SRM Overview
SRM Overview
SRM Overview
© 2002 IBM
Global Cross Services Technology Integration (GCSTI)
What is SRM?
What is SRM?
Business Need
Enterprise View
SRM incorporates a unique enterprise view of customer server trends,
whereby hundreds of servers may be presented in a single view, using a
red/yellow/green threshold methodology to identify servers that exceed key
resource thresholds, saving countless hours of support time in analysis and
reactive support. Hot link navigation enables drill-down to the individual
server level, as well. This enterprise approach is essential in delivering web
reporting on thousands of SRM-installed servers worldwide. SRM is managed
as a "run-once" application and is incorporated into IBM’s suite of strategic
solutions. The common web interface eliminates the need for expertise on
multiple platforms.
Middle level Managerserver( mlm)
DATA flow
Paths...Ports, tools ,
Access :
1) IBM intranet ID & password.
2) Request to be sent to [email protected] or via
bugzilla with DPE approval.
Basic Navigation
Navigation hierarchy :
Supporting account details Enterprise & Customer.
The navigation bar :
Blue box at the left hand side.
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Tabular / Graphical
Scheduled E-mail
RTF (rich text) Files
Saved Queries
Save as URL
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15 Minute Tables – 7 days
Hourly Tables – 35 days
Daily Tables – 90 days
Weekly Tables – 60 Weeks
Monthly Tables – 36 Months
Note : Data for Disk I/O Detail & Network Traffic Detail reports are
retained for 7 days only.
Server Threshold
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Color Codes:
Green : Normal
Amber : Warning
Red : Critical
Performance Reports
Detailed platform-specific metrics
Account level and server level
Color coded thresholds
These reports will help customers perform critical
resource analysis, such as:
How are my servers utilized across the
Are my servers memory constrained?
How much disk or file system am I using?
Where are my disk I/O bottlenecks?
Which processes are consuming the most
Are there processing bottlenecks or excessive
backlog job queues?
What thresholds are in use on the server or
How much traffic is going through my
network adapters?
When did the performance problem begin?
Capacity Reports
Display capacity-level trends
Account level and server level
Support for separate Capacity Rules
These reports help customers trend key
resources, such as:
When do I need to upgrade?
When will I begin to see resource
issues if I don't upgrade?
Which servers should I upgrade first?
What was the peak processor
utilization for the week?
How am I performing against my
target capacity plan?
Which servers can I consolidate to
reduce cost?
What is my utilization trend for a
specific day (or hour) of the week?
Executive Reports
Account level indicators of overall install base
Cross-platform view
Status applies to sub-account and attribute
These reports will help customers perform
general resource analysis, such as:
What is the overall (cross-platform) server
utilization across the account (or sub-
How many servers are running red, yellow
(amber), or green status?
What is the future forecast for server
resource utilization (in addition to current
What is the overall platform performance
for Processor, Memory, and Disk resources?
For management tracking, what is the
ongoing monthly percentage of red, yellow
(amber), and green resources in my account?
Partition Support
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Report Packaging
Application Support
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Statistical Analysis
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Select the Enterprises and Customer and then if you know Sub Client ID’s
then select them, Category (server), subcategory (Maintain), Action
(Display), OS (All if they have not mention in the request). Check the
Submit Tab.
This will give you a list of server
Find the server that has to be deleted, and when clicking on that will give
the details of that server.
Select the Delete option and submit for deletion.
Once the server has been deleted from the SRM web page remove the
server entry form the ssh22.conf_v6 in the MCS server
Select the Enterprises and Customer and then if you know Sub Client ID’s
then select them, Category (server), subcategory (Maintain), Action
(Display), OS (All , if they have not mention in the request). Check the
Submit Tab.
This will give you a list of server
Find the server that has to be modify, and when clicking on that will give
the details of that server.
Change the IP address of the server as mentioned in the request and check
the submit tab.
Once the IP address has been modified, change the server name in the
ssh22.conf_v6 file also.
Collection Status
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Questions ?
Data Paths
INTEL Systems
Data collection is stored in C:\Program Files\CMAgent\bin\data\
You should see files such as:
ls -l /var/adm/perfmgr/daily/hostname (UX)
You should see files such as:
Configuration files