Wali - Hip Hop Festival - Slides
Wali - Hip Hop Festival - Slides
Wali - Hip Hop Festival - Slides
➔ Expression of Empowerment
Hip hop provides a creative outlet for young people
to express their thoughts, experiences, and
emotions. Through rap lyrics, dance, graffiti, and
other elements of hip hop culture, youth can voice
their perspectives and find empowerment in their
own stories.
➔ Community Engagement
Hip hop has the ability to bring people together,
fostering a sense of community and unity. Youth
can engage in hip hop events, such as concerts,
workshops, and open mic nights, where they can
connect with like-minded individuals, share their
talents, and build supportive networks.
➔ Education and Skill Development
Hip hop can be an educational tool for teaching
various skills. Programs that incorporate hip hop
into formal education or community-based
initiatives can help young people develop their
writing, critical thinking, and public speaking
abilities. Additionally, hip hop production and
DJing can teach technical skills related to music
production and audio engineering.
➔ Internal
Internal peace is called by another word ‘inner
peace‘ is peace of mind or soul.
➔ External
External peace is peace that occurs in society,
nations and the world
Internal Peace.
It is a state of calm, serenity and tranquility of mind
that arise due to having no sufferings or mental
disturbances such as worry, anxiety, greed, desire,
hatred, ill-will ,delusion and/or other defilements.
Internal peace is peace within oneself; it is derived
from practicing or training of mind of an individual.
Internal peace is stressed in the field of religion,
Sometimes, a man can especially religions in the East. In the view of
create and maintain his religions, this type of peace can be reached by means
inner peace in the noisy of prayer, meditation, wisdom and other ways.
surrounding or in the Internal peace is essential; it is generally regarded as
un-peaceful society. true peace and as a real foundation of peace in
society or peace in the world.
External Peace.
It is a normal state of society, countries and the world
and it is a state of peaceful and happy co-existence of
people as well as nature. External peace, in order to
see it clearly, can be described in its negative and
positive sense as follows; negative sense: the absence
of war, hostility, agitation, social disorder,
disturbances, social injustice, social inequality,
Herein, external peace violence, violation of human rights, riot, terrorism,
is the absence of all ecological imbalance, etc., positive sense: a state of
social evils as well as social harmony, social justice, social equality,
the presence of all friendship or friendly relation, concord, public order
social virtues. and security, respect for human rights and ecological
balance, etc.
Sum up
Internal peace and external peace are
interrelated. Both are interdependent and
help support each other.
Internal peace represents individual‘s Internal peace is the core, the
essence and the firm
peace while external peace represents foundation of external peace.
Alon Biran, What Are You Doing to Your Body?: 13 Simple Changes
Can Make the Rest of Your Life, (USA, 2009), p. 74. 17