Q1 Handout Module-4

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TLE GRADE 8 – COOKERY 13. What is the selling price of carrot cake if the total food cost is 175.

rot cake if the total food cost is 175.00 Costing is the classifying, recording and appropriate allocation of
and the percentage mark up 25%? expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or
QUARTER 1 A. 220.75 B. 219.75 C. 218.75 D. 217.75 services, and for presentation of suitably arranged data for the
14. How much is the selling price of Yema Cake if the total cost is 385.00 purposes of control, and guidance of management.
MODULE 4: Calculating Cost Production and the percentage mark up 25%?
A. 509.00 B. 510.00 C. 511.00 D. 512.00 Different Ways to Categorize Costs
LESSON 1: Compute the Cost of Production 15. How much is the selling price of Chocolate Moist Cake if the total • Fixed and Variable Costs
cost is 500.00 and the percentage mark-up is 30%? • Direct and Indirect Costs
B. 650.00 B. 700.00 C. 750.00 D. 800.00 • Product and Period Costs
What I Know
• Controllable and Uncontrollable Cost
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter • Out-of-pocket and Sunk Costs
Whats In
of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper. • Incremental and Opportunity Costs
• Imputed Costs
1. It is classifying, recording, an appropriate allocation of expenditure for
the determination of the costs of products or services. Food costing is important to know as it has a direct effect on the
A. costing B. buying C. purchasing D. calculating profitability of a restaurant. It is the cost of your ingredients and does
2. Labor, supplies, wages are examples of? not include other costs, such as labor and overheads. Food costing is
A. indirect cost B. period cost C. imputed cost D. fixed cost an essential tool in determining whether food costs targets are being
3. What tool of food costing which is based on a standard recipe. met
A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet C. standard recipe
D. calculated cost
4. The tool of food costing in which the current price is the basis of On Basic Recipe Costing
A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet C. standard recipe What’s New
Understanding the basics of recipe costing is important so that you
D. calculated cost can:
5. A tool of food costing for recording data and all information about the Directions: Copy the table in your activity notebook.
recipe such as current unit cost, actual ingredient cost and cost per
Calculate the Actual Cost of Ingredients below: • Know how much food cost is incurred on each recipe. This gives you
portion. a clear view of how much you can earn per dish.
A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet C. standard recipe • Understand how to properly price your dishes to achieve a target
D. calculated cost Calculate the Actual Cost of Ingredients below: profit.
6. Which of the following is the third step in calculating recipe cost? • Study the way your competitor prices their dishes against an
A. Divide the total recipe cost by the number of portion to get the cost industry benchmark.
per portion. • Know when to reduce a recipe cost. If you keep up to date with
B. Compute the actual cost of each ingredient. your costing and see that you are going beyond your target cost
C. Add actual cost of each ingredient to get the total recipe cost. percentage, you can easily plan how to reduce the costs.
D. Indicate the latest purchase cost of each ingredient based on a current • Find out each menu item’s profit margin and decide which ones to
price list. promote through suggestive selling and promotion.
7. What is the actual cost of two kilos malagkit rice if the purchased cost
is P65.00 per kilo? Using the above calculated expenses in cooking Biko, find the cost of a
Food Costing Tools
A. 130.00 B. 135.00 C. 140.00 D. 145.55 slice of Biko if you were able to make 24 slices.
8. What is the actual cost of 1/4 kilo oil if the purchased cost is The following tools and calculations are important in deriving your
P60.00/kilo? Use the formula:
food costs:
A. 5.00 B. 10.00 C. 15.00 D. 20.00 Selling Price = Total Expenses (TE) + 1/2 of TE
9. What is the selling price of each puto if the total cost is P100.00 and Number of Yields
• Standard Recipe: Costing based on a standard recipe makes it easy
the total yield is 20 pieces? SP = Php ________________
to compute food costs based on the servings that are needed
A. 5.00 B. 7.50 C. 10.00 D. 12.50 • How much will be the total Sales if all the Biko are sold?
• Up-to-Date Ingredient Costs: Current prices should be the basis of
10. What is the selling price of Biko if the total cost is P160.00 and the _________________
costing, thus the need to do a price check from time to time
total yield is 24 slices? • If the Total Cost is deducted from total sales, how much will be your
• Recipe Cost Sheet: For recording data and all information about the
A. 10.00 B. 20.00 C. 30.00 D. 40.00 net profit? ________________
recipe such as current unit cost, actual ingredient cost and cost per
11.What is the percent mark-up of doughnut if the purchased price is portion
5.00 and the selling price is 7.00? A. 20% B. 25% C. 35% D. 45%
12. What is the percent mark-up of suman if the purchased price is 7.00 How did you calculate the selling price, the total sales, and the net profit
and the selling price is 10.00? of the good that you sell? This time, please read and understand the
A. 43% B. 44% C. 45% D. 46% discussion of the topics below.
Mark Up – is the difference between how much an item Given this number, the restaurant can decide on the final
Calculating Recipe Cost
cost you and how much you sell that item. It is your profit selling price considering other factors such as
per item sold. competition, volume and labor costs.
How do we apply numbers and costs to each Standard
Percent Mark Up – this is done by dividing the peso mark What’s More
Step 1. Fill up the Recipe Costing Sheet with information
up by the cost
based on the standard recipe to be based on a current
P 3.00 To enrich your understanding of what you have read,
price list.
P 7.00 = 0.43 04 43% please answer the activities. If there are things not clear
Step 2. Indicate the latest purchase cost of each
to you, you can ask your elder siblings or parents for
ingredient based on a current price list.
Example: Selling Price - Cost Price = Peso Mark-up % Mark assistance.
Step 3. Compute the actual cost of each ingredient
up P 10.00 - P 7.00 = P 3.00 43%
Step 4. Add actual cost of each ingredient to get the total
Activity 1
recipe cost Selling Price
Step 5. Divide the total recipe cost by number of portions
Directions: Complete the following table by computing
to get the cost per portion. Once you have your food costs, you can figure out the
the Peso Mark-up and the Percent Mark-up.
selling price of your dishes.
Recipe Cost Sheet For recording purposes, create a recipe
cost sheet for each of your dishes. Here is an example. The basic formula is:

