This document contains 50 multiple choice review questions in plant physiology. The questions cover topics such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and plant cell and tissue structure. They assess understanding of key concepts like the location of chlorophyll, the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, gas exchange, transport processes, and plant metabolism.
This document contains 50 multiple choice review questions in plant physiology. The questions cover topics such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and plant cell and tissue structure. They assess understanding of key concepts like the location of chlorophyll, the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, gas exchange, transport processes, and plant metabolism.
This document contains 50 multiple choice review questions in plant physiology. The questions cover topics such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and plant cell and tissue structure. They assess understanding of key concepts like the location of chlorophyll, the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, gas exchange, transport processes, and plant metabolism.
This document contains 50 multiple choice review questions in plant physiology. The questions cover topics such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and plant cell and tissue structure. They assess understanding of key concepts like the location of chlorophyll, the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, gas exchange, transport processes, and plant metabolism.
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1. The chlorophyll is commonly found
in: a. vascular bundles b. mesophyll cells c. stomata d. mitochondria PHYSIOLOGY
2. Light absorption by the leaf is lowest
in: a. red b. blue c. green d. yellow PHYSIOLOGY
3. The Krantz anatomy of chloroplast
cells is found in: a. C3 plants b. C4 plants c. CAM plants d. rice plants PHYSIOLOGY
4. The products of the light reaction
phase of photosynthesis are: a. O2 and ATP b. CH2O and NADPH c. ATP and NADH d. ATP and NADPH PHYSIOLOGY
5. Cell turgidity in plants is maintained
thru: a. respiration b. osmoregulation c. translocation d. transpiration PHYSIOLOGY 6. The process by which ATP is formed when the electron donor is the sensitized PS1 rather then the oxidation of H2O in the light reaction phase of photosynthesis is known as: a. oxidative phosphorylation b. photosynthetic phosphorylation c. cyclic photophosphorylation d. cyclic photodecomposition PHYSIOLOGY 7. The dark reaction phase (otherwise known as biochemical phase) of photosynthesis has been called as such because it: a. does not take place during the day b. does not require light c. requires total darkness d. occurs inside the leaf PHYSIOLOGY
8. Rice is classified as C3 species
because its first stable product of photosynthesis is a 3-carbon acid known as: a. pyruvic acid b. oxaloacetic acid c. 3-phosphoglyceric acid d. phosphoric acid PHYSIOLOGY 9. The photosynthetic potential of a given species is fully expressed when the following environmental factors are optimum: a. solar radiation and temperature b. CO2 concentration, solar radiation and temperature c. Plant moisture status, solar radiation, and CO2 concentration d. Solar radiation, temperature, CO2 concentration, and plant moisture status PHYSIOLOGY 10. Photosynthesis is usually low under drought conditions because: a. water as an electron donor in the electron transport system is not available b. stomatal resistance to the diffusion of CO2 into the leaf is high c. the CO2 concentration gradient between the air and the leaf is very wide d. the photosynthetic apparatus is permanently damaged PHYSIOLOGY
11. The products of glycolysis in higher
forms of plants are: a. NADH and ATP b. ATP and H2O c. NADH and H2O d. CO2 and citric acid PHYSIOLOGY
12. The Krebs cycle takes place in the:
a. chloroplast b. mitochondrion c. vacuole d. peroxisome PHYSIOLOGY
13. Assimilates are translocated via the:
a. xylem tissue b. Kranz anatomy c. phloem tissue d. epidermis PHYSIOLOGY
14. The movement of substance
against a concentration or chemical gradient is known as: a. passive transport b. chemical transport c. active transport d. membrane transport PHYSIOLOGY
15. Oxygen as one of the products of
