Introduction To C

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• Definition of computers
• Characteristics of computers
• Types of computers
• Use/ Application of Computers

• A computer is an electronic device that
accepts data, performs computations, and
makes logical decisions according to
instructions that have been given to it; then
produces meaningful information in a form
that is useful to humans.
• The name computer comes from a Latin word
Computer, meaning, “to compute”

• The characteristics of a computer show the
capability and the potential of the computer for
processing data.
• Why have they become so popular?
 Speed
 Accuracy
 Capacity
 Durability and reliability
 Versatility
 Diligence
Characteristics Cont…..

• As you know computer can work very fast. It

takes only few seconds for calculations that
we take hours to complete
• The ability of the computers to carry out their
instructions in a very short period of time is one of
the main reasons for their popularity.

Characteristics Cont…..

• Now a days computers are being used life-and-

death situations (For example, jet pilots rely on
computer computations for guidance, Hospitals
rely on patient-monitoring systems in critical –
care units) which needs almost hundred percent
• From this we can understand that computer is accurate
and consistent.

Characteristics Cont…..

• The ability of computers to store and process

vast amounts of data continues to grow.
• A computer operating at 200 MHz (Mega Hertz)
can move data from one location to another at
a rate excess of 1.2 billions characters (symbols)
per second.

Characteristics Cont…..

• Computers are durable and extremely

reliable devices. They can operate error-
free over long periods of time.

Characteristics Cont

• It means the capacity to perform completely

different type of work. You may use your
computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment
you may use it for inventory management or to
prepare electric bills.

Characteristics Cont

• A computer is free from tiredness, lack of

concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work for hours
without creating any error. If millions of
calculations are to be performed, a computer
will perform every calculation with the same

• There are different types of Computers. Their
difference is depending on different
categories of characteristics
 Classification by the:-
 method of operation (processing)
 purpose of application
 physical size
 Price
 capacity and
 performance

Classification by the method of operation
1. Analog Computers
Analog computers operate by measuring.
 They deal with continues variables
 they don’t compute directly with numbers,
rather, they operate by measuring physical
magnitude such as pressure, temperature,
voltage, current etc
Examples:-Thermometer, Voltmeter, Speedometer


2. Digital Computers
 Digital computers deal with discrete variables
 they operate by counting rather than measuring.
 They operate directly up on numbers (or digits) that
represent numbers, letters, or other special
• Desk & pocket computers
• The general purpose computers

3. Hybrid computers

• The best features of analog and

digital computers can be combined
into a single device to form a hybrid

Classification by purpose of application
• Computers can be used for different purposes. Based
upon their application, they are classified as special
purpose or general-purpose computers
1. Special purpose computers
They are designed to solve a single type of problem.
Example :
– The public telephone box
– Traffic control system
– Ticket machines (used in grocery, super market etc.)
– Pocket calculators etc.
– Most analog computers are special purpose computers

2. General-purpose computers

• They are designed to solve variety of

problems through the use of “store program
• Micro computers
• Mini computers
• Super computers etc.

Classification by physical size, price, capacity and

• There is a wide variety of general purpose digital

computers on the market place today, in terms of
physical size, price, capacity, and performance.
They are classified as follows:
• Micro computers
• Mini computers
• Mainframe computers
• Super computers

Micro computers
• Are the most frequently available computers (PC).
• Use microprocessor as its central processing unit.
• Are also called personal computers, home computers
• Differ in size and function
• Based on the size and function are classified into three.
These are palmtops, laptops and desktops..

Mini computers
• Are mid level computers and are build to perform
complex computations.
• Are larger and more powerful than most PCs.
• Are smaller and less powerful than mainframe
• Used for large number of business and scientific
• Play a major role in CAD (computer aided design).
• The mini computer is used in multi-user system in
which various users can work at the same time.
Mainframe computers
• Are high-level computers designed for most intensive
computational tasks;
• Are larger, more powerful and have processor with
faster instruction processing speed than micros and
• They operate at very high speed, have very large
storage capacity and can handle the work load of
many users.
• However they are multi-user systems and handle
hundreds of users, usually used in large
Super computers
• Are extremely powerful computers designed for
high speed processing;
• Are characterized as being the fastest, most
expensive computers.
• They have high processing speed compared to other
• They have also multiprocessing technique.
Supercomputers are mainly being used for whether
forecasting, biomedical research, remote sensing,
aircraft design and other areas of science and
• The following are some of the capability of
Computers, which are reasons to use Computers.
• Store and process large amount of information with high speed and
• Transmit information across continents via communication channels
• Simulate events
• Perform complex mathematical computations and make
• Monitor ongoing industrial operations
• Perform repetitive processes with great ease, speed, and reliability