Name of Recipe: Biko Selling Price = (Food Cost + Labor Cost + Overhead Cost) +
Number of Portion:24 Profit
Total Recipe Yield: 24 slices
Recipe Cost: 164.00 (weight, volume, & Count) Your selling price should include all costs plus the profit
Cost/Portion: you would like to earn.
Size per Portion: slice Activity 2
Date Costed: December 24. 2020 What Should the Food Cost Percentage of Your Selling
Price Be? Directions: Compute the Selling Price of the following
food items using the 43%mark up. Write your answer in
To compute the selling price, we need the food cost to the activity notebook.
only be a certain percentage of the selling price.

The amount varies from one restaurant section to

another, and is influenced by other costs, such as labor,
Using the above calculated expenses in cooking Biko, find overhead, and target profit. It generally falls within the
the cost of a slice of Biko if you were able to make 24 profit of 30 to 45%.
Food Costing in Practice
Use the formula:
Selling Price = Total Expenses (TE) + 1/2 of TE Here is an example to show how to find the selling price
Number of Yields of a dish:
SP = P 10.25 • A restaurant has a target food cost percentage of 33%. •
• How much will be the total Sales if all the Biko are sold? Their newest recipe was calculated to have a food cost of
246.00 25.00 per portion.
• If the Total Cost is deducted from total sales, how much • Applying the 33% rule, the target selling price = 25.00
will be your net profit? 82.00 divided by 0.33 = 75.75
What I Can Do
3.What is the cost of ¼ kilo oil if you purchased at 15. A tool of food costing for recording data and all
Activity P60.00/kilo? information about the recipe such as current unit cost,
A. 5.00 B. 10.00 C. 15.00 D. 20.00 actual ingredient cost, and cost per portion.
Directions: In cooking Palitaw the following are the basic 4. What is the selling price of each puto if the total cost is
ingredients. Calculate the expenses to be incurred using P100.00 and the total yield is 20 pieces? A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet
the four basic operations, addition, subtraction, A. 5.00 B. 7.50 C. 10.00 D. 12.50 C. standard recipe D. calculated cost
multiplication and division. 5. What is the selling price of Biko if the total cost is
Php160.00 and the total yield is 24 slices?
2 cups ground Malagkit A. 10.00 B. 20.00 C. 30.00 D. 40.00
1/4 cup sesame seeds 6. What is the percent mark-up of doughnut if the
1 cup water purchased price is 5.00 and the selling price is 7.00?
1 cup sugar A. 20% B. 25% C. 35% D. 45%
1 cup grated coconut 7. What is the percent mark-up of suman if the purchased
price is 7.00 and the selling price is 10.00?
Complete the table below with the above data. Make your A. 220.75 B. 219.75 C. 218.75 D. 217.75
own estimated unit price of the above items as being 8. What is the actual cost of 1/4 kilo oil if the purchased
observed by you in the market. cost is P60.00/kilo?
A. 5.00 B. 10.00 C. 15.00 D. 145.55
9. How much is the selling price of Yema Cake if the total
cost is 385.00 and the percentage mark-up is 33%?
B. 509.00 B. 510.00 C. 511.00 D. 512.00
10. How much is the selling price of Chocolate Moist Cake
if the total cost is 500.00 and the percentage mark-up is
A. 650.00 B. 700.00 C. 750.00 D. 800.00
11. .It is classifying, recording, and appropriate allocation
of expenditure for the determination of the costs of
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
products or services.
letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook.
C. costing B. buying C. purchasing D. calculating
12. Labor, supplies, wages are examples of ________.
1. Which of the following is the third step in calculating
A. indirect cost B. period cost C. imputed cost
recipe cost?
D. fixed cost
A. Divide the total recipe cost by the number of portions
13. A tool of food costing based on a standard recipe is
to get the cost per portion.
B. Compute the actual cost of each ingredient.
A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet
C. Add an actual cost of each ingredient to get the total
C. standard recipe D. calculated cost
recipe cost.
14. The tool of food costing in which the current price is
D. Indicate the latest purchase cost of each ingredient
the basis of cost.
based on a current price list
A. up-to-date ingredient cost B. recipe cost sheet
2. What is the cost of 2 kilos malagkit rice if you
C. standard recipe D. calculated cost
purchased at P65.00 per kilo?
A. 130.00 B. 135.00 C. 140.00 D. 145.55

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