Flow Enhancement - Part 2.2 Matrix Acidizing of Carbonates
Flow Enhancement - Part 2.2 Matrix Acidizing of Carbonates
Flow Enhancement - Part 2.2 Matrix Acidizing of Carbonates
• Part 2.1
• Introduction
• Candidate Selection
• Matrix Acidizing of Sandstones
• Part 2.2
• Matrix Acidizing of Carbonates
• Part 2.3
• Non-acid Treatments & Additives
• Part 2.4
• Placement/Diversion Techniques
• Lab Experiments
• Part 2.5
• STIM2001 Tool
• Whereas the purpose of sandstone acidizing is to dissolve the damage, the primary objective of
matrix acidizing in carbonates is to dissolve the matrix, but most of all, to bypass damage, by
creating wormholes and thus to increase the effective wellbore radius and its average effective
• The formation is therefore actually stimulated (unlike in sandstone reservoirs), and the skin
value is decreased, often to negative values.
• Carbonate acidizing with HCl only (so without HF), is not complicated by a tendency for
precipitates to form, as is the case for sandstone acidizing.
• The reaction products CaCl2, MgCl2 (dolomites) & CO2 are quite water-soluble. Therefore, the
formation of a precipitate or a separate CO2-rich phase is generally not a problem.
• However, despite the simplified chemistry, HCl acidizing of carbonates is a difficult process to
• The reason for this is the high rate at which the reactions take place as compared with that of
HF with the various minerals prevalent in sandstones.
• Carbonate rocks have been created by
chemical and biological processes in a
water environment.
• Dissolved carbonates can re-precipitate
when mixed with other waters.
• Marine life often plays an important role
in creating carbonate rocks (shells,
skeletons, etc.).
• Subsequent reactions cause re-
crystallisation. This is instrumental in
the formation of dolomite, for instance.
• The presence of iron may then result in
Classification of carbonates
the formation of siderite (FeCO3).
• Limestones are composed of more than 50% carbonate minerals; of these, 50% or more
consist of calcite and/or aragonite, which are both CaCO3.
• A small admixture of clay particles or organic matter imparts a gray color to dolomites,
which may be white, gray, yellowish or blue in color.
• Dolomites are rocks, which contain more than 50% of the minerals dolomite [CaMg(CO 3)2]
and calcite (plus aragonite), with dolomite being more dominant.
• Dolomitisation of carbonate rock, i.e. the replacement of calcite by dolomite, involves a
contraction (an increase in porosity) of about 10-12%, if the reaction proceeds as follows:
2 CaCO3 + Mg++ → CaMg(CO3)2 + Ca++
• However, subsequent precipitation of carbonates in pores may also destroy (part of) the
porosity formed as a result of dolomitisation.
• Porosity of carbonates is of a different nature than the intergranular porosity of sandstones.
• Primary porosity in limestones includes openings between the individual constituent particles
of detrital carbonate rock and openings within the skeletal and protective structures of
invertebrates and within the tissue of algae.
• Secondary porosity in carbonate rocks includes fractures due to contraction of sediment during
consolidation or because of mineralogical changes, or resulting from crustal movements, from
leaching in general, or intercrystalline pores produced by dolomitisation.
• Well-defined porosity/permeability relationships generally do not exist for carbonate reservoirs.
• This is mostly due to the different nature of porosity and permeability in carbonates (e.g. vuggy,
fractured porosity vs. intergranular porosity in sandstones).
• Moreover, although the permeability of many limestone and dolomite reservoirs is very low,
their productivity is often considerably higher than one would expect from the permeability of
cores, because of the fractured nature of many of these rocks.
Acids used
• Although a wide variety of carbonates is found in nature, their reaction with HCl – and other,
organic acids – is governed by a simple ionic reaction:
• Apart from the possible formation of ferric hydroxide (due to the pick-up of iron from the
tubing) there are no complicating precipitation reactions, as is the case with sandstones.
• The common acids used to stimulate carbonate formations are:
• Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
• Acetic acid (CH3COOH)
• Formic acid (HCOOH)
• Acid concentration
• The initial reaction rate of HCl with carbonate rock is nearly proportional with acid concentration up to about
• Above 20%, the increase is less, reaching a maximum at around 25%, above which the rate actually decreases
due to the large volumes of CaCl2 and CO2 generated in solution.
• Area/volume ratio
• The spending rate of acid is proportional to the surface area that comes in contact with a given volume of acid.
This area/vol. ratio is inversely proportional to the pore channel diameter or fracture width.
• With an extremely large surface area of rock matrix having small diameter channels and narrow-width fractures,
the reaction time of acid is very short (matter of seconds).
• It is therefore very difficult to achieve deep penetration of live acid in matrix stimulation treatments.
• In natural fractures, or in a wellbore, acid will have an extended reaction time because of the limited surface
area for reaction.
• Acid type
• HCl acid will react fast, with usually little acid penetration into the formation.
• Weak acids, such as acetic acid and formic acid, react (much) slower and are a good alternative in e.g. high-
temperature wells, where HCl acid spends too rapidly.
Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V. Footer 12
• Wormholing depends mainly on
three processes:
• surface reaction rate, which
determines how fast the acid
reacts with rock surface,
• acid diffusion rate, which
determines the rate at which
acid travels from the bulk of the
fluid to the rock surface,
• acid injection rate into the
• Hydrochloric acid
• HCl is the acid of choice in carbonate acidizing.
• The strength of the acid (15-28%) is primarily determined by the bottomhole
• At temperatures higher than 150 °C, HCl is usually precluded because of
excessive corrosion, and organic acids are recommended.
