Female Reproductive System

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Female Reproductive

The organs of the female reproductive
system produce and sustain the female sex
cells (egg cells or ova), transport these cells
to a site where they may be fertilized by
sperm, provide a favorable environment for
the developing fetus, move the fetus to the
outside at the end of the development period,
and produce the female sex hormones.
What to discuss?.......

Genital Tract
External Genitalia
Female Sexual Response and Hormonal
Mammary Glands
The primary female reproductive organs, or gonads, are
the two ovaries.

Each ovary is a solid, ovoid structure about

the size and shape of an almond, about 3.5
cm in length, 2 cm wide, and 1 cm thick.
They are held loosely in place by peritoneal ligaments.

Each ovary is filled, already at birth, with egg-containing

sacs called follicles. Each egg is called an ovum.
Female sex cells, or gametes, develop in the
ovaries by a form of meiosis called oogenesis.

Each ovary is a solid, ovoid structure about

the size and shape of an almond, about 3.5
cm in length, 2 cm wide, and 1 cm thick.
They are held loosely in place by peritoneal ligaments.

Each ovary is filled, already at birth, with egg-containing

sacs called follicles. Each egg is called an ovum.
Genital Tract

Falliopan tube

The end of the tube near the ovary expands to

form a funnel-shaped infundibulum, which is
surrounded by fingerlike extensions called

At the time of ovulation, the fimbriae increase

their activity and create currents in the
peritoneal fluid that help propel the oocyte
into the Fallopian tube

Once inside the Fallopian tube, the oocyte is moved along by the rhythmic beating of
cilia on the epithelial lining and by peristaltic action of the smooth muscle in the wall of
the tube.
The uterus is a muscular organ that receives the fertilized oocyte and provides an appropriate
environment for the developing fetus.
Before the first pregnancy, the uterus is about the size and shape of a pear,

With the narrow portion directed inferiorly. After childbirth, the uterus is usually larger, then regresses after menopause.
The uterus is lined with the endometrium.
The stratum functionale of the endometrium
sloughs off during menstruation. The deeper
stratum basale provides the foundation for
rebuilding the stratum functionale.

The uterus is a hollow, muscular, pear-

shaped organ about the size of a woman’s
clenched fist.
The uterus is supported and held in position by a number of ligaments.
UTERUS 3 layers of Uterus
UTERUS The uterus has 3 functions:

1.The endometrium sheds the lining of the

uterus every 21 to 40 days by menstruation
2. It provides a place for the protection and
nourishment of the fetus during pregnancy.
3. It contracts during labor to expel the fetus

The vagina extends from the cervix to the

outside of the body. It is a 3 ½ inch long muscular
tube that expands in length and width during
sexual arousal.

The vagina is the female organ for copulation

(sexual intercourse), receiving the seminal fluid
from the male penis. It is also a passageway for
menstruation or the birth of a fetus.
The vulva is 5 organs making up the external
genitalia of the female:
1. Mons pubis: triangular-shaped pad of fatty tissue over the
pubis bone, covered with pubic hair
2. Labia majora: 2 large folds of adipose tissue on the sides
of the vaginal opening
3. Labia minora: 2 smaller folds of adipose tissue on the
inside of the labia majora
4. Vestibule: area between labia with openings for the vagina,
urethra, and two excretory ducts for Bartholin’s glands
(provide lubricant)
5. Clitoris: sensitive fold of tissue partially covered by hood

The perineum is the area located

between the vaginal opening and the
anus. It is a muscular sheet that can be
torn during childbirth.

Some doctors avoid uncontrolled tearing

of the perineum by making a surgical
incision called an episiotomy.
Female Sexual Response & Hormone

The female sexual response includes

arousal and orgasm, but there is no
ejaculation. A woman may become pregnant
without having an orgasm.
Female Sexual Response & Hormone Control

Follicle-stimulating hormone- A hormone

produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary
gland which stimulates the development of
ovarian follicles which secrete estrogen in the
female. In the male, this hormone stimulates the
development of the seminiferous tubules and
promotes spermatogenesis.
Female Sexual Response & Hormone Control

Luteinizing hormone- a hormone secreted by the anterior

pituitary gland that stimulates ovulation in females and the
synthesis of androgen in males.

Estrogen- A type of hormone made by the body that helps

develop and maintain female sex characteristics and the
growth of long bones.

Progesterone- A type of hormone made by the body that

plays a role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

The breasts are the mammary glands,

varying in size according to age,
heredity, and the amount of fatty
tissue present. Each breast has 15-20
glandular lobes separated by
connective tissue. After childbirth,
the pituitary gland stimulates these
lobules with the hormone prolactin… and they produce milk.

The dark-colored circle at the tip of

the breast is called the areola
(ah REE ah lah). It contains sebaceous
glands to keep the skin conditioned.
In the center is the nipple, where
ducts from the lobules open. The first
secretion from the breast is not a true
milk, but a thin yellowish substance called ________

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