The main areas of computer applications
• Commercial or business applications
• Scientific – engineering and research
• Weather and Environment
• Medical and Health Care
• Routine and Dangerous Tasks
• Transportation
• Shopping from Home
• Entertainment:
 Who invented computer for the first time?
 Why is computer known as data processor?
• Write The main areas of computer applications?
• Give short notes on the following:
• (a) Versatility(b) Speed (C) Diligence
• Distinguish between Microcomputer and Mainframe

• System is a group of components, consisting of
subsystems or procedures that work in a
coordination fashion to achieve some objective.
• A computer system composed of components
that are classified either as
1. Computer hardware
2. Computer software

Computer hardware
• Computer hardware is the physical part of the
computer that you can see and touch
• It is composed of a number of interacting
physical parts based on the need of the
information flow.
• Typical HW parts are
– Input Devices
– Central Processing unit (CPU)
– Memory Storage Devices
– Output devices
Input Devices
• It Is used to enter data ,command and
program into the computer
• Examples of input devices;
– Keyboard (which is the most widely used input devices)
– Disk drives (floppy and hard-disk drives)
– Mouse
– Scanners
– Web-Cameras
– Light pen (a photo cell to choose a displayed response to
request further information).
– Microphones
– CD-ROM Drive, etc.
Central Processing unit (CPU)

• Is the most costly and main component of the computer

system or it is the brain of computer system.
• It consists of four functional sections:
• The Arithmetic and Logic Unit: - gives the chip its
calculating ability and permits arithmetical & logical
• It performs the arithmetic calculations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division and comparisons
and it is used to keep track of information and execute

The Control Unit
• As the name implies, it performs all the control
functions of the computer.
• It retrieves the instruction from memory.
• Translates those instructions into computer
functions and sends signals to other computer
hardware units to carry out those functions.
• It is also responsible for determining the next
instruction to be executed by the computer.

• The Registers: - are temporary storage areas
that hold data, keep track of instructions, and
hold the location & results of these operations.
• An Internal Bus: - is a network of
communications lines that connects the internal
elements of the processor and also leads to
external connectors that link the processor to
the other elements of the computer system.

• The three types of CPU buses are:
• (1) A control bus is used to select and enable an
area of main storage and transmit signals
required to regulate the computer operation;
• (2) The address bus, a one-way line from the
processor that handles the location of data in
memory, and
• (3) The data bus, a two-way transfer line that
both reads data from memory and writes new
data into memory.
Output devices
• Used to get data out of a computer so that it can be
examined, analyzed or distributed to others.
• Convert the result of the only-machine
understandable form to a form understandable by
human beings.
 The Visual Display Unit (VDU) or monitor or screen
 Printers (dot matrix, daisy wheel, laser printers)
 Plotters
 Voice (audio) response unit
 Disk drives
2. Computer software
• Software: - is a collection of programs and
routines that support the operations of
performing a task using a computer.
• Software makes the interface between the user
and the electronic components of the computer
• User- Software-- Hardware
• Computer software is classified into two
1. System software
2. Application software
System software
• It is a collection of programs that organizes and
manages the machine’s resources, handles the
input/output devices.
• It controls the hardware by performing functions that
users shouldn’t have to or are unable to handle.
• System programs make complex hardware more users
• It acts as intermediate between the user and the
• It enables the computer understand programming
languages i.e. it serves as means of communication
between user and a computer.
Types of system software
• The important categories of system software
a). Operating system
b). Language software
A.Operating system
An Operating system manages & coordinates
the functions performed by the computer hardware,
including the CPU, I/O units, secondary storage
devices, and communication and network
Language Software
• It is software, which is used by programmers
to develop application software and translate
programs to machine code.
• Language software is a generic name
consisting of various programs that serve as
editors & translators to develop programs in a
number of programming languages.
• Example :- C++, Java ,Visual Basic etc

Application Software
• It is software that is designed to perform tasks
for the specific area or areas.
• They are usually called application packages as
they may include a number of programs along
with operating instruction, documentation and
so forth.
• Depending on their function or task they are
categorized in to the following.
– Word Processors/ Word processing)
– Spreadsheet (Excel)
– Database management system. (Access)
Quiz 5%
1.What are the important characteristics of
2. Explain various types of computers.


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