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GRAPHICALCOMBINATION OF SIGHTS Graphical combination of sights means the construction of a small part of a Mercator Chart to scale, plotting therein the results of two or more astronomical sights and thence obtaining the position of the vessel. The Mercator Chart has been described before. However, a few important points are emphasized here. GRAPHICALCOMBINATION OF SIGHTS On a Mercator Chart, 1) All meridians are parallel. 2) A nautical mile is equal to one minute of d’lat. 3) All North-South distances, in nautical miles, are equal to minutes of d’lat. 4) All distances, whether North-South, East-West or oblique, are in expressed in nautical miles. 5) The East-West distance between the meridians of two places, measured along the latitude is called departure and is expressed in nautical miles. 6) The East-West distance between the meridians of two places, measured along the longitude scale= d’long between them. GRAPHICALCOMBINATION OF SIGHTS The conversion of dep into d’long, and vice versa, by formula and by Traverse Tables, has been explained earlier in this book. Plotting can be done on plain paper-graph paper is not essential. The scale should be clearly mentioned. The most convenient scales to use are 1 cm: 1M or 1 inch: 1 M. Where practicable, scales involving fractions should be avoided so as to minimize the chances of error especially when in a hurry. GRAPHICALCOMBINATION OF SIGHTS When transferring a PL, from one position to another, it is suggested that, in order to maintain accuracy, runs in excess of about 10 M should be calculated. If large distances are plotted to scale, the scale would have to be small with resultant loss of accuracy. It is also possible to combine two sights by trigonometry but that procedure would tedious and the chances of clerical errors are great. It is therefore not recommended. When one of two PL’s runs exactly E-W, it is possible to calculate the longitude of the fix without plotting. SIMULTANEOUS OBSERVATIONS A.TWO LONGITUDES BY CHRONOMETER 1.In DR 20036’N 146011’W, star SPICA bore 0460(T) giving an Obs long of 146013.4’W. At the same time, star DENEB bore 1300(T) giving an Obs long of 146019.3’W. Find the position of the ship. D’long between the Obs long’s=5.9’. For m’lat=20.60, dep=5.5’ SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • Q1. DR Lat = 200 36.0’N • D’Lat = 000 03.0’N • Fix lat = 200 39.0’N • Long = 1460 19.3W M’Lat = 20.60 • D’Long =0000 02.7’E Dep = 2.5’E • Fix Long= 1460 16.6’W D’long =Dep/Cosmlat • D’long = 2.5/Cos20.60 • = 2.7’E SIMULTANE0US PROBLEMS • TWO INTERCEPT: • Q2. In DR 360 18.0’S 0930 27.0’E, find the position of the ship using the following observations: • Intercept 3.2M Towards Az 1200 (T) • Intercept 1.8 M Away from Az 0200 (T) SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • DR Lat = 360 18.0’S Long = 0930 27.0’E • D’lat = 000 02.7’S