Green Buildings: Leed: Group 8
Green Buildings: Leed: Group 8
Green Buildings: Leed: Group 8
Introduction LEED USGBC Green Buildings in India IGBC GRIHA ECBC
Prevention of erosion of soil Use of renewable energy Landscapes to reduce heat Reuse of waste water Reduction in use of potable water
LEED: An Introduction
Developed by US Green Building Council Internationally recognized green building certification system Provides concise framework to identify and implement practical, measurable green building design, construction, operations maintenance solutions Applicable to commercial and residential buildings
A national nonprofit organization A diverse membership of organizations Consensus-driven
USGBCs MISSION: To promote the design and construction of buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. The organizations activities
o Integrate building industry sectors
Activities Of USGBC
Education Government Lobbying Revising Standards Green Schools
IT Parks Offices Banks Hospitals Airport Convention centers Educational Institutions Hotels Residential
Heat Reclaim System - Higher efficiency than conventional systems Day Lighting - Healing benefits for patients Patient Recovery Faster - Based on research
Energy consumption depends on Local climate, Density of occupancy, Occupancy schedule, Orientation of the building, Internal loads
About IGBC
IGBC Services: IGBC is facilitating the green building movement through the following services:
Certification of Green Buildings in India IGBC AP examination Green Building workshops & training programs Green Building missions Green Building Congress - India's flagship event on green buildings
Today 720
India @ 75 1,00,000
Green building footprint (Sft.) 442 Million No. of Green Building Accredited professionals
5 Billion
Acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment Rating tool to assess the performance of their building against benchmarks Minimize a buildings resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact To quantify aspects such as energy consumption, waste generation, renewable energy adoption
Scope of ECBC
Building Envelope Interior and Exterior lightening Mechanical Systems (HVAC) Service Water Heating
Implementation Plan
The code would be implemented in near future The energy conservation awards scheme State and Municipal implementing agencies Design Manuals, Software and provide training Awareness programs for building owners, designers and users
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