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Business Opportunity

Figo Aqil F (P17211227125)

Lailatul Azizah A. (P17211227128)
Entrepreneurship is the way an individual behaves,
acts, and possesses the ability to manage businesses or
activities aimed at seeking opportunities, creating
innovations, implementing new work methods and
technologies, and improving efficiency to achieve
SWOT Analysis

Strenghts Weaknesses
01 Identifying existing potential
and other advantages that can be
02 Considering existing
weaknesses helps us avoid
pursuing overly forced efforts.

Oppurtinities Threats
03 Identifying opportunities that 04 Observing potential
can be seized and generate hazards for businesses with
benefits. high risks.
Definition of Business Opportunity

Business opportunity is a conception that

originates from an idea or business concept,
which is subsequently developed into a
venture based on the recognized potential
from consumers. In other words, a business
opportunity starts from a promising business
idea for customers, which is then developed
into a business entity.
Factors influencing business opportunities

Customers Competitor
Because the simplest source Most entrepreneurs view the presence
of information for market of competitors in business as a
research is direct interaction potential that poses a threat to their
with customers. ventures.
Supplier & Distributor Government policy
In operating in the business world,
Because the developed
the involvement of other parties is
products need to align with
crucial in generating business
the legal framework of that
Business must also adapt to the phenomenon
of globalization, as there are situations where
certain aspects available in one country are not
available in another country.
Methods of acquiring business opportunities
Media Business Opportunity
The role of media has become an integral part of people's lives and the environment
today. Given the strong potential in internet media, business opportunities can be
identified and utilized more easily.
Market Segmentation
Various types of market segmentation can guide entrepreneurs in finding business
opportunities. By referring to acquired data, entrepreneurs can develop or improve
their businesses according to existing market demand.

Through the internet, every individual has the opportunity to accomplish various
things. Through this medium, entrepreneurs can discover unique business
opportunities that have never been thought of by others and bring them to fruition.
Business Opportunity Indicators

Drive to Overcome
Challenges Inovation creativity

Many successful businesses The present time is Entrepreneurs also have

emerge by effectively continuously undergoing the ability to create
addressing challenges faced by significant transformation. business opportunities
numerous individuals. In such These changes often bring through their personal
situations, entrepreneurs learn opportunities that were creativity, whether it's
how to manage these previously unthinkable. through hobbies or
challenges, such as producing unconventional ideas that
goods that align with those can be turned into sought-
needs or desires. after products.
Case Analysis
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Case Study
Awalnya pria asal (Inhil) itu hanya coba-coba. Dengan modal tak sampai Rp 1 juta, dia
membeli produk pembersih dan beberapa sikat. Dari ilmu yang didapat dari dimas dia
mulai berlatih membersihkan sepatunya sendiri. Latihan itu berlanjut ke alas kaki saudara,
teman sekampus, setelah yakin, akhirnya pada 11 Oktober 2022 dia menambah cabang
laundry sepatu di Pekanbaru (Riau) setelah membuka laundry sepatu di Pontianak
(Kalbar), ungkapnya. Awalnya pendapatannya memang tidak pasti. Namun, ketekunannya
terbayar hanya dalam hitungan bulanan. Pada bulan ke empat ,Dirly menyebut omzetnya
sudah mencapai Rp 8-10 juta per bulan. Dengan margin yang tembus 50 persen, dia mulai
menguatkan komitmen untuk menggeluti bisnis cuci sepatu. Hingga tahun ini, Dirly sudah
membangun Dua outlet. Dan Dirly juga ingin berencana menambah Satu outlet di kota
padang. Satu cabang diakui bisa melayani 10-15 pasang sepatu untuk dicuci per hari.
Tips Memulai Usaha
Laundry Sepatu
● Pilih lokasi padat penduduk
● Tempat usaha berada di pinggir jalan umum
● Terus perbanyak konten untuk tarik pelanggan
● Pelajari berbagai bahan sepatu dan cara
● Permudah pelanggan dari pembayaran digital
sampai layanan antar jemput
● Konsisten buka operasional agar meningkatkan
loyalitas & Memiliki koneksi teman yang
Analisis Peluang Usaha Laundry Sepatu
3 5
1 Pemasok &
Pelanggan distributor 4 Global
Banyak orang
2 Cerdas melihat
yang memakai
Karena untuk
Kompetitor menemukan sabun dan Politik peluang bisnis yang
sepatu namun
kurang bisa Bisnis laundry bahan-bahan perawatn Pemerintah dekat dengan
sepatu masih yang cocok itu cukup
merawat alaskaki membuat konten
terbilang baru di sulit, kak dirly Stelah covid-19
mereka sebagai bentuk
masyarakat mengembangkan dinyatakan reda, promosi,
Indonesia dan sendiri sabun, parfum,
pemerintah menggalakkan memberikan
masih minim dan balm untuk kampanye umkm edukasi
kompetitor bisnisnya
Does anyone have any questions?
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838

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