D’long = 000 02.6’E Fix Lat =360 20.7’S Long = 0930 29.6’E Dep/ D’Long =Cos m lat D’long = Dep/ Cos m Lat = 2.1’/ Cos 36.30 D’Long = 02.6’ SIMULTANEOS PROBLEMS • Q3. One Longitude by Chron & One Intercept : • In DR 480 24’N 1790 59’E, find the position of the ship from the following two observations:- • (i) Obs Long 1790 55.4’W Az 0300 • (ii) Intercept 0.5’ Towards Az 3350 SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • D;Long between DR Long & Obs Long= 5.6’ • M’Lat = 48.40 • Dep = D’Long x Cos M’Lat = 5.6’x Cos 48.40 • Dep = 3.7’ • DR lat 480 24.0’N Long 1790 59.0’E • D’lat 000 01.3’N D’Long 0000 02.3’E Fix Lat= 480 25.3’N Long = 1790 58.7’W M’Lat=48.40 dep = 01.5’E (D’long = Dep/ Cos M’Lat = 1.5’/ Cos 48.40 = 02.3’E) SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • Q4. Three Intercepts:- • A Ship in DR 200 11.0’S 1400 36.0’E obtained the following intercepts:- • (a) 3.20 M Away from Azimuth 0420 (T) • (b) 5.6M Towards Azimuth 1000 (T) & • (c) 8.2M Towards Azimuth1700 (T). • Find the position of the ship. SIMULTANEUOS PROBLEMS SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • DR Lat = 200 11.0’S DR Long 1400 36.0’E • D’Lat = 000 07.8’S D’Long 0000 04.5’E • Fix Lat = 200 18.8’S Fix Long 1400 40.5’E • (Using m’lat 20.30 and dep of 4.2’ • we get, D’Long = 04.5’E) SIMULTANEUOS PROBLEMS Q.5. Three Long by Chron:- • From the following observations in DR 150 02’N 0750 39’W, find the position of the vessel:- • (a) Obs Long 0750 42.7’W – Az 3310 (T) • (b) Obs Long 0750 38.1’W – Az 1150 (T) • (c) Obs Long 0750 32.8’W – Az 2270 (T) • Obs Long 0750 42.7’W Obs Long 0750 38.1’W • Obs Long 0750 38.1’W Obs Long 0750 32.8’W • D’Long = 04.6’E D’Long = 05.3’E • Dep = 04.4’E Dep = 05.1’E • M’lat = 150 using the formulae, • Dep/ D’Long = Cos m’lat SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS • From the plotted figure:- • DR Lat = 150 02.0’N Obs Long= 0750 38.1’W • D’Lat = 000 03.5’N D’Long = 0000 01.9’E Fix Lat = 150 05.5’N Fix Long = 0750 36.2’W Using m’lat 15.10 and departure of 01.8’E We get, D’Long = 01.9’E SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS Q.6.O n 6th March 1992, PM @ ship in DR Longitude 0700 45’W, the following simultaneous observations were made:- First observation: Sextant Meridian altitude of Star Vega North of observer was found to be 510 11.2’. Height of eye 15m, Index Error 0.4’ off the arc. Second observation: Sextant altitude of the Moon’s LL using the same sextant was 170 48’ @ GMT 23h 10m 30s on the same day. Find the position. SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS FIRST OBSERVATION:- STAR VEGA Sext. Alt = 510 11.2’ IE = (+) 0.4’ Obs. alt = 510 11.6’ Dip (15m)= (-) 6.6’ App. Alt = 510 04.8’ Tot. corr. = (-) 0.8’ True alt. = 510 04.0’N MZD = 380 56.0’S Decl. = 380 46.3’N Obs. Lat = 000 09.7’S DR Long = 0700 45.0’W Simultaneous Problems SECOND OBSERVATION :- MOON Sex alt = 170 48.0’ GHA (Moon)= 1380 58.4’ IE = (+) 0.4’ Incr. = + 02 0 30.3’ Obs. alt = 170 48.4’ ‘V’ Corr. = (+) 02.5’ Dip(15m)= (-) 06.8’ GHA(Moon) = 1410 31.2’ App. Alt = 170 41.6’ Long (W) = 0700 45.0’ Tot. Corr.