Integrating Literature Into Lower Level Spanish Classes
Integrating Literature Into Lower Level Spanish Classes
Integrating Literature Into Lower Level Spanish Classes
(Rosenblatt, 2002)
Social- relevant to adolescents social perspectives Emotional- link to previous experiences in order to feel empathy/compassion Psychological- identify with characters Moral- discusses difficult ethical questions (Rosenblatt, 2002)
and grammatical form as well as contextually, conceptually and critically negotiate its meaning (Weber-Feve, 2009) Can be used to assure students basic comprehension of the literary text, and to facilitate students ability to analyze critically the literary text (Weber-Feve, 2009).
Examples of Input to Output activities using the text El tiempo borra by Javier de Viana
First stage: Input activities
Input Activity
Second Stage
Second stage: Activities with input and output
Third Stage
Final stage: output activities In groups of two, students have to write an ending to
the story that includes the following information: Why did Indalecio go to the Oriental Band? What is he doing in the Oriental Band? What are his emotions? How does his wife feel?
Repeated reading
Repeated reading approach- similar to narrow
By repeatedly reading a text pertaining to a specific content area and/or by the same author, students build up vocabulary and syntax, and become aware of the cultural and rhetorical schemata of the author (Carroli, 2002) The narrow reading process focuses very closely on form, and at the same time, leads students to link form to meaning. The repeated reading approach proved especially effective when learners shared their understanding of the text.
Using repeated reading with House on Mango Street (by Sandra Cisneros)
1.) Students read La casa en Mango Street with a glossary at home 2.) Students answer pre-reading questions at home and them bring to class along with the reading 3.) In class, the teacher gives an explanation of the historical and cultural context 4.) Students listen to Audiobook of La casa en Mango Street in class while they read along 5.) The teacher stops the audio at the end of the selected chapters. In groups, students interpret one paragraph from the selected chapters and report their paragraph to the class.
Ideas on creating reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary activities using a literary text
Poem: Biografa by Gabriel Celaya
Do you have to follow a lot of rules at home? At school? What rules do you have to follow at home? What rules did you have to follow when you were younger? Do you think it is important to have rules?
Vocabulary Identify difficult vocabulary words TPR, photos, matching, using in a sentence
Biografa continued
Introducing the text (listening) Students listen to an audio of the poem, read by the author Students answer the following questions: What is the tone of the poem? Does the poem evoke certain feelings or emotions? Discuss with a partner
Reading the text Students answer questions that help guide them through the reading. Ex: How many verses are there? How many stanzas are there? What type of language is used? Each stanza relates to a different stage of life-who is giving orders in the first stanza? The second? The third?
Biografa continued
Grammar Students have to underline all of the commands in the poem and identify the affirmative and negative commands To whom are the commands directed? Could be used as an introduction to commands, and students could work together to figure out the command form Writing Students write two stanzas of a poem that reflect the rules they had to follow/obey when they were younger
delving into Esperanzas character Pre-reading questions: Part 1: Identity Mi nombre Part 2: What parts of your life would you most like to escape? Part 3: What inspires you most? What do you see in your future?
Incorporating socio-cultural contexts with Un marido sin vocacin (by Enrique Jardiel Poncela)
El machismo Song about marriage:
Escribir determinado mensaje con slo cinco frases para cada uno (25 frases en total) 1. Una declaracin de amor. 2. Una amenaza. 3. La respuesta a una amenaza. 4. Pedir un divorcio 5. Responder a la demanda de un divorcio
Examples: 1.) Crees que es el destino de los seres humanos es estar junto con la misma persona toda la vida? 2.) Por cunto tiempo necesitas conocer a tu novio/a antes de casarse? 3.) Tienes un/a novio/a? o Has tenido un/a novio/a? Hay momentos en que no quieres estar con l/ella? o
In conclusion, its the teachers responsibility to
engage and guide students through the literary journey of comprehending and enjoying an authentic text.
Por medio de la literatura participamos en
situaciones imaginarias, vemos a los personajes experimentando crisis, nos exploramos a nosotros mismos y al mundo que nos rodea.
-Louise M. Rosenblatt
Carroli, P. (2002). Levels of understanding of L2 literary texts
under repeated readings: Factors to contributing to readers processing of second language literature and their learning outcomes. Proceedings of Innovations in Italian teaching workshop, Griffith University.
Teaching textual analysis with input and output activities and an input to output approach. Foreign Language Annals, 42(3) 453467.