photosynthesis evolves from: a. the oxidation of H2O b. photolysis of H2O c. the reduction of CO2 d. the reduction of H2O PHYSIOLOGY
16. The sites of the C3 and C4 pathways
of CO2 fixation are compartmentalized in the leaves of: a. corn, sugarcane and rice b. sugarcane and corn c. mungbean and pineapple d. corn and soybean PHYSIOLOGY
17. The major products of respiration
are the following: a. ATP, H2O and NADH b. CO2 and ATP c. NADH and ATP d. ATP, H2O, CO2 and NADH PHYSIOLOGY 18. Respiration is a necessary evil in plants because: a. It breaks down glucose which should have been used in the synthesis of complex compounds b. It leads to the loss of glucose but generates metabolic energy and organic compounds that are used in the synthesis of structural storage compounds. c. It generates CO2, H2O and ATP d. It generates heat energy for transpiration PHYSIOLOGY
19. Decarboxylation of malate in the
leaves or corn takes place in: a. the cytosol of the mesophyll cells b. the cytosol of the bundle sheaths c. the mitochondrion of the bundle sheaths d. peroxisome PHYSIOLOGY
20. In the 1030’s- 1950’s,
photosynthesis was intensified by: a. use of carbon isotopes b. detection of PGA as first product c. Hatch and Slack d. Blackman PHYSIOLOGY
21. C3 plants have:
a. Only one CO2 fixation pathway b. Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in space c. Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in time d. Three CO2 fixation pathways PHYSIOLOGY
22. An RQ value of 1 means:
a. glucose is being respired b. fats are being respired c. anaerobic respiration is taking place d. aerobic respiration is involved PHYSIOLOGY
23. The main path of movement of
inorganic substances in plants is: a. roots b. xylem c. phloem d. leaves PHYSIOLOGY
24. Passive movement occurs:
a. from a cell with high potential to a cell with low potential b. only through a semi-permeable membrane c. through cytoplasmic streaming d. from a cell with low potential to a cell with high potential PHYSIOLOGY 25. According to the first Fick’s Law of Diffusion, the influx of CO2 into the leaf is: a. Directly proportional to the size of stomatal opening b. Inversely proportional to the CO2 concentration gradient between the leaf and the air c. Inversely proportional to total resistance d. Directly proportional to the CO2 concentration between leaf and air and inversely proportional to total resistance PHYSIOLOGY
26. Water is translocated from the roots
to the upper parts via two membranes of the conducting tissue namely: a. vessel and sieve tube b. tracheids and vessels c. tracheids and sieve tube d. vessel and companion cell PHYSIOLOGY
27. As autotroph, plants:
a. can directly use CO2 to synthesize its food b. act as host to N2 fixing bacteria c. obtain nutrients fro the soil d. obtain nutrient from crop residue PHYSIOLOGY
28. The ascent of sap from the roots to
the leaves of actively transpiring plants is driven largely by: a. water tension gradient b. water potential c. osmotic pressure d. low root pressure PHYSIOLOGY 29. Transpiration is a very useful process in plants because it is: a. involved in heat exchange between the leaves and the air b. essential in the distribution of essential nutrients in plants c. important in water and nutrient utilization d. needed in solubilizing organic compounds PHYSIOLOGY
30. The light reaction phase of
photosynthesis takes place in the: a. chloroplast b. thylakoid lamellae c. stroma d. chlorophyll PHYSIOLOGY 31.Plant roll their leaves to: a. reduce the rate of transpirational water loss b. increase the probability of dessication c. change the angle of incidence of diffused light with respect to the leaf surface d. increase leaf water content PHYSIOLOGY
32. Both photosynthetic and respiration
rates are influenced by: a. RH and CO2 concentration b. O2 concentration c. Temperature and CO2 concentration d. Temperature and RH PHYSIOLOGY
33. Which is present in plant cells not
present in animal cells? a. cell membrane b. cell wall c, ribosome d. vacuole PHYSIOLOGY
34. The most common type of cells in
plants: a. aerenchyma b. collenchyma c. sclerenchyma d. parenchyma PHYSIOLOGY
35. Root hairs are uncutinized
epidermal appendages located at the: a. cell division region b. meristematic region c. cell maturation region d. cell elongation region PHYSIOLOGY
37. The type of cell for storage:
a. collenchyma b. slerenchyma c. parenchyma d. clorenchyma PHYSIOLOGY
