Lec 08 Sorting in Linear Time

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Sorting in Linear Time

8.1 Lower bound for sorting
The decision tree model

 

a2:a3 a1:a3

   

<a1,a2,a3> a1:a3 <a2,a1,a3> a2:a3

   

<a1,a3,a2> <a3,a1,a2> <a2,a3,a1> <a3,a2,a1>

A lower bound for the worse case
 Theorem 8.1. Any decision tree that sorts n
elements has height (n lgn).
 Proof:

 Corollary 8.2 Heapsort and merge sort are

asymptotically optimal comparisons.
Pseudocode of counting sort
1 for j  0 to m do C[j]  0 m+1
2 for i  1 to length[A] INCR(C[A[i]]) n
3 for j  1 to m do C[j] = C[j-1]+C[j] m
4 for i  length[A] downto 1 n
5 do B[C[A[i]]]  A[i]
6 DESC(C[A[i]])

 Assume all keys are in the range from 0 to m and

the result is stored in B. C is a temporary working
storage for “counting” of each numbers. 4
Analysis of counting sort
T ( n )  ( m  n )
 (n)when m  (n)
 Not a comparison sort (T(n) = (n lgn) for all sorting
methods based on comparison).
 Property: stable (numbers with the same value appear
in the output array in the same order as they do in the
input array.).
 Useful in the number-can-be-quantized situations,
especially when m is small relative to n.
 Can work with other sorting methods like radix sort.
The operation of counting-sort on an input array A[1..8]

The idea of radix sort
 Used by the card-sorting machines you can now find only in
computer museums.

 Any number can be represented in radix-b notation.

 Examples:
 16536 = 1 ⋅ 104 + 6 ⋅ 103 + 5 ⋅ 102 + 3 ⋅ 101 + 6 ⋅ 100
 1011012 = 1 ⋅ 25 + 0 ⋅ 24 + 1 ⋅ 23 + 1 ⋅ 22 + 0 ⋅ 21 + 1 ⋅ 20 = 45
 In general, we choose some basis b and write
x =  xkxk – 1...x0 b = xk ⋅ bk + xk – 1 ⋅ bk – 1 + ··· + x0 ⋅ b0
 How do we compare two numbers in radix-10 notation?
How would we sort them?
Radix sort (high to low)
RADIX_SORTH2L(A, d) 329 329 329 329
1 RADIX_SORTH2L(A, d, 1, length[A])
457 355 355 355
803 457 436 436
657 436 457 457
839  657  657  657
RADIX_SORTH2L(A, d, p, q)
1 do sort array A on digit d 436 720 720 720
2 if d > 1 720 803 803 803
3 then si  p 815 839 815 815
4 for i  p to q – 1 355 815 839 839
5 if A[i, d]  A[i+1, d]
6 RADIX_SORTH2L(A, d-1, si, i)
7 si  i+1 p, si d
8 RADIX_SORTH2L(A, d-1, si, q) q
Radix sort (low to high)

1 for i  1 to d
2 do use a stable sort to sort array A on digit i
Complexity analysis
 Lemma 8.3
Given n d-digit numbers in which each digit can take
on up to k possible values, RADIX-SORT correctly
sorts these numbers in (d(n + k)) time.

 NOTE: not in-place (in-place: only constant number

of elements of the input array are ever stored outside
the array.)

Complexity analysis (cont.)
 Lemma 8.4
Given n b-bit numbers and any positive integer r ≤ b, RADIX-
SORT correctly sorts these numbers in ((b/r)(n+2r)) time.

 Proof :
Choose d = b / r.

 Discussion:
Case 1: If b < lg n, choose r = b, ((b/r)(n+2r)) = (n)
Case 2: If b ≥ lg n, choose r = lg n
((b/r)(n+2r)) = (bn / lgn)

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