• In most matrix treatments of carbonates, the acid is (lightly) gelled to improve
zonal coverage of the acid, to retard the acid reaction rate, and to improve its
fines-suspending properties.
• Organic acids
• Organic acids are used instead of HCl when high bottomhole temperatures
prevent efficient protection against corrosion, or for conditions where prolonged
reaction times are required.
• Gelled acids
• Gelled acids were developed primarily for acid fracturing, but they have also
found application in matrix acidizing.
• Acid viscosified with polymers is of particular interest for long horizontal wells,
since an enhanced zonal coverage over the wellbore interval is achieved.
• Gelled acids are also used in fissured or vugular formations with low primary
• The viscosity of the acid will keep it in the main flow channel, where most of the
damage is located.
• However, a potential problem with polymer gelling agents is filtercake formation.
• Emulsions
• Acid-internal emulsions are obtained by mixing acid with a produced crude or
refined-oil base fluid, in the presence of a surfactant.
• Emulsified HCl, like gelled HCl, is a retarded acid system, since the acid
diffusion rate is decreased, thus retarding the overall acid spending rate.
• Emulsified acids are effective stimulation fluids at low rates, and their main
advantage is a deep penetration, particularly in heterogeneous carbonate
formations with zones of low injectivity.
• The high viscosity improves wellbore coverage, through a self-diverting effect.
• Foams
• Foam can be injected as a spacer between treatment stages (multi-stage process)
or, alternatively, part or all (one-stage process) of the acid can be injected as
• Foamed acids are operationally and logistically more complex to use than
polymer-viscosified acids.
• They require extra equipment and a liquid nitrogen supply.
• Lab experiments may help to find the optimum fluid composition & soaking times.
• In some cases it can be considered to use gelling agents during wellbore cleanouts, to
help transport fines out of the wellbore.
• If the BHT is very high, i.e. between 150 and 200 °C, corrosion concerns are the
primary design parameters, and due to the inability to provide long-term corrosion
protection, a 15% HCl or 9% formic acid is recommended.
• If the BHT is extremely high, i.e. > 200 °C, HCl acid is precluded, and organic
(acetic) acids must be used.
• Even in cases where HCl can be adequately inhibited, the high cost of inhibitors
may lead to the selection of a weaker acid blend.
• Moreover, high corrosion inhibitor loadings can actually be damaging to the
• Below 150 °C, 15 to 28% HCl can be used.
• If the formation has very low reactivity, as is the case of cold dolomites, the more
aggressive 28% HCl is preferred, provided corrosion of tubulars is not a problem.
• Compatibility testing of the acid system with the reservoir fluids is very important.
• The concern is highest in heavier crudes or any crude that displays sludging or
emulsification problems.
• In that respect, strong acids cause more problems than weaker ones.
• Limiting the HCl concentration to 20% is effective in many cases.
• The use of organic acids, an appropriate additive package, or a solvent preflush may be
required to prevent acid sludge or emulsification.
• Compatibility with the formation rock addresses the acid reaction rate & rock dissolution.
• If too much rock is dissolved, e.g. in high-porosity chalks, which could cause rock failure, a
weaker acid solution (10-15% HCl) is preferred.
• Hard, dense, low-porosity dolomites would require a stronger acid solution (20-28% HCl).
• In fissured reservoirs damaged by silt and clay, a silt/mud remover treatment, consisting of a
blend of 7.5 to 15% inhibited HCl and special clay dispersing, suspending and chelating
agents, is recommended.
• Apart from small treatments to remove near-wellbore damage, whereby neat HCl
acid (with necessary additives) can be used, in most carbonate matrix treatments
the acid is (lightly) gelled.
• This is done to improve zonal coverage of the acid, to retard the acid reaction rate,
or to improve its fines-suspending properties.
• Some relevant aspects of the various acid systems are discussed below:
• Lightly gelled acids
• Various strengths of HCl with low concentrations of gellant (< 0.5%) for friction
• Gelling provides a viscosity of 1-3 cp at ambient temperatures.
• These systems are applicable for high-rate matrix treatments.
Volume Requirements
• In vertical wells, matrix acidizing treatments can vary in volume from 10-25 gal/ft
(0.12-0.3 m3/m) to as much as 500-750 gal/ft (1.2-1.8 m3/m).
• The treatment volume is generally based on the contact time required for the acid to
dissolve a given amount of rock.
• In low-temperature dolomites, at least 15 minutes of contact time is required.
• In higher-reactivity formations, contact times of 5 minutes may be acceptable.
• The volume of a given treatment stage is simply the product of the contact time and
the pump rate.
• In horizontal wells, the above numbers may lead to excessive amounts of fluid.
• Much lower acid volumes of 0.5 m3/m have been used successfully in the North Sea
and the Middle East, also in conjunction with coiled tubing jetting technology.
Placement/Diversion Techniques
• In carbonate reservoirs, in principle, five main diversion techniques can be used to
improve fluid placement, viz. packers, ballsealers, coiled tubing, chemical diverters
(i.e. benzoic acid, rock salt, polymer systems, wax beads), foam diversion and self-
diverting acid.
• In horizontal wells, the use of mechanical placement techniques, such as packers
and ballsealers, is limited due to the length and nature of the completion (open hole).
• As to the use of chemical diverters, the amounts of material required to treat a very
long section render such diversion method in general uneconomical.
• Moreover, difficulties may arise in transporting the particulate diverters at low
injection rates.
• Therefore, the use of particulates for diversion in horizontal wells in carbonates has
decreased, in favour of foam and temporarily crosslinked acid.