Introduction To Cost Accounting
Introduction To Cost Accounting
Introduction To Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
• Cost Accounting is an expanded phase of general or financial accounting which informs management
promptly with the cost of rendering a particular service, buying and selling a product, and producing a
• All types of business entities - manufacturing, merchandising, and service businesses - require information
systems which provide the necessary financial data.
• In order to, appreciate .the importance of an efficient cost system, it is necessary to understand the nature of
the manufacturing process.
• In many ways, the activities of a manufacturing organization are similar to those of a merchandising
business. Both are concerned with purchasing, storing, and selling goods; both must have efficient
management and adequate sources of capital; both may employ hundreds or thousands of workers.
Comparison of Financial, Managerial, and Cost Accounting
Financial accounting is the use of accounting information for reporting to external parties,
including investors and creditors. Financial accounting is primarily concerned with financial
statements for external use by those who supply funds to the entity and other persons who
may have vested interest in the financial operations of the firm
Managerial accounting focuses on the needs of parties within the organization, rather than
interested parties outside the organization. Managerial accounting information commonly
addresses individual or divisional concerns rather than those of the enterprise as a whole
Cost accounting is the intersection between financial and managerial accounting. Cost
accounting information is needed and used by both financial and managerial accounting
Merchandising versus Manufacturing Operations
A merchandising company normally buys a product that is ready for resale when it is received. Nothing
needs to be done to the product to make it salable except possibly to prepare a special package or display.
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