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Health 4q Intentional Injuries

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Intentional Injuries

Conceptual Framework
for Intentional Injuries
The term "intentional" is used to refer to
injuries resulting from purposeful human Self-Inflicted
action, whether directed at oneself or
Intentional injuries include self inflicted
and interpersonal acts of violence
intended to cause harm.
. Suicide
Intentional taking of one’s
own life

Many of those who attempt do not receive

mental and emotional counseling because
their families try to hide the problem

on the other hand is a suicide attempt in

which a person does not intend to die, a dry
for help or the person wants other to know
he/she is feeling

Person with suicidal tendencies often times:

-Talking about suicide
-Writing farewell letters
-Showing changes in behavior
Domestic Violence

These are behavior that used by one person in a

relationship who tries to control their partner (married or An act that includes physical assault,
not married, Heterosexual or homosexual) which includes: sexual abuse and verbal abuse

-Stopping partner from -Name-calling or put

having/getting a job downs
-Actual or threatened physical harm -Keeping a partner from
- Sexual assault, Stalking,
-Denying financial

Is an unwanted, aggressive Both who are bullied and who bully

behavior that is repeated or can be others may have serious, lasting
repeated, overtime problems

o An imbalance of power: Kids who bully use

their power such as physical strength, access
to embarrassing information or popularity
to control or harm others.
o Repetition: happened more than once
Classification of Bullying

a. Verbal Bullying- saying or c. Physical Bullying- hurting a person’s body

writing mean or nasty things or destroying his/her possessions

b.Social Bullying(Relationship Bullying)- hurting d. Cyber Bullying

someone’s reputation or relationships
. Stalking
Behaviors invading
one’s privacy such as

Pattern of behavior that

o Knowing your schedule
makes you feel afraid, o Showing up at places you go
nervous, harassed or in to
danger o Send mail, e-mail and
It is when someone o Calling or texting repeatedly
repeatedly contacts you o Posting about you on social
networking site
follows you and send you
o Writing letters
things and talk to you even
o Damaging your property
when you don’t want them
o Sending gifts
An act of using force or threats to force people
hand over their money or properties, on favors

May happened outside or near the schools

wherein children are victimized to give their
allowance in exchange for promises that they will
not beaten-up
Gang and
Youth Violence

A gang is a tough, mostly street-based group of

young people who regard themselves and may be
seen by others as a group engages in a range of
criminal activity and violence

Desire for adventure, need to be belong and

protection are reasons why people join a gang
. Illegal Fraternity-
Related Violence

Fraternity is a group of people with similar

backgrounds, occupations, interest or tastes.

Youth may think of several benefits in

joining a fraternity

Activity to be part of the brotherhood involves

hazing, harassment, abuse or humiliation

Taking away or forcefully moving a

person against his/her will and holding
him/her in unjust captivity

Is the use of deceit or force in order to take a

person or a child away from home or relatives

In abduction, the victim usually knows or has

some sort of relation with the abductor
Acts of Terror or

Acts of terror may be

Use for violence for political categorized;
goals and putting the public or a
great number of people in fear
o State of Terrorism
The purpose is to produce o Bioterrorism
terror in their victims through o Cyber Terrorism
the use of violence o Eco Terrorism
o Nuclear Terrorism
o Narco-Terrorism
Verbal Abuse

Characteristics of verbal abuse includes:

o Hurtful that attacks the nature of abilities of the
Is a form of cruelty that involves the use
o Obvious in a form of name calling or angry
outburst or hidden which involve very subtle of words
o Verbal abuse is controlling, dangerous fickle
o It worsen, increase of strength, regularity and Words are used to attack, control and
assortment cause harm on another person
Sexual Abuse

Incest Molestation
Sexual abuse of a person by an
Sexual contact between persons adult for sexual pleasure or for
who are closely related that a profit
marriage between them

Form were an older family Occurs when an individual sees Rape

member having sexual abuse another individual as sexual Forced sexual intercourse,
relations or sexually abusing a object, through unwanted or including vaginal, anal or
child or an adolescents improper sexual advances or oral penetration by body part
activity or an object
The Convention on the
Rights of the Child

Article 19 Article 35
Article 34 (Abduction, Sale and
(Protection from all Trafficking)
(Sexual Exploitation)
forms of violence)

Governments should protect The government should

Children have the right to
children from all forms of take all measures possible
be protected from being to make sure that children
sexual exploitation and
hurt and mistreated, are not abducted, sold or
physically or mentally trafficked
In order to prevent becoming a victim of assault and abuse,
one important consideration is knowing the proper self-
defense technique which involves:

Self Esteem

Assertiveness Body Language

Intuition A self-protective

Identify the following pictures/images

according to types/classifications of
intentional injuries.

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