It is also a form a
state as a well society. It is closely associated with participation,
competition and civil and political liberties. It is order of society.
• Democracy is defined as a form of government in which the supreme
power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or
indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic
free elections.
MacIver : Democracy is a form of state is merely a mode of
appointing, controlling and dismissing a government
• The fruits of economic development must reach all and especially to the poor and
the deprived sections of the society .
A democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have
a fair chance of losing.
In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
A democratic government rules within limits sets by constitutional law and citizen’s right.
The opposition parties are allowed to function freely before and after the elections.
There have been free and fair periodic elections for all political
offices from the panchayats to the President.
There has been smooth transfer of political power from one political
party or set of political parties to others, both at national and state
levels on many occasions.
India is a very large country full of diversities –
linguistically , culturally, religiously. At the time of independence it was economically
Yet, there are various challenges that the country faces in terms of fulfillment of
expectations of various sections of society.
The challenges come both from prevailing domestic and international conditions as well as
lack of adequate prerequisites for a smooth functioning of democracy.
Corruption in public life has been a major concern in India. In 2011, India was ranked 95(183
countries) defined as corrupt in Transparency International’ s Corruption Perceptions Index
In fact, corruption is rampant in all walks of life, be it land and property , health, education,
commerce and industry, agriculture, transport, police, armed forces, even religious institutions
or so-called places of spiritual pursuits.
Corruption continues to exist in covert and overt ways at all three levels - political,
bureaucratic and corporate sector.
One can see the relation between the politicians, the bureaucrats and the industrialists which
has resulted into corruption and corrupt practices. The corruption have affected all organs of
government, including the judiciary.
in nature.
Equality of Opportunity (Definition) :
Equality of opportunity is a political ideal that is opposed to caste hierarchy but not to