within a circle …with no beginning and
never ending
Wheel like energy – centres called chakra
Located on the etheric or the subtle body on the spine
Swirling intersections of vital life forces each chakra
represents an aspect of consciousness essential to life
Together the seven chakras form a profound formula for
wholeness that integrates mind body spirit
chakras are organizing centres for the reception,
assimilation, and transmission of life energies
Chakras as the name suggest are the wheels of energy through which life flows
both in and out of the body
In our etheric body the energy or prana flows through a network of Nadis.
There are 72000 nadis in the energy system; Sushumna, Ida and Pingala being the
most important.
Sushumna is the nadi that acts like pipeline between all the chakras.
Pinagala and ida are the two nadis that spiral the sushumna in serpent like manner.
Pingala represents the masculine energy and is referred to as solar nadi. Ida on the
other hand represents feminine energy and is associated with lunar energy.
Pingala controls the logical left side of the brain whereas ida rules the intuitive
right side of the brain.
Both the sides of the brain rule the opposite side of our body hence our right brain
rules the left side of the body making it intuitive side and left brain rules the right
side of the body making it logical side.
Before awakening the chakras we need to activate them.
What blocks a chakra
Childhood traumas
Cultural conditioning
Limited belief systems
Restrictive habits
Physical emotional injuries
Coping strategies become chronic patterns anchored in
the body and psyche as defense structures
If affects our posture, breathing, metabolism, and our
emotional states, as well as our perceptions,
interpretations, and belief systems
The unconscious is not evil by nature, it is also the source
of the highest good, not only dark but also light, now only
bestial, semi- human, and demonic but superhuman,
spiritual, and in the classical sense of the word , ‘divine’-
Carl jung
Each of the chakras have a counterforce that opposes
natural activity of the chakra, this bring more awareness
to the chakra and helps strengthen it
But when unacknowledged it keeps us from moving
It fixates our energy blocking the resolution
Eg- to acknowledge fear enables us to face fear and
understand its origins
The objective is to clean the chakras of old, nonbeneficial
patterns so that their actions can have a positive
influence and our life energy can continue to expand
Closed chakra is a chronic avoidance of certain energies,
while an excessively open chakra is a chronic fixation
Avoidance leads to chakra deficiency and
overcompensation leads to chakra excess
Egs – bully – insecurity
Avoidant eg – person feels powerless – will make effort to
avoid conflict
An excessive chakra needs to discharge energy and
deficient chakra needs to receive energy
Health of the chakra
Sexual abuse
Denial of child's feelings states, lack of mirroring
Emotional manipulation,
Physical abuse
Parents who haven’t worked on their own issues around
Incest cases
Physical abuse , dangerous environment
Fear of punishment
Age appropriate responsibilities – parentified child
Inherited shame from parents
Shame is the demon of the third chakra
It is inversely proportional to personal power – the
greater the shame, the less we feel powerful and the
harder it is for the ego to form itself
Shame blocks the liberating current and prevents energy
rising from the lower chakras form forming into
effective action
For a healthy ego, it is ok to make mistakes. For shame
bound personality there is no room to err, and expansion
is restricted
How can we reach and grow if we cannot make
Heart / anahata chakra
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