Presentation Plagiarism

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is often committed when you use words
and ideas without making credit to the person
who formulated it, making those words and
ideas your own (Sulaiman, 2018).
Types of Plagiarism:
Direct Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism is committed when you copy
word-forward a section of other’s work without quotation
marks (Roig,2002).
The stage of dialogue was the action of conversation. On
this manner, the incident was immediately addressed and
effects were identified.
from the research titled, “ The Die is Cast: Experiences of
Novice Teachers in Handling Verbal Bullying Incidents in a
Middle School” written by Dexter V. Fernandez, MAED.
and Arnel T. Sicat, Ph.D.
This is the proper way of citing a direct quotation.
“ The stage of dialogue was the action of conversation. On
this manner, the incident was immediately addressed and
effects were identified”.

This plagiarism is often committed when you mix

your previous works to come up with the new article
without proper citation and permission to the teacher
you previously submitted the work (Helgesson &
Ericksson, 2014;, 2011).
You submitted a research for A year later, you submitted it
Practical Research 1 again in Practical Research 2

The occurrence of verbal The occurrence of verbal

bullying was a typical scenario bullying was a typical scenario
in middle school. This kind of in middle school. This kind of
abuse was commonly abuse was commonly
committed by students towards committed by students towards
their peers. With the literature their peers. With the literature
about this matter, little less has about this matter, little less has
been conducted about the been conducted about the
manner novice teachers handle manner novice teachers handle
verbal bullying incidents. verbal bullying incidents.
From the research titled, “ The Die is Cast: Experiences of
Novice Teachers in Handling Verbal Bullying Incidents in a
Middle School” written by Dexter V. Fernandez, MAED. and
Arnel T. Sicat, Ph.D.
Mosaic Plagiarism
It is committed when you take phrases from a
source without using quotation marks or citation;
you just find synonyms to the author’s words while
keeping the same thought as it is in the original
(Roka, 2017).
A researcher taken from the internet Plagiarized

The occurrence of verbal bullying was a The event of verbal bullying was a common
typical scenario in middle school. This kind situation in secondary school. This kind of
of abuse was commonly committed by abuse was commonly committed by
students towards their peers. With the students towards their classmates. With the
literature about this matter, little less has literature about this matter, little less has
been conducted about the manner novice been conducted about the manner new
teachers handle verbal bullying incidents. teachers handle verbal bullying incidents.
Thus, this phenomenological study Thus, this phenomenological study
investigated the practices of novice teachers investigated the practices of novice teachers
in handling bullying in a middle school. in handling bullying in a secondary school.
From the research titled, “ The Die is Cast: Experiences of
Novice Teachers in Handling Verbal Bullying Incidents in a
Middle School” written by Dexter V. Fernandez, MAED. and
Arnel T. Sicat, Ph.D.
Accidental Plagiarism

This is committed when unintentionally neglected

to cite a source or quoted by using similar words or
sentence structure. This can be avoided through
responsible writing and running your work in an
initial plagiarism test available in internet (Learning
Services Writing Center, 2018).

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