DipIFR Approach To Teaching and Learning
DipIFR Approach To Teaching and Learning
DipIFR Approach To Teaching and Learning
Name Examiner
Dateon approaches to
Teaching and Learning
Objective of the Dip IFR and syllabus overview
• Take full advantage of the exam structure - Q1 is still core albeit with less
marks allocated than before
• Time management skills – explain and train
• Practice the application of theory (how some issues are to be accounted
for, where they are to be reported, how the information should be disclosed,
what is the framework for presentation etc)
• Preparation of the relevant extracts from financial statements
• Relevant explanations are vital
• Complicated elements of a question need to be appropriately dealt with
• Candidates need to have a strategic approach to exams
• Refer students to the DipIFR resources (including technical articles)
available on the ACCA website
• Mock exams are key for future success