Chapter - 4 Teaching by Principles
Chapter - 4 Teaching by Principles
Chapter - 4 Teaching by Principles
Teaching by Principles
It subsumes new information into existing structures and memory systems; and the resulting assosiative links create
stronger retention. In other words, it refers to a learning way where the new knowledge to acquire is related with
previous knowledge.
• Rote learning: taking in isolated bits and pieces of information (by repeating the materials over and ever again) there
are not connected with one’s existing cognitive structure which has little chance of creating long term memory.
• Some classroom implications of the principles:
• 1) Capitalize on the power of meaningful learning by appealing to students’ interests, academic goals, and career
• 2) When a new topic is introduced, you can try that your students can associate this topic with something they
already know.
• 3) Avoid the pitfalls of rote learning:
The most powerful rewards are those that are intrinsically motivated (those that come from inside of
an individual rather tan outside rewards, such as money or grades . Because the behavior stems from
needs, wants, or desires within oneself, the behavior is self-rewarding therefore, no externally
controlled reward is necessary.
Learners perform task because it is fun, interesting, useful, or challenging, and not because they
anticípate some cognitive or affective rewards from the teacher.
A learner’s personal investment of time, effort, and attention to the second language to help you to
can be comprehend and produce the language.
a) The importance of recognizing and dealing with the wide variety of styles and strategies that
learners successfully bring to the learning process.
b) The need for attention to each separate individual in the classroom.
* A variety of techniques in your lessons will at least partially ensure that you will “reach” a
maximun number of students. So you will choose a mixture of group work and individual work; of
visual and auditory techniques, of easy and difficult exercises.
As a human beings learn to use a second language, they also develop a new mode of thinking, feeling
and acting- as a second identity. The new “language ego”, interwined with the second language, can
easily create within the learner a sense of fragility, a defensiveness, and a raising of inhibitions.
• Possibilities of bringing relief to the situation and providing affective support:
*Overtly display a supportive attitude to your students.
*Your choice of techniques and sequences of techniques needs to be cognitively challenging but not
over whelming at an affective level.
* Be supportive because adult learners often feel stupid.
Learners’ belief that they indeed are fully capable of accomplishing a task is at least partially a
factor in their eventual success in attaining the task.
• Build/ sequence activities to build confidence
• Encourage students let them know that you know that they can do the work.
• Give ample verbal and non verbal assurances to students. It helps a student to hear a teacher
affirm a belief in the student’s ability.
• Sequence techniques from easier to more difficult.
Successful language learner, in their realistic judgment of themselves as vulnerable beings yet
capable of accomplishing tasks, must be willing to become “gamblers” in the game of language,
to attempt to produce and to interpret language that is a