38. Adjacent cell walls are cemented
together by means of: a. cell membrane b. plasma membrane c. middle lamella d. lipid membrane PHYSIOLOGY
39. The tissue found in the root but not
in the stem is known as: a. endodermis b. epidermis c. pericycle d. pith PHYSIOLOGY
40. Which is an example of a CAM
plant? a. rice b. corn c. soybean d. pineapple PHYSIOLOGY
41. Cells controlling opening and
closing of the stomates: a. stomatal cells b. guard cells c. parenchyma cells d. sieve tube PHYSIOLOGY
42. Loss of water in liquid form:
a. transpiration b. guttation c. translocation d. evaporation PHYSIOLOGY
43. Most of transpiration occurs in the:
a. stomates b. cuticle c. lenticels d. hydathodes PHYSIOLOGY
44. Production of ATP via the electron
Transport System: a. cyclic photophosphorylation b. noncyclic photophosphorylation c. oxidative phosphorylation d. phosphorylation PHYSIOLOGY
45. Movement of water and solutes in
dead xylem vessels and intercellulsr spaces is called: a. apoplastic transport b. symplastic transport c. transpirational stream d. trnslocation PHYSIOLOGY
46. Main form of photosynthate
translocated is: a. sucrose b. glucose c. fructose d. protein PHYSIOLOGY
47. How many ATPs are released from
one (1) NADH via the Electron Transport System? a. one b. two c. three d. four PHYSIOLOGY
48. Glycolysis occurs in the:
a. cytoplasm b. mitochondria c. chloroplast d. vacuole PHYSIOLOGY
49. Type of chlorophyll primarily found
in all plants: a. chlorophyll a b. chlorophyll b c. chlorophyll c d. chlorophyll d PHYSIOLOGY
50. Central element of a chlorophyll
molecule: a. carbon b. nitrogen c. magnesium d. phosphorus Answers to Plant Physiology 1. B 11. A 21. A 31. A 41. B 2. C 12. B 22. A 32. C 42. B 3. B 13. C 23. B 33. B 43. A 4. D 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. C 5. B 15. B 25. D 35. C 45. A 6. C 16. B 26. B 36. C 46. A 7. B 17. D 27. A 37. C 47. C 8. C 18. B 28. A 38. C 48. A 9. D 19. B 29. A 39. A 49. A 10. B 20. A 30. B 40. D 50. C REVIEW QUESTIONS IN PLANT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 1. The distribution of growth in plants is not uniform and it usually takes place in growth centers such as: a. flowers b. stems c. meristems d. branches GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 2. The mechanism in which plant growth is governed by some kind of ‘division of labor’ among cells and different plant parts is called: a. genome b. endogenous growth rhythm c. correlation mechanism d. exogenous growth rhythm GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 3. This phytohormone is also called the ripening hormone: a. IAA b. gibberellin c. cytokinin d. ethylene GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 4. The response of plant by growing towards the direction of light is called: a. geotropism b. phototropism c. thigmotropism d. epinasty GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 5. The effective wavelength for photoperiodism is: a. red and blue b. far red and red c. ultraviolet d. gamma ray GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 6. This type of dormancy due to one or more unsuitable factors of the environment, which are non-specific in their effect. In seeds this is equivalent to quiescence. a. paradormancy b. endodormancy c. ecodormancy d. chemical dormancy GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 7. Plant responses to seasonal variations in the length of day are collectively known as: a. vernalization b. photoperiodism c. circadian rhythm d. morphogenesis GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 8. Photoreceptor involved in photoperiodism is: a. phytochrome b. chlorophyll c. carotenoids d. flavins GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 9. Which is not a feature of the Pfr form of phytochrome: a. It is blue-green in color b. It is convertible to Pr form c. It is far-red light absorbing form d. It is red orange in color GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 10. The natural termination of the functional life of an organ, organism or other life unit which is also regarded as the final phase in plant development: a. deterioration phase b. abscission phase c. senescence d. growth inhibition GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 11. Phototropism is a growth response to unidirectional light which is probably