= 62.6’ LHA(Moon)= 0700 46.2’ HP(55.7) = 2.6’ Decl. = 10 0 08.1’N True alt = 180 46.8’ D(120 ) = (+) 2.1’ Declination= 100 10.2’N SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS Solving by ‘Long by Chron Method: CosP= (Sin T.alt ± Sin LatSin Dec)/Cos Lat CosDec =(Sin180 46.8’+Sin000 09.7’Sin100 10.2’)/Cos 000 09.7’ Cos100 10.2’ P= 700 52.9’ LHA = 0700 52.9’ GHA = 1410 31.2’ Obs. Long = 0700 38.3’W Vessel’s Position: Lat= 000 09.7’S Long=0700 38.3’W STAGGERED OBSERVATIONS • There are two types of plotting problems • 1. Simultaneous problems, which is taken exactly @ the same time. • 2. Staggered problems, when Run- Time is involved. • Already we have done Simultaneous problems. • Now we will be doing the Staggered problems. Staggered Problems • What is Staggered Problem ? • Staggered observation means two observations separated by an interval of time. • The ship’s movement ( course and distance ), during the intervening period, has to be taken into account in order to obtain the position of the vessel by combining the results of the two observations. STAGGERED PROBLEMS • To a position on the 1st PL, the course and distance made good by the vessel, during the interval, applied and the position thus obtained is called the “ Position to transfer the 1st PL”. This transferred PL is crossed with the 2nd PL to obtain the Fix @ the time of the 2nd observation. When the RUN between the two observations is in excess of 10 miles, it is suggested that Traverse Table be used to calculate the ‘ position to transfer the 1st PL’. STAGGERED PROBLEMS • If a large run was to be plotted, the scale would have to be small and loss of accuracy would result. Q1. In DR 460 20’N 1180 41’E, an observed long of the Sun was obtained @ 0800hrs and found to be 1180 46’E @ an Az of 1500 (T). The vessel then steamed a course of 2380 (T) @ a speed of 15 knots. At 1150,lat by mer alt Sun was found to be 450 51.2’N. Find the position of the ship @ 2nd observation. If the ship continued on the same course & speed, state her EP @ 1200hrs. STAGGERED PROBLEMS • 3 h 50 m @ 15 knots = 57.5 miles • Course 2380 (T) = S 580 W • Course Distance D’Lat Dep • N S E W • S 580 W 57.5M ---- 30.5’ ------ 48.8’ • 0800 DR Lat= 460 20.0’N • Run d’lat = 000 30.5 S • 1150 DR Lat = 450 49.5’S M’Lat = 46.10 Dep = 48.8’W • Obs Long = 1180 46.0’E D’Long = 70.4’W • D’Long = 0010 10.3 W = 001 0 10.4’ w • DR Long = 1170 35.6’ E • STAGGERED PROBLEMS STAGGERED PROBLEMS • By the scale drawing, the Fix lies 3miles East of the 1150 hrs Obs Long. Using m’lat 45.80 and dep 3’E, D’Long is found 4.3’E. • Fix Long = 1170 35.6’E + 4.3’E = 1170 39.9’E. • Run 1150 hrs to 1200 hrs @ 15kn= 2.5M on course of S580 W. • Course distance D’Lat Dep • N S E W • S580 W 2.5M ----- 1.3’S ---- 2.1’W STAGGERED PROBLEMS • 1150 hrs Fix Lat = 450 51.2’N • Run D’Lat = 000 01.3’ S • 1200 EP Lat = 450 49.9’N • 1150 hrs Fix Long = 1170 39.9’E • D’Long = 0000 03.0’W • 1200 hrs EP Long = 1170 36.9’E • M’Lat = 45.80 Dep = 2.1’ W D’long = 3.0’W STAGGERED PROBLEMS Q2. In DR 180 41’S 1790 56’E an Intercept of 8.4’ towards Az 0830 (T) was obtained by stellar observation. The vessel then steered 1210 (T) for 70 M by log when a meridian altitude gave an Obs lat of 190 14.9’S. If a set of 2240 (T) and a drift of 10M was experienced during the interval, find the position of the vessel @ the 2nd observation. STAGGERED PROBLEMS • Note: To the DR position, allow the run to the ITP ( Intercept Terminal Point)-if intercept is Towards, allow Az as course and if intercept is Away, allow Az+ 1800 as course. Then allow for the course and distances steamed and also for the set and drift of current like day’s work. The position so obtained would be the position to transfer the PL(arrival EP) STAGGERED PROBLEM STAGGERED PROBLEMS Course Distance D’Lat Dep 0830 =N830 E 8.4M 01.0’ N 08.3’E 1210 =S590 E 70.0M 36.1’S 60.0E 2240 =S440 W 10.0M 07.2’S 06.9’W Resultant= 43.3’-01.0=42.3’S Dep=61.4’E DR Lat= 180 41.0’S DR Long= 1790 56.0’E D’Lat = 000 42.3’S D’Long = 0010 04.9’E EP Lat = 190 23.3’ S EP Long = 1780 59.1’W STAGGERED PROBLEM • Using Departure 1.0’W (plotting) & m’lat of 19.30 D’Long = 1.1’W. • Using the formulae Dep / D’Long= Cos m’lat • Dep = 1.1’W • Fix Long = EP Long±D’Long • = 1780 59.1’W+1.1’W • = 1790 00.2’W STAGGERED PROBLEM Q3. A Vessel using 1600hrs DR 200 N 0400 E obtained the following observations : • 1540hrs Star ‘A’ Az 1450 (T) x 5’ Towards. • 1610hrs Star ‘B’ Az 1900 (T) x 3’ Away. • Course steered was 2100 (T), speed 12 knots. • Find the position @ 1600hrs. STAGGERED PROBLEM scale: 1cm=1NM STAGGERED PROBLEM • From Plot : • Dep = 15.0’E • D’Lat= 2.3’N • DR Lat = 200 00.0’N DR Long = 0400 00.0’E D’Lat = 000 02.3’N D’Long = 0000 16.0’E 1600 Fix Lat = 200 02.3’N Fix Long = 0400 16.0’E Using the Formulae, Dep/D’Long=Cos m’Lat D’Long = Dep/Cos m’Lat = 15’/Cos 200 01.1’=16’E STAGGERED PROBLEM • Q4. At 0600hrs in DR 010 20.0’N 1790 58’W, a stellar observation gave an observed longitude of 1790 54’E bearing 0620 (T). The vessel then steamed 1310 (T) @ 14 knots. At 1600hrs , using Lat 000 11.8’S, the Sun gave an observed Longitude of 1780 12.7’W bearing 3230 (T). Find position of the vessel @ 1600hrs. STAGGERED PROBLEM Course = 1310 (T) = S 490 E and distance =140M D’Lat =91.8’S and Dep = 105.7’E 0600 DR Lat = 010 20.0’N Obs Long= 1790 54.0’E Run D’Lat = 010 31.8’S D’Long = 0010 45.7’E 1600 EP Lat = 000 11.8’S EP Long = 1780 20.3’W Obs Long =1780 12.7’W D’Long = 0000 07.6’E Since EP Lat is only 0.20 , dep=d’long=07.6’E STAGGERED PROBLEM STAGGERED PROBLEM • From the plotting :- 1600 EP Lat=000 11.8’S EP Long = 1780 20.3’W D’Lat = 000 04.0’S D’Long = 0000 02.1’E 1600 