Domestic Problems and Polices (Unemployment and Education and Development)

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refers to a situation where
a person actively searches
for employment but is
unable to find work.
Unemployment is
considered to be a key
measure of the health of
the economy.
Types of Unemployment
Unemployment—both voluntary and
When unemployment is voluntary, it
means that a person left their job
willingly in search of other employment.
When it is involuntary, it means that a
person was fired or laid off and must now
look for another job.
Categories of Unemployment
Frictional Unemployment
This type of unemployment is usually
short-lived. It occurs when people
voluntarily change jobs.
Is the
Is thevariation
variation in the
in the number
number of unemployed
of unemployed workers workers over
over the course
courseupturns and downturns,
of economic upturns such as those
and related tosuch
downturns, changes
in oil price.
those relatedUnemployment
to changes in rises
oil during
price. recessionary
declines during periods of
during recessionary economic
periods andgrowth.
declines during periods of
economic growth.
It comes about through a
technological change in the
structure of the economy in which
labor markets operate.
Technological changes can lead to
unemployment among workers
displaced from jobs that are no
longer needed.
Causes of Unemployment

Over population
Over production
of labor force
Inability to take
on available jobs
When a country becomes
overpopulated, it gives rise to
unemployment as there are fewer
jobs to support a large number of
OVERPOPULATION people. The rise in unemployment
gives rise to crime, such as theft,
as people want to feed their
families and provide them basic
amenities of life.
For example, Philippines is producing too many
nursing graduates, to a point that supply of nursing
graduates exceeds its effective demand. This can be
seen by the fact that there are 2,000 nursing schools
with an annual total enrollment of over 420,000
students, yet hospitals can only absorb less than 5,000
nurses each year while overseas opportunities are very
This has resulted in around 400,000 licensed nurses
who are not gainfully employed, with 80,000 board-
passers joining the ranks each year. As shown in this
case, the direct result of inefficient allocation of human
resources leads to high unemployment rates as a
particular job market is unable to support the huge
supply of the population. Therefore, college graduates
with the appropriate degrees are unable to find work
consistent with their course.
One of the most prominent factors
contributing to unemployed people in the
Philippines is a deficiency in essential skills
and abilities. It is not necessarily your fault
if you are unable to find employment
INABILITY TO TAKE because your skills do not match what
ON AVAILABLE JOBS employers need; rather, it is a sign that
you lack adequate education or training
for a certain role. If you are unable to find
employment because your skills do not
match what employers need, it is not your
Measures in Solving Unemployment
To solve the unemployment problem, a
production technique focusing on the needs and
Change in Industrial means of the country should be adopted.
Technique: Capital-intensive technology should be replaced
by labor-intensive technology.

As agro-based and agriculture sectors provide only

Dealing with seasonal seasonal employment. Measures like multi-
unemployment: cropping, animal husbandry, horticulture,
plantation, and horticulture should be adopted.
Measures in Solving Unemployment
There is a need to change the present education system.
Changes in the It should emphasize vocational education rather than
Education system: imparting static knowledge. Colleges and universities
should be available to students who wish to pursue
higher education.

Self-Employment Assistance is an employment

Assistance on program that provides financial and entrepreneurial
assistance to eligible individuals to help them create
jobs for themselves by starting a business.
Measures in Solving Unemployment
Introduction of new
The government should take the initiative to
governmental increase labor productivity and develop better
measure: employment opportunities for all.

Population is one of the major concerns associated

with the unemployment rate. Therefore, the
Population Control: population rate must be checked, especially in rural
areas where birth control methods and family
planning considerations must be discussed more.
Government Intervention
Self-Employment Assistant – Kaunlaran (SEA-K)
Program Description: SEA-K Program is a capability building program
of the DSWD and local government units which aims to enhance the
socio-economic skills of poor families through the organization of
community-based associations for entrepreneurial development.
Program Objectives:
* To enhance the socio-economic skills of poor families through the
organization of community-based associations for
entrepreneurial development.
Other Programs…
• Through the Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES),
the DOLE provides short-term employment to poor but deserving
students and out-of-school youth.
• The Community-Based Employment Program (CBEP), which the
DOLE monitors, is a short-term employment program for workers in
distress and displaced by calamities and natural disasters.
• The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
a DOLE attached agency, is helping bridge workers to employment
Education and
Across the years our educational system has been rocked
by controversies which have remained unabated up to this
day. Amidst the welter of issues, two of them have
managed to stand out in importance: quality and relevance.
The major difficulty in education in the Philippines is the
short-sighted policy of sacrificing the quality and quantity
of education for reasons of economy.
6 Key Issues And Problems Of Philippine
1. Deteriorating quality of education
It is uncommon to hear college teachers decry the
quality of students that come to them. They lament the
students’ inability to construct a correct sentence, much
less a paragraph. Private schools have been assailed as
profit-making institutions turning out half-baked
graduates who later become part of the nation’s
educated unemployed. All these are indications of the
poor quality of education.
2. Colonial, feudal, imperial, commercial, and
elitist orientation in Philippine education

