Review Questions (Physic)

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1. An inorganic constituents of
the soil which is considered
as storage of reservoir of
water and nutrients.
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Organic matter
2. This soil particles has
diameter size of .05 - .002 mm.
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Organic matter

3. The presence of this soil solid
material imparts dark color in
the soil
a) Sand
b) Clay
c) Silt
d) Organic matter

4. The stable product of organic
matter decomposition are
a) humus
b) lignin
c) cellulose
d) hemicellulose

5. This type of soil has more
macropores that favor easy
movement of water and air.
a) Fine textured
b) Coarse textured
c) Medium textured
d) Loam Soil
6. Light soils are the
a) Fine textured
b) Coarse textured
c) Medium textured
d) Clayey

7. Heavy soils are considered
a) Fine textured soil
b) Coarse textured soil
c) Medium textured soil
d) Loam soil

8. The arrangement of particles
into a nearly spherical aggregates
because of the presence of high
OM and is usually present in the A
a) Blocky
b) Prismatic
c) Granular
d) Platy
9. Soil structure of a soil found in
sandy soils and having low
clay and organic matter
a) Structureless massive
b) Granular
c) Structureless single grained
d) Prismatic

10. It assumes a postlike structure
with flat tops are poorly drained
a) Blocky
b) Prismatic
c) Granular
d) Platy

11. Water held between field
Capacity and wilting coefficient
and are utilized by plants.
a) Superfluous water
b) Hygroscopic
c) Available water
d) Unavailable water

12. It is the moisture in excess of
that held at FC and is no benefits to
a) Superfluous water
b) Hygroscopic
c) Available water
d) Unavailable water

13. It allows air storage and
water movement and
considerable quantity of which
is found in coarse-textured soil
a) pore spaces
b) micropores
c) macropores
d) small pores
14. The most visible characteristic
which may indicate OM content,
parent material of soil and horizon
a) soil texture
b) soil structure
c) soil color
d) soil porosity

15. Porosity, which is the total
pore-space volume of soils.

a) is highest in fine-textured soils

b) varies little with differences in texture
c) is highest in coarse-textured soils
d) is the same for all the soil

16.The soil textural group with the
presence of more macropores that
favor easy movement of air and
water is
a) Fine textured soil
b) Coarse textured soil
c) Medium textured soil
d) Loam soil

17. The soil that retains nutrients
and water at a higher level is
a) Fine textured soil
b) Coarse textured soil
c) Medium textured soil
d) Loam soil

18. Characteristic feel of the silt
separate when rub between
fingers is
a) gritty and coarse
b) smooth and powdery
c) sticky when moist
d) forms ribbon
19. Characteristics of clay
separate when rub in between
the fingers is
a) gritty and coarse
b) smooth and powdery
c) sticky when moist
d) forms ribbon

20. Soil high in manganese
exhibit a soil color of
a) brown
b) black
c) red
d) gray

21. The color of the soil is red
which of the following statement
is correct
a) The soil contains high amount of organic
b) The soil contains high amount of
c) The soil contains high amount of iron.
d) The soil has CEC content.

22. Porosity is affected by Bulk
density. Which of the following
statement is correct
a) Porosity increases as bulk density increases
b) Porosity increases as bulk density decreases
c) Bulk density decreases as porosity decreases
d) Bulk density decreases as porosity increases

23. The soil property that can
be used to estimate the weight
of the soil in the plow layer of a
hectare field.
a) Soil texture
b) Particle density
c) Soil structure
d) Bulk density
24. Clayey soil can hold more
water compared with sandy
soils. This can be attributed to:
a) Sandy soil has high amount of macropores
b) Sandy soil has good aeration
c) Clay soil has more pore spaces.
d) Clay soil is considered a heavy soil

25. Which of the soil particles
will settle first?
a) gravel
b) sand
c) silt
d) clay

26. Units of structures caused
by disturbances such as
a) clays
b) loam
c) peds
d) clods

27. The soil property that is not
influence by the addition of OM
a) Soil texture
b) Soil structure
c) Bulk density
d) Soil color
28. Soil color can be best
determined using the
a) Soil thermometer
b) Munsell color chart
c) Hydrometer
d) Soil test kit

29. Some soils exhibit mottles
because of
a) Low organic matter
b) Lack of water
c) poor drainage
d) hot temperature

30. Clay soils are known to be
“heavy soil” because
a) Clay soil have heavier in weight compared to
sandy soil
b) Clay soil are more difficult to cultivate than sandy
c) Clay soil are finer than the sandy soil
d) Clay soil are sticky when wet

31. Aids in identifying the textural
class/ name of a given soil after
presenting the percentages
sand, silt and clay.
a) Munsell color chart
b) Soil Textural Triangle
c) Manual of fertilizer recommendation
d) Moh’s scale of hardness

32. Soil which has been dried at
1050C for 18-24 hours
a) Composite soil sample
b) Spot soil sample
c) Air dried Soil
d) Oven dried soil

33. Method of removing the
moisture present in a given soil
a) Feel method
b) Gravimetric Method
c) Roll method
d) Air drying method

34. Soil textural classes are
defined in terms of ranges in
variation in
a) structure
b) weathering
c) texture
d) drainage

35. Maximum daily variation in
temperature at the surface of
the ground normally occurs
a) both the soil and air above are dry.
b) both the soil and air above are moist
c) the soil is dry but the air above is moist
e) soil is wet

36. The hydrometer and pipette
method of mechanical analysis
obey the:
a) Dick’s Law
b) Freundlick’s Law
c) Ohm’s Law
d) Stokes Law

37. The capability of the soil
being molded by hands is
a) stickiness
b) plasticity
c) tilth
d) cracking

38. Increased in bulk density is not
favorable in practical agriculture. Which
of the following may lead to reduced bulk
a) less aggregation and root penetration
b) compaction caused by the weight of the
overlying layers
c) addition of organic matter in large
d) heavy traffics

40. The amount of molecular
nitrogen(N2) in the atmosphere
is about
a) 88%
b) 78%
c) 68%
d) 58%

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