Angklung Sered From Pre-Independence To Post Independence Indonesia

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Angklung Sered : From

Pre-Independence to Post-
Independence Indonesia

Angklung Sered is a traditional musical performance art in Indonesia. Let's

explore its history, characteristics, and educational value.

by Hans Cahya
(Nugrahanstya Cahya Widyanta, S.Sn., M.A.)
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Department of Music Composition, Fakulty of Performing Arts
Origin of Angklung Sered

1 Kingdom Era

Angklung was initially used as a tangara.

Kalangenan Period 2
Angklung changed to kalangenan.

3 Strength Competition

Angklung transformed into a strength

The Instruments of Angklung Sered
Angklung Dogdog and Drums Group Composition

Bamboo tubes arranged to Accompanying instruments to 11 angklungs, 4 dogdogs, and

produce different tones when create rhythmic harmony. 1 set of drums in each group.
The Magic of Angklung Sered

Angklung Sered involves physical strength and produces harmonious melodies.

The communication between players and the instrument creates a magical music
that is unmatched.
The History of Angklung Sered

Angklung Sered has a rich and long history, dating back to the kingdom era in
West Java. It is used in traditional ceremonies, cultural celebrations, and religious
Angklung Sered in Pre-Independence
• Used as a signal for colonial attacks or guest arrivals.
• Became a form of resistance against Dutch colonialism.
• Relayed information quickly and effectively through the sound of angklung.
Angklung Sered in Post-Independence
• Perfomed as entertainment at circumcision, wedding, ceremonies, festivals, and people's parties.
• Preserves cultural identity and serves as a symbol of resistance.
• Has a high educational value in arts and culture curriculum.
Angklung Sered as an Educational Tool
Angklung Sered is not only a musical instrument but also an educational tool. It helps shape discipline, teamwork,
and creativity among students in Indonesia.

Shaping Discipline Building Teamwork Fostering Creativity

Through practice and group Playing Angklung Sered as a Students express their creativity
coordination, students learn group develops teamwork skills. and musicality through Angklung
discipline. Sered.
The Beautiful Culture of
Angklung Sered
Angklung Sered is not only a unique and beautiful traditional musical instrument,
but also a reflection of social values, history, and the courage of the Balandongan

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