The Five Paragraph Operations Order
The Five Paragraph Operations Order
The Five Paragraph Operations Order
Cavalry units, just like any other unit need to write orders. Too often units just execute without going through the tactical decision making process. Leaders must be familiar with the Operation Order format in order to write them effectively, and soldiers must understand them in order to carry the mission out correctly.
Given a hypothetical mission, unit, and material assets; plan and write a 5 Paragraph Operation Order
The purpose of this class is to familiarize current and future leaders with the OPORD format and the information it should contain.
During this class we will discuss the development of the 5 Paragraph OPORD. Ask questions at any time. Periodically I will ask you questions to see how well you are following the material.
a. Paragraph one is the SITUATION paragraph. It contains information on weather, terrain, enemy, and friendly situation. In subparagraph a we cover how weather and terrain will effect the ability to conduct the mission. Include effects on EW operation, light data, trafficability, line of sight, and maneuverability.
Subparagraph b. deals with threats particular to the operating unit. Include the big picture enemy threat, rear area threats, and the threat of enemy air attach.
Subparagraph c. covers the friendly situation. Include in this section the brigade mission and the Commanders intent. In this section, list the adjacent units and any other relevant friendly unit data.
Subparagraph d. is attachments and detachments. If the unit has received assets from a higher headquarters, list them and their relationship.
Paragraph two is the restated mission statement. After mission analysis, the commander will issue his mission statement. It must include the type and purchase of the operation (task.) It must also have a list of all mission essential tasks. (METL)
The next section of paragraph two is the Commanders intent. This section contains the what and why of the operation. The intent should include purpose, defeat mechanism, definition of success, risk, endstate, and linkage to future missions. The Commanders intent should be sufficiently clear and precise enough to enable your subordinates to take the right actions even in the absence of further orders from the Commander.
Paragraph three is the EXECUTION portion. Subparagraph a. is concept of the operation. It is composed of scheme of maneuver and the concept of fires. Subparagraph b. is instructions to sub-units. Subparagraph c. covers coordinating instructions. It contains tasks that apply to two or more subunits. It includes information such as passage of lines and rally points, routes, rehearsals, inspections, debriefings, MOPP status, site coordination, and CCIR. Accurate graphics should be included as well.
Paragraph 4 is the SERVICE AND SUPPORT paragraph. It contains information on logistics and service/support that will ensure that the unit can accomplish its mission. It should contain information on CASEVAC, classes of supply, convoys, and maintenance. The units readiness status is normally posted on a resource status report (RSR.)
This paragraph contains command and signal instructions. The command section shows the chain of command and location of CPs. The signal section details signal procedures and commo nets, including radio frequencies and pyrotechnics. It should also covers reports and cryto data.