Chapter 9

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Managing Strategy

Chapter 9
F I F T E E N T H E D I T I O N , G L O B A L E D I T I O N
Learning Objectives
Define strategic management and explain Explain what managers do during the six
01 why it’s important. 02 steps of the strategic management process

Describe the three types of corporate Describe competitive advantage and the
03 strategies
04 competitive strategies organizations use to
get it.
What is Strategic Management?

• Strategic management: what managers do to develop the

organization’s strategies
• Strategies: the plans for how the organization will do what it’s in
business to do, how it will compete successfully, and how it will
attract and satisfy its customers in order to achieve its goals
• Business model: how a company is going to make money
Why is Strategic Management
• Has a positive impact on performance
• Helps managers decide how to act in face of change and
• Helps complex and diverse organizations work together
Exhibit 9.1 Strategic Management
Step 1: Identifying the Organization’s Current
Mission, Goals, and Strategies
• Mission: the purpose of an organization
Step 2: Doing an External Analysis

• Opportunities: positive trends in the external environment

• Threats: negative trends in the external environment
Step 3: Doing an Internal Analysis
• Resources: an organization’s assets that are used to develop,
manufacture, and deliver products to its customers
• Capabilities: an organization’s skills and abilities in doing the
work activities needed in its business
SWOT Analysis
• Strengths: any activities the organization does well or its unique
• Weaknesses: activities the organization does not do well or
resources it needs but does not possess

• SWOT analysis: an analysis of the organization’s strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
Step 4: Formulating Strategies

Three main types of strategies managers will formulate:

• Corporate
• Competitive
• Functional
Step 5: Implementing Strategies

No matter how effectively an organization has planned its

strategies, performance will suffer if the strategies aren’t
implemented properly.
Step 6: Evaluating Results

• How effective have strategies been at helping the

organization achieve its goals

• What adjustments are necessary?

Exhibit 9.3 Types of Organizational
What is Corporate Strategy?

• Corporate strategy: an organizational strategy that determines

what businesses a company is in or wants to be in, and what it
wants to do with those businesses
What Are the Types of Corporate

• Growth strategy
• Stability and Renewal Strategies
Growth strategy

•Growth strategy: a corporate strategy that’s used when an organization

wants to expand the number of markets served or products offered, either
through its current business(es) or through new business(es)
–Vertical integration
–Horizontal integration
Stability and Renewal Strategies

• Stability strategy: a corporate strategy in which an organization

continues to do what it is currently doing.

• Renewal strategy: a corporate strategy designed to address declining

How Are Corporate Strategies Managed?

• BCG matrix: a strategy tool that guides resource allocation

decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of
• –Stars
• –Cash cows
• –Question marks
• –Dogs
Competitive Strategies

• Competitive strategy: an organizational strategy for how an

organization will compete in its business(es)
The Role of Competitive Advantage

• Competitive advantage: What sets an organization

apart; its distinctive edge
Competitive advantage can stem from:
• –Quality
• –Low cost
• –Technology
• Other factors
Choosing a Competitive Strategy

•Cost leadership strategy

•Differentiation strategy

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