Lesson 4 Agriculture
Lesson 4 Agriculture
Lesson 4 Agriculture
India is an agriculturally important country.
Two-thirds of its population is engaged in
agricultural activities.
Agriculture is a primary activity, which
‘Ladang’ in Indonesia,
‘Ray’ in Vietnam.
In India, this primitive form of cultivation is
called ‘Bewar’ or ‘Dahiya’ in Madhya Pradesh,
‘Podu’ or ‘Penda’ in Andhra Pradesh,
‘Pama Dabi’ or ‘Koman’ or Bringa’ in Odisha,
‘Kumari’ in Western Ghats,
‘Valre’ or ‘Waltre’ in South-eastern Rajasthan,
‘Khil’ in the Himalayan belt,
‘Kuruwa’ in Jharkhand,
‘Jhumming’ in the North-eastern region
Intensive Subsistence Farming
This type of farming is practised in areas of high
population pressure on land.
It is labour intensive farming, where high doses of
biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for
obtaining higher production
Though the ‘right of inheritance’ leading to the
division of land among successive generations has
rendered land-holding size uneconomical, the farmers
continue to take maximum output from the limited
land in the absence of alternative source of livelihood.
Thus, there is enormous pressure on agricultural land.
Commercial Farming
The main characteristic of this type of farming
is the use of higher doses of modern inputs,
e.g. high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, chemical
fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides in order
to obtain higher productivity.
The degree of commercialisation of agriculture
varies from one region to another.
For example, rice is a commercial crop in
Haryana and Punjab, but in Odisha, it is a
subsistence crop.
Plantation is also a type of commercial farming. In
this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a
large area.
The plantation has an interface of agriculture and
Plantations cover large tracts of land, using capital
intensive inputs, with the help of migrant
All the produce is used as raw material in
respective industries.
In India, tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, banana,
etc.. are important plantation crops. Tea in Assam
and North Bengal coffee in Karnataka are some of
the important plantation crops grown in these
Since the production is mainly for market, a
well developed network of transport and
communication connecting the plantation
areas, processing industries and markets
plays an important role in the development of
You have studied the physical diversities and
plurality of cultures in India.
These are also reflected in agricultural
of irrigation.
Rice is grown in the plains of north and north-
of the country.
This rabi crop requires a cool growing season and a bright
country –
the Ganga-Satluj plains in the northwest and
black soil region of the Deccan. The major wheat-
after Brazil.
It is the main source of sugar, gur (jaggary), khandsari and
The major sugarcane-producingstates are Uttar Pradesh,
to mature.
Major cotton-producing states are–
agricultural universities,
veterinary services and animal breeding centres,
horticulture development,
research and development in the field of meteorology and