Angklung Sered From Pre-Independence To Post Independence Indonesia
Angklung Sered From Pre-Independence To Post Independence Indonesia
Angklung Sered From Pre-Independence To Post Independence Indonesia
Pre-Independence to Post-
Independence Indonesia
by Hans Cahya
(Nugrahanstya Cahya Widyanta, S.Sn., M.A.)
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Department of Music Composition, Fakulty of Performing Arts
Origin of Angklung Sered
1 Kingdom Era
Kalangenan Period 2
Angklung changed to kalangenan.
3 Strength Competition
Angklung Sered has a rich and long history, dating back to the kingdom era in
West Java. It is used in traditional ceremonies, cultural celebrations, and religious
Angklung Sered in Pre-Independence
• Used as a signal for colonial attacks or guest arrivals.
• Became a form of resistance against Dutch colonialism.
• Relayed information quickly and effectively through the sound of angklung.
Angklung Sered in Post-Independence
• Perfomed as entertainment at circumcision, wedding, ceremonies, festivals, and people's parties.
• Preserves cultural identity and serves as a symbol of resistance.
• Has a high educational value in arts and culture curriculum.
Angklung Sered as an Educational Tool
Angklung Sered is not only a musical instrument but also an educational tool. It helps shape discipline, teamwork,
and creativity among students in Indonesia.
Through practice and group Playing Angklung Sered as a Students express their creativity
coordination, students learn group develops teamwork skills. and musicality through Angklung
discipline. Sered.
The Beautiful Culture of
Angklung Sered
Angklung Sered is not only a unique and beautiful traditional musical instrument,
but also a reflection of social values, history, and the courage of the Balandongan