influenced by a particular growth hormone: a. ABA b. IAA c. Kinetin d. GA GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 12. Leaf senescence like the other types of senescence can be promoted by the application of the growth hormone: a. cytokinin b. ABA c. GA d. auxin GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 13. The bending or curvature (of an organ) caused by a differential growth when the adaxial or morphological upper side of an organ grows more rapidly than the abaxial or morphological lower side of the organ and is always associated with high ethylene concentration: a. hyponasty b. thigmonasty c. epinasty d. thermonasty GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 14. The growth response of plants to touch that is best exemplified by the coiling of tendrils as in cucurbits: a. thermotropism b. seismonasty c. thigmotropism d. thigmomorphogenesis GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 15. A characteristic response of roots and shoots such as they align themselves parallel to direction of the gravity: a. digravitropic b. agravitropic c. orthogravitropic d. negative tropism GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 16. A variation movement caused by daily rhythms of light and dark resulting from changes in the turgor of motor cells in the pulvinus located at the base of each leaf: a. nyctinasty b. thermonasty c. seismonasty d. circumnutation GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 17. The overall shape of plants is determined by: a. allometric growth b. growth correlation c. apical dominance d. hormonal imbalance GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 18. Senescence is an energy-requiring process brought about by metabolic changes, one of which is the destruction of the pigment: a. carotenoid b. xanthophylls c. anthocyanin d. chlorophyll GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 19. Stomatal closure is not only due to deficiency of turgor pressure but also due to the action of hormones. It is effected by: a. ethylene b. gibberellin c. cytokinin d. abscissic acid GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 20. The production of ethylene is due to the action of the growth hormone: a. GA b. auxin c. cytokinin d. ABA GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 21. Any organic substance which at low concentration, promotes, inhibits or modifies growth. a. hormone b. fertilizer c. enhancer d. modifier GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 22. A substance whether natural or synthetic that can modify growth: a. growth regulator b. fertilizer c. nutrient media d. enhancer GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 23. The G in the equation Y = G + E + (G x E) refers to: a. Growth b. Genotype c. Gender d. Geotropism GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 24. The special cells that allow rice plants to adjust to varying levels of O2 in the growth medium are called: a. aerenchyma cells b. bulliform cells c. phytochrome cells d. chloroplast cells GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 25. A type of senescence which is characterized by an annual change in deciduous woody plants in which all the leaves die but the bulk of the stem and root system remain viable: a. whole plant senescence b. organ senescence c. sequential senescence d. leaf senescence GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 26. The organ movement such that the axis comes to lie at right angles to the direction of the gravitational field as exhibited by stolons of potato and strawberry: a. heliotropism b. plagiogeotropism c. diagravitropism d. positive geotropism GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 27. The pattern of assimilate partitioning in plants varies a. with stage of growth and development b. with kind of fertilizer applied c. depending on the flux of solar energy d. with total rainfall GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 28. The relationship between growth rates of individual parts of an organ or organism is known as: a. shoot-root ratio b. harvest index c. allometry d. plant symmetry GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 29. Net assimilation rate is sometimes referred to as: a. photosynthesis b. crop growth rate c. unit leaf rate d. specific growth rate GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 30. The ratio of shoot dry weight to root dry weight is known as: a. root-shoot ratio b. shoot-root ratio c. plant biomass ratio d. harvest index GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 31. Certain plant organs move when exposed to water stress to: a. maintain adequate moisture content b. maximize photosynthetic activity c. maintain optimum translocation during the day d. balance their heat load with the surrounding air GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 32. Lanzones can be induced to flower by: a. pruning b. irrigation after long dry months c. chemical spray d. smoking GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 33. Grapes can be induced to flower by: a. irrigation b. calcium carbide c. smudging d. pruning GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 34. The plant hormones that release buds from apical dominance: a. auxin b. gibberrellin c. cytokinin d. ethylene GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 35. Storing matured fruits in plastic bags _________ ripening of fruits. a. enhances b. delays c. stops d. prevents GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 36. __________ is the resumption of embryo growth. a. dormancy b. germination c. absorption d. imbibition GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 37. In plants, these are recurring events or oscillations: a. correlative mechanisms b. endogenous rhythms c. biological clock d. flowering GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 38. Apical dominance which is the influence of the terminal bud preventing the growth of the lateral bud is effected by: a. ethylene b. gibberellin c. auxin d. cytokinin GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 39. The foolish seedling growth is associated with what plant hormone? a. auxin b. gibberellin c. cytokinin d. abscissic acid GROWTH AND DEVELOMENT 40. A plant showing tolerance mechanism of resistance to water deficit: a. adjusts its water absorption rate to maintain cell turgidity b. maintains relatively high stomatal conductance even if water deficit is progressing to a higher level c. rolls its leaves to reduce respiration d. extends its roots horizontally to explore soil moisture around the root zone GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 41. The phenomenon of seedlessness in fruits: a. apomixis b. parthenocarpy c. polyembryony d. epinasty GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 42. Plant hormone influencing chlorophyll formation and delaying chlorophyll breakdown: a. cytokinin b. auxin c. ethylene d. giberrellin GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 43. Process by which cells become specialized: a. cell division b. cell elongation c. cell differentiation d. cell maturation GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 44. The irreversible increase in size of an organism. a. growth b. development c. organization d. differentiation PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 45. A characteristic of a mature plant: a. cannot be induce to flower b. has fruits c. ripe to flower d. has suckers GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 46. The transition of a flower into a young fruit is: a. fruit set b. fruit growth c. fruit maturation d. anthesis GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 47. A stage in plant where growth is fast and cannot be readily induced to flower is said to be in the: a. exponential stage b. juvenile stage c. mature stage d. senescence GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 48. Which is a naturally occurring auxin? a. IBA b. NAA c. IAA d. 2,4-D GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 49. Hyperelongation of the stem prior to flowering of rosette plants is due to the hormone: a. auxin b. gibberellin c. cytokinin d. ethylene GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 50. Meristems that influence increase in length of the internodes of grasses: a. apical meristem b. lateral meristem c. intercalary meristem d. cambium Answers to Plant Growth & Development
1. C 11. B 21. A 31. D 41. B
2. C 12. B 22. A 32. B 42. A 3. D 13. C 23. B 33. D 43. C 4. B 14. C 24. A 34. C 44. A 5. A 15. C 25. A 35. A 45. C 6. C 16. A 26. C 36. B 46. A 7. B 17. B 27. A 37. B 47. B 8. A 18. D 28. C 38. C 48. C 9. D 19. D 29. C 39. B 49. B 10. C 20. B 30. B 40. B 50. C REVIEW QUESTIONS IN PLANT PROPAGATION PROPAGATION
