Week 1 Lessson 1 - Scratch Programming
Week 1 Lessson 1 - Scratch Programming
Week 1 Lessson 1 - Scratch Programming
What is Scratch
The Stage
Programming Palette
• The stage is similar to a stage in a play. This is
Stage where everything will take place and the stage can
have different backgrounds.
• These are the actors or main characters of
Sprites the project. Sprites are programmed to do
something in Scratch
The script tells the actors what to say or do.
Script Each Sprite is programmed with a script.
Programming • These are the elements used to program the
sprite to do or say something. Sprites must be
Palette programmed to carry out every function you want
them to perform.
Programming a Sprite
Looks blocks fall under the purple category of There are several blocks to control what you
the programming palette. SEE the sprite say or how the sprite looks.
Sound Blocks
• Sound blocks fall under the fuchsia category and allow you to program
the sprite to produce sounds or words you can hear. Click on the
“Sounds” tab beside the word “Costumes,” to import or record a new
sound. Click Sounds Import and then double click on one of the folders
(animal, effects, human, etc.).
There a three Paint a new sprite - allows you to
use the paint editor to create your
ways to very own sprite.
choose a new
sprite: paint, New Sprite – allows you to choose
import or use from sprites that are available in
a “mystery”
Mystery Sprite – Scratch will
choose a random sprite for you
• To choose a new background click on the
thumbnail that says stage. A blue line will
appear around the box. Next, click on the
“Backgrounds” tab beside the word “Script.”
You can paint or import a background. If your
computer has a webcam, you can also take a
picture for the background
Choosing A • Painting your own background – Click paint