Fix Lat= 000 15.8’S Fix Long= 1780 18.2’W We take m’lat= 00.20 Dep = 02.1’E (D’Long = Dep/ Cos m’Lat = 2.1’/ Cos 00.20 = 000 02.1’E) STAGGERED PROBLEM Q5.In DR 560 11’N 0720 23’E, an intercept of 6.3’ away from Az 1300 (T) was obtained by an astronomical observation. Ship then steamed 2430 (T) for 43 miles when other astronomical observation gave an intercept of 2.2’ towards Az 2100 (T).The DR used for the second observation was obtained directly by allowing the run to the first D R. Find the position of the ship @ the second observation. STAGGERED PROBLEM • Course = 2430 (T) = S 630 W, • Distance = 43 miles • D’Lat = 19.5’S Dep = 38.3’W First DR Lat = 560 11’N DR Long = 0720 23.0’E Run D’Lat = 000 19.5’S D’Long = 0010 08.5’W 2nd DR Lat = 550 51.5’N DR Long =0710 14.5’E ( M’Lat = 56.00 Dep = 38.3’W D’Long = 68.5’W STAGGERED PROBLEM STAGGERED PROBLEM 2nd DR Lat = 550 51.5’N DR Long = 0710 14.5’E Run D’Lat = 000 01.3’N D’Long = 0000 12.5’W Fix Lat = 550 52.8’N Fix Long = 0710 02.0’E ( M’Lat = 55.90 Dep = 07.0’W, D’Long= 12.5’W) Using the Formulae, Dep/D’Long = Cos m’Lat) STAGGERED PROBLEM • Q6. Vessel steering a course of 3340 (T) @ 15knots. At 0300hrs, New Mangalore (120 48’N 0740 54’E) B0RE 0900 (T) 40M off. At 0600hrs the following observation were made: TIME BODY AZIMUTH RESULT 0600 BETELGEUS 0800(T) INT. 2M TOWARDS 0600 POLARIS 0010(T) OBS. LAT. 13040’ N
Find the observed position @ 0600 hrs.
STAGGERED PROBLEM Course Distance D’Lat Dep (T) (M) N S E W N.M.- SHIP(W) 40M -- --- --- 40.0’ 3340 (T)=N260 W 45M 40.4’ --- ---- 19.7’ RESULTANT D’Lat =40.4’N Dep =59.7’W New Mangalore Lat= 120 48.0’N Long=0740 54’E Resultant D’Lat= 000 40.4’N D’Long=010 1.3’W DR Lat = 130 28.4’N DR Long=0730 52.7’E STAGGERED PROBLEM STAGGERED PROBLEM • PL-1: • DR Lat = 130 28.4’N, DR Long = 0730 52.7’E • Az : 0800 (T) Intercept 2’ Towards, • PL-1; 1700 (T) -------3500 (T) • PL-2: Posn :Obs. Lat =130 40.0’N DR Long=0730 52.7’E Azimuth: 0010 (T), PL : 0910 (T)-------2710 (T) STAGGERED PROBLEM • From Plot: • D’Lat = 0 • Dep = 0 • So, Fix Position : Lat : 130 40.0’N • Long : 0730 52.7’E STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Q7. In DR 33018’S 000012.6’W, a stellar observation gave an intercept of 4.2’ towards Az 2410(T). After steaming 0900(T) for 122M, another astronomical observation gave an Obs long of 002018.5’E bearing 1400(T). The EP used for working the second observation was obtained through the first ITP. Find the position of the ship at the second observation. STAGGERED NUMERICAL Intercept is towards so course = azimuth = 2410 = S610W COURSE(T) DIST N d‘lat S d’lat E dep W dep
2410 =S610 W 004.2 ------- 2.0 ---------- 3.7
0900 =N900 E 122.0 --------- -------- 122.0 --------
TOTAL -------- 2.0 122.0 3.7
-------- 0.0 -3.7
RESULTANT 2.0 118.3