1. The capacity of a cell cultured in vitro to
regenerate into a plant. a. potency b. totipotency c. sustainability d. culturablity PROPAGATION
2. Production of various organs such as
root, shoot, etc. from cells and tissue cultures is known as a. organogenesis b. adventiseous c. megagametogenesis d. gametogenesis PROPAGATION
3. The plant part to be cultured in vitro is
known as: a. mother plant b. source plant c. explant d. stock plant PROPAGATION
4. Removal of developing embryo from
seed and its cultivation in vitro is called: a. ovule culture b. endosperm culture c. seed culture d. embryo culture PROPAGATION
5. The implantation of a meristem from
another plant to a plantlet or sterile plant in vitro: a. grafting b. micrografting c. budding d. layering PROPAGATION
6. This refers to a group of cells, tissues or plants
derived from a single mother cell, tissue or plant through asexual means and is expected to be genetically identical. a. clone b. meristem c. bud d. scion PROPAGATION
7. A sterile plant with functional roots and
shoots developed in vitro is: a. seedling b. embryo c. plantlet d. radicle PROPAGATION
8. Combining together a rootstock and
scion until they unite permanently: a. marcotting b. layering c. grafting d. cutting PROPAGATION
9. Example of a plant propagated by root
cutting: a. onion b. okra c. guava d. eggplant PROPAGATION
10. Air layering is also known as:
a. marcotting b. budding c. grafting d. inarching PROPAGATION
11. In cleft grafting, the wedge is located at
the: a. scion b. root stock c. top of scion d. base of scion PROPAGATION
12. Inarching is also known as:
a. approach grafting b. layering c. marcotting d. serpentine PROPAGATION
13. For rapid rate of multiplication, the type
of propagation generally practiced is: a. micropropagation b. asexual c. sexual d. grafting PROPAGATION
14. The easiest method of artificial/asexual
propagation. a. marcotting b. inarching c. layering d. cutting PROPAGATION
15. Type of germination when the
cotyledon comes above the ground. a. hypogeal b. epigeal c. hypho-epigeal d. exodermus PROPAGATION
16. The treatment that removes the seed
coat or alter it making it permeable to water: a. scarification b. stratification c. vernalization d. separation PROPAGATION
17. The placement of seeds between
layers of either moist sand, soil or sawdust at high or low temperature: a. separation b. vernalization c. scarification d. stratification PROPAGATION
18. Seeds that can be kept viable for a
longer period of time provided they are properly dried and stored: a. recalcitrant b. foundation c. orthodox d. certified PROPAGATION
19. Seeds that could not be kept viable for
a long time. It cannot withstand drying. a. recalcitrant b. registered c. foundation d. orthodox PROPAGATION
20. Another term for propagating materials:
a. vegetative b. separation c. division d. propagules PROPAGATION
21. Slender specialized aerial stems that
grow horizontally along the ground from the leaf axil at the base or crown: a. sucker b. runner c. slip d. crown PROPAGATION
22. Method of artificial vegetative
propagation involving regeneration of severed plant part (root, leaf, stem) from the mother plant: a. layering b. grafting c. budding d. cutting PROPAGATION
23. Type of cutting that consists of a leaf
blade, petiole and short piece of the stem with an axillary bud: a. stem cutting b. leaf cutting c. leaf bud cutting d. root cutting PROPAGATION
24. A specialized form of grafting in which a
single detached bud is used as a scion instead of a stem: a. cleft b. saddle c. whip & tongue d. budding PROPAGATION 25. Method of artificial vegetative propagation when the plant part to be rooted is still attached from the parent plant which supplies the nutrients and moisture while the part is rooting: a. cutting b. grafting c. layering d. budding PROPAGATION
26. Method of artificial plant propagation
when rootstock and scion are made to unite while both of them are still growing on their own roots: a. marcotting b. inarching c. grafting d. layering PROPAGATION
27. Propagation method where the
resulting plants are true-to-type: a. sexual b. thinning c. asexual d. etiolation PROPAGATION
28. An example of a recalcitrant seed:
a. tomato b. eggplant c. avocado d. starapple PROPAGATION