A rather sweeping indictment is that the Philippine

educational system has been and still is basically American in
orientation and objectives. Even now, despite years of
independence, our educational system has not succeeded in
eliminating the chronic colonial mentality which abounds like
a mental blight within or without the academe. At present,
quality education is financial-capacity based, making higher
education more of a privilege rather than a right.
3. Shortage of school buildings, textbooks
and equipment
• Since 1960, elementary enrolment has been expanding at the rapid
rate of 4% a year owing to increase in the number of children and
in the enrolment ratio.
• The shortages of classrooms and textbooks are particularly severe.
The nationwide classroom shortage is estimated to be 40,000 and
the DECS (now DepEd) operates two shifts in many schools. The
textbook problem is even more serious. A survey done in
preparation for a World Bank education loan found that the pupil-
textbook ration in the public elementary schools is 10:1 and 79%
of the textbooks are more than 5 years old. This situation has
persisted for many years.
According to data in DepEd’s BER, which laid
down the agency's priorities and issues to resolve,
only around 104,000 out of 328,000 education
facilities (or one out of three) are still in good
4. Overworked and underpaid teaching
• Teaching has often been referred to as the “most notable of all
professions.” To many teachers, however, the noble image of
their profession has been transformed into an illusion. Over the
last three decades, we have come to think of the Filipino teachers
as overworked and underpaid professionals.
• The fact that teachers are paid subsistence wages is only half of
their sad story. Their daily bout with dilapidated classrooms,
overcrowded classes, and lack of teaching materials, among
others, make the teachers hardly rewarded work even more
5. Mismatch
The major problem of the tertiary level is the large proportion
of the so called “mismatch” between training and actual jobs,
as well as the existence of a large group of educated
unemployed or underemployed. The literature points out that
this could be the result of a rational response to a dual labor
market where one sector is import-substituting and highly-
protected with low wages. Graduates may choose to “wait it
out” until a job opportunity in the high paying sector comes.
6. Globalization issue in education
• It is in the educational sector where the concept of globalization is
further refined and disseminated. It comes in varied forms as “global
competitiveness,” “the information highway,” “the Third Wave
Theory,” “post modern society,” “the end of history,” and “borderless
• The so-called Philippines 2000 was launched by the Philippine
government to promote “global competitiveness,” Philippine
Education 2000 carried it to effect through training of more skilled
workers and surplus Filipino human power for foreign corporations to
reduce their cost of production.
Policies in Education and Development
The Philippines | Education
Education reform in the Philippines aims for better quality and more
K-12 Implementation
• K-12 education is the foundation of a student's
academic career. It provides the basic knowledge and
skills necessary for success in college and the
• K-12 education also plays an important role in
developing responsible citizens and preparing young
people for the challenges of adulthood.
The Philippines | Education
Education reform in the Philippines aims for better quality and more
10-Point Plan
As well as K-12, the 10 fixes included pre-schooling for all,
technical-vocational training as an alternative in senior high
school, working with local governments to build new schools,
proficiency in science and maths, and working with private
schools as “essential partners” in basic education. The plan is
to expand the Government Assistance to Students and
Teachers in Private Education, supporting as many as 1m
students at private high schools through the Education Service
Contracting Scheme.
The Philippines | Education
Education reform in the Philippines aims for better quality and more
Education For All
In 2015 the Education for All (EFA) initiative
included provisions to ensure all Filipinos were
able to achieve what UNESCO calls “functional
literacy”, the ability to read, write and do
calculations at a level that is sufficient for the
country in which a particular person lives.
The Philippines | Education
Education reform in the Philippines aims for better quality and more
Education For All
Further supporting the K-12 reform, the government
set four key objectives for the EFA initiative: providing
education options for all out-of-school adults and young
people; eliminating drop-outs and repetition during the
first three years of school; encouraging the completion
of a full cycle of basic schooling to a satisfactory level
at every grade by all Filipino children; and committing
to the attainment of basic education competencies for
Other reforms…
• Early encouragement
• Raising standards
• Regional inequalities
• Allocation of funds
• Meeting National Needs
• Higher Education
• Quality of Instruction

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