Student Centered Approach

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The Impact of Learner-Centered Teaching on
Students’ Learning Skills and Strategies
Maria Angeles Dano-Hinosolango, Amparo
Mindanao University of and Technology,
• Students become responsible on their own learning by giving them the chance to explore and
be engaged in their own learning process.
• With this, the study investigated and analyzed the impact of learner-centered teaching in
English classes on students’ learning skills and strategies in relation to the extent of
implementation of learner-centered teaching in the classroom.
• The study was conducted to all English teachers and select First Year to Fourth Year high
school students.
• There were 10 teachers and 900 students considered as respondents of this study.
• There were three visitations conducted for each teacher with a total of 30 classroom
• It was found out that there was an impact on learner-centered teaching to students’ learning
skills and strategies which was highly significant. This implies that the more learner-centered
the teacher is the more learning skills and strategies are developed among the students.
Using students’
prior and existing

Providing Encouraging
opportunities for students to
learners to utilize generate
new ideas and to explanations and
process alternative
information interpretations

Providing a
learning Using discussion
environment and thought-
conducive for provoking
discussion/group questions

materials and

• The study investigated and analyzed the

impact of learner-centered teaching in
English classes on students’ learning
skills and strategies in relation to the
extent of implementation of learner-
centered teaching in the classroom.
• It is presented in this study that majority
of the teachers were evident in the
extent of implementation of learner-
centered teaching in their respective
• As part of the English teachers’ strength, they were evident in giving clear instructions, making students work
independently, using teaching strategies that match the instructional objectives, and the like.
• This implies that teachers were creative enough in allowing their students to work on authentic materials and
be engaged in a variety of activities that stimulated the minds of the students.
• However, teachers are challenged in providing opportunities where students are engaged in self-assessment
and peer evaluation, asking students to summarize or synthesize the concepts taken up at the end of the class,
providing proper closure by guiding students to assess the day’s lesson, and the like.

• Table 2 presents the overall extent of implementation

of learner-centered teaching in the classroom as
observed by the First Year to Fourth students. The
students serve as the heart of the learning process. With
this, their valuable assessment is considered in this
• It is revealed that students rated their teachers as
evident in teaching them with the learner-centered
• It is also consistent with the results in Table 1 wherein
most of the strength among English teachers were on
using instructional materials and activities.
• On the students’ observation, the only less evident was
on eliciting ideas from them before the lesson was
presented and involving them to talk about what they
have already known or experienced.

• This implies that students were able to develop

some learning skills and strategies in the extent
of implementation of learner-centered teaching in
the classroom. This includes making use of the
resources available for them, exerting some
effort to learn the lesson, balancing academics
and involvement with clubs, and the like.
• On the other hand, many students also rated
themselves only as fair in some areas such as
making graphic organizers like charts or
diagrams, creating one’s own ideas and examples
to be prepared for class, reading ahead of time
and the like. This challenges the teachers to
make students practice these learning skills and
strategies that they may use in their daily tasks.
• The way teachers teach creates impact on the development of child’s learning. In one way or another, the
teaching approaches and strategies of the teachers influence the students’ learning skills and strategies. Thus,
the teacher is encouraged to become more learner-centered in his or her teaching.
• Making the students master their learning skills and strategies should be implemented in the classroom
learning. With this, they can be taught how to learn on their own. For instance, if teachers have organization
skills in the preparation and delivery of instruction, students are more likely able to develop this skill. When
teachers use more of learner-centered teaching in class, the learning skills and strategies of students develop
or increase significantly because teachers can provide more opportunities for the enhancement of the learning
skills and strategies of the students.
• Hence, the learner-centered approach is just apt for students to make them learn by doing. It is very important
that students are engaged and involved in their learning process so that they can adapt the skills and strategies
for them to become responsible learners. It is important that students will develop their learning skills and
strategies because these are life-long learning skills that they can use not only for higher learning but in their
future endeavors in life.
What Are the Advantages of Student-Centered Learning?

• Improves Engagement
• Develops Problem Solving Skills
• Helps Students Transfer Skills to the Real World
• Encourages Cooperation and Teamwork
• Develops Social Skills
• Promotes a Natural Motivation to Learn
• Encourages an Alternative Method of Learning
• Caters to a Student’s Individual Learning Goals
What Are the Disadvantages of Student-Centered Learning?

• Problem with Misconception

• Cooperation and Teamwork
• Lack of Control in Classroom
• Teacher Unpreparedness
• Student Preparedness
• The-Impact-of-Learner-Centered-Teaching-on-Students-Learning-Skills
-and-Strategies.pdf (
• The Advantages and Disadvantages of Student-Centered Learning (mo
• Complete Guide to Student-Centered vs. Teacher-Centered Learning (s
• New research shows effectiveness of student-centered learning in clos
ing the opportunity gap | Stanford Graduate School of Education

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