29. Which is not an advantage of asexual
propagation: a. true-to-type b. allows propagation when seed propagation is impossible c. resulting plants are smaller d. takes a long time to mature PROPAGATION
30. Which is propagated by division:
a. sucker b. runner c. corm d. crown PROPAGATION
31. A seed is considered alive in the
tetrazolium test when: a. whole seed is stained b. radicle portion is not stained but the rest of the seed is c. plumule portion is not stained but the rest of the seed is d. half the seed is stained PROPAGATION
32. Seeds which can be dried to a low
moisture but cannot tolerate low temperature like coffee and papaya are considered: a. recalcitrant b. orthodox c. intermediate d. none of the above PROPAGATION
33. Which is an optional requirement for
favorable seed germination? a. optimum temperature b. 20% O2 concentration c. light d. proper amount of water PROPAGATION
34. The most favorable condition for storing
orthodox seeds is: a. dry and cool condition b. dry and hot condition c. moist and cool condition d. moist and hot condition PROPAGATION
35. Among the following dessicants or
drying agents, it is the most effective thus a smaller amount is required. a. lime b. charcoal c. silica gel d. wood ash PROPAGATION
36. The most suitable method for
germination test of very small seeds is: a. rolled filter paper b. petri dish with filter paper c. ragdoll method d. sand PROPAGATION
37. In storing seeds with desiccants. Seeds
should be placed inside a; a. polyethylene or plastic bag b. cloth bag c. aluminum foil d. paper bag PROPAGATION
38. Mangosteen and marang are propagated by
seeds. The seeds would be germinated within a week because they cannot be stored for a long time. The seeds are: a. orthodox b. apomictic c. recalcitrant d. photoblastic PROPAGATION
39. The best type of planting materials for
crops like cereals and legumes are: a. seeds b. stem cuttings c. root cuttings d. tissue cultured plants PROPAGATION
40. Sexual propagation is preferred over asexual
propagation because: a. Planting materials are easy to produce, inexpensive and have hybrid vigor b. Offsprings are true-to-type and early bearers c. Offsprings produced are smaller in height d. Offsprings are late bearer and there is no incompatibility PROPAGATION
41. Removal of off types.
a. weeding b. roguing c. pruning d. training PROPAGATION
42. The practice of growing a new crop out
of shoots arising from the previous crop is called: a. replanting b. re-cropping c. ratooning d. rejuvenation 43. Seeds or seedlings are better planting materials than asexual propagation when: a. there is benefit of hybrid vigor b. crops could be direct seeded c. crops can be propagated by seeds d. crops can be grafted or rooted as cuttings 44. Classification of seeds are based on these concepts: a. Orthodox seeds can be kept for long periods in storage when moisture content is low b. Recalcitrant seeds are more associated with perennial horticultural crops c. Seeds of corn, rice, eggplant and squash are recalcitrant seeds d. Seeds of rambutan, mango and avocado are orthodox seeds PROPAGATION
45. In a seedling, it is the stem section
above the cotyledon: a. epicotyl b. hypocotyl c. plumule d. radicle PROPAGATION
46. Which is not a requisite for germination
to occur? a. water b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. light PROPAGATION
47. Seeds produced without the union of
the male and female gametes are __________ seeds: a. parthenocarpic b. apomictic c. embryonic d. PROPAGATION
48. The part of the seed derived from the
fertilization of the egg cell by one of the two male nuclei from the pollen tube. a. seedcoat b. endosperm c. embryo d. cotyledon PROPAGATION
49. In grafting, it is the upper portion of the
graft. a. rootstock b. scion c. budstick d. cambium PROPAGATION
50. Aerial plantlets formed on the leaf axils
or flower stalks. a. bulblets b. pseudobulbs c. bulbils d. offsets Answers to Plant Propagation Questions
1. B 11. D 21. B 31. A 41. B
2. A 12. A 22. D 32. C 42. C
3. C 13. A 23. C 33. C 43. A
4. D 14. D 24. D 34. A 44. A
5. B 15. B 25. C 35. C 45. A
6. A 16. A 26. B 36. B 46. C
7. C 17. D 27. C 37. C 47. B
8. C 18. C 28. C 38. C 48. C
9. C 19. A 29. D 39. A 49. B
10. A 20. D 30. C 40. A 50. C
LEA Reviewer from UPLB
LEA Reviewer from CLSU Lecture Syllabus, Crop Science 1, UPLB