Q4 - W1 Health 6
Q4 - W1 Health 6
Q4 - W1 Health 6
Manage time
and money
health careers
Get information
about health Have responsible
products and their choices about
effects to health health care
through technology providers and
What are your rights
as a consumer?
What are the rights of the consumer?
• The right to choose.
• The right to be heard.
• The right to safety.
• The right to be informed.
• The right to satisfaction of basic needs.
• The right to redress or remedy.
• The right to consumer education.
• The right to environmental health.
• The right to ask for a receipt.
Consumer Health
• It is not about buying health
products and services.
• It includes the information and understanding the
facts about a certain product to be able to make
wise choices.
• Health information, health products and health
services are the components of consumer health.
Activity 1
• The class will be grouped
into 3 (Health Information,
Health Products and Health Services)
Each group will discuss what are each
components and then think of a way to protect the
consumers .
First Component: Health Product
• It can also save money and time and can safeguard the health
Third Component:
Health Services
Goal: To create a play that will show the different things that should do being right
Performance / play that will show the different things being right consumer.