STAGGERED NUMERICAL DR Lat= 330 18.0’S DR Long = 0000 12.6’W Res D’Lat = 000 02.0’S D’Long = 0020 21.5’E EP Lat = 330 20.0’S EP Long = 0020 08.9’E Obs Long= 0020 18.5’E D’Long = 0000 09.6’E ( Using m’lat = 33.30 & Dep = 118.3’E D’Long is 141.5’E Again using m’lat =33.30 and Dep = 08.0’E) STAGGERED NUMERICAL STAGGERED NUMERICAL • From Plot :- EP Lat = 330 20.0’S EP Long = 0020 08.9’E D’Lat = 000 04.6’S D’Long = 0000 03.0’E Fix Lat= 330 24.6’S Fix Long = 0020 11.9’E ( Using m’lat = 33.40 and Dep = 02.5’E we get, D’Long = 03.0’E) STAGGERED NUMERICAL Q8.In DR Lat 170 41.0’S Long 1790 50.0’E an intercept of 12.2’ Towards Az of 0810 (T) was obtained by stellar observation. Vessel then steered a course of 1240 (T) for a distance of 80M through a current setting 2210 (T) DRIFT 12M, when meridian altitude of Sun gave observed latitude of 0180 40’S. Find the position of the vessel @ the time of 2nd observation. STAGGERED NUMERICAL • DR Lat = 170 41’S DR Long = 1790 50’E • Stellar observation : Intercept 12.2’ Towards. • Azimuth = 0810 (T) • Vessel Course 1240 (T), Distance= 80M • Current = 2210 (T) Drift = 12M Course Distance D’Lat Dep N810 E 12.2M 1.9’N 12.0’E S 560 E 80.0M 44.7’S 66.3’E S 410 W 12.0M 9.1’S 7.9’W D’Lat = 51.9’S Dep= 70.4’E STAGALGERED NUMERIC DR Lat = 170 41.0’S DR Long = 1790 50.0’E D’Lat = 000 51.9’S D’Long = 0010 14.1’E EP Lat = 180 32.9’S EP Long = 1810 04.1’E = 3600 – 1810 04.1’ = 1780 55.9’W ( Using the formulae Dep/ D’Long =Cos m’lat, M’lat = 18.10 dep = 70.4’, D’Long =74.1’E) Meridian alt. of the Sun gave Obs. Lat= 180 40’S Therefore, D’Lat between EP Lat & Obs. Lat= 7.1’ STAGGERED NUMERICAL STAGGERED NUMERICAL • From Plot : • M’lat = 18.70 • Dep = 1.1’E • D’Long = 1.2’E • EP Long = 1780 55.9’W • D’Long = 0000 01.2’E Fix Long = 1780 54.7’W Position of the vessel @ the time of 2ndobservation: LAT= 180 40.0’N & LONG = 1780 54.7’W STAGGERED NUMERIAL Q9. An Observer on a ship heading 2050 (T) @ 16 knots obtained the following results from stellar observations. DR Position 350 27’N 0780 42’E was used in all calculations. Find the observed position @ 1830hrs. 1.1820hrs-- Az—1670 (T)- -Intercept 2.2’Towards 2. 1824hrs—Az—0810 (T)--Intercept 4.5’ Towards 3.1833hrs—AZ –2370 (T)- - Intercept 0.8’ Away. NOTE:- The above question has came in MMD EXAMINATION OCTOBER 2013, OCTOBER 2014, JULY 2017 and OCTOBER 2018. STAGGERED NUMERICAL STAGGERED NUMERICAL From Plot :- D’Lat = 3.5’S Dep = 4.2’E DR Lat = 350 27.0’N D’Lat = 000 03.5’S FIX Lat = 350 23.5’N DR Long =0780 42.0’E M’Lat =350 25.2’ D’Long = 0000 05.1E Dep =4.2’E FIX Long = 0780 47.1’E ( Dep/D’Long=Cos m’lat) STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Q10. In DR 360 48’S 1100 37’E, an Ex- meridian sight gave an Obs. Lat of 370 00’S and a PL of 1000 -2800 (T). After steaming 0000 (T) for 87M and 2700(T) for 101 M, an intercept of 7.2M away from Az 0860 (T) was obtained working from the earlier Obs. Lat. Find the position of the ship @ the second observation. STAGGERED NUMERICAL Course Distance D’Lat Dep (T) (M) N S E W N 87M 87.0 W 101M 101.0 Resultant D’Lat = 87.0’N Dep =101.0’W Obs. Lat = 370 00.0’S DR Long = 1100 37.0’E D’Lat = 010 27.0’N D’Long = 0020 05.4’W EP Lat = 350 33.0’S EP Long = 1080 31.6’E Using m’lat = 36.30 and dep = 101’W, we get d’long is 125.4’W. STAGGERED PROBLEM STAGGERED NUMERICAL • From Plot :- EP Lat = 350 33.0’S EP Long = 1080 31.6’E D’Lat = 000 01.3’N D’Long = 0000 09.0’W FIX Lat = 350 31.7’S Fix Long = 1080 22.6’E ( Using m’lat = 35.50 and Dep = 07.3’W, we get D’Long = 09.0’W) STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Q.11. Find the position of the vessel @ 1800hrs from the following observations :- • 1. At 1754hrs Star ‘X’, Az 1250 (T) x 5’ Towards. • 2. At 1812hrs Star ‘Y’, Az 1750 (T)x 3’ Away. DR used for both the observations 300 N 0300 E Course 2050 (T) x 12 knots. This question has came in MMD Examination April 2016 and October 2017. STAGGERED NUMERICAL • (i) Transfer the position from 1754 to 1800 hrs • i.e. 6 minutes later, 6x12/60 =1.2miles • (ii) Transfer the position from 1812 to 1800hrs • i.e. 12 minutes earlier, so take the course in the reverse way. 12x 12/60 = 2.4 miles. STAGGERED NUMERICAL STAGGERED NUMERICAL • From Plot:- • D’Lat = 05.0’N • Dep = 10.4’E DR Lat = 300 00.0’N DR Long = 0300 00.0’E D’Lat = 000 05.0’N D’Long = 0000 12.0’E Fix Lat = 300 05.0’N Fix Long = 0300 12.0’E (Using Dep/ D’Long = Cos m’Lat, where Dep = 10.4’E, M’Lat = 300 02.5’) STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Q12. 0n March 1992, PM @ a ship in DR Longitude 0700 45’W, the following simultaneous observations were made:- • First observation : Sextant Meridian altitude of Star Vega North of observer was found to be 510 11.2’. Height of eye 15m, Index Error 0.4’ off the arc. • Second observation: Sextant altitude of Moon’s LL using the same sextant was 170 48’ @ GMT 23h 10m 30s. Find the position of the vessel. STAGGERED NUMERICAL • First observation Star ‘VAGA’ : • Sext. Alt. = 510 11.2’ • IE (off) = (+) 0.4’ • Obs. alt = 510 11.6’ • Dip (15m)= (-) 06.8’ • App. Alt = 510 04.8’ • Tol. Corrn = (-) 0.8’ • True alt = 510 04.0’N • MZD = 380 56.0’S • Dec = 380 46.3’N • Obs Lat = 000 09.7’ S • DR Long = 0700 45’ W STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Second observation ‘Moon’ :- • Sext alt = 170 48.0’ • IE (off)= (+) 00.4’ • Obs.alt = 170 48.4’ Dip (15m) = (-) 06.8’ App. Alt = 170 41.6’ Tol. Corr = 000 62.6’ HP(55.7) = 000 02.6’ True alt = 180 46.8’ STAGGERED NUMERCAL • GHA (Moon) = 1380 58.4’ • Incr. = (+) 20 30.3’ • ‘V’ Corr. = (+) 00 02.5’ Corrected GHA = 1410 31.2’ Long (W) = 0700 45.0’ LHA (MOON) = 0700 46.2’ Dec = 100 08.1’N D (120 ) = (+) 02.1’ Dec = 100 10.2’ STAGGERED NUMERICAL • Solving by Long by Chron method:- Cos P=(SinTalt± SinLat.Sin Dec)/CosLatCosDec = (Sin180 46.8’+Sin000 09.7’Sin100 10.2’)/Cos000 09.7’Cos100 10.2’ P = 700 52.9’ LHA = 700 52.9’ GHA = 1410 31.2’ Obs. Long = 700 38.3’W Position of the vessel is 000 09.7’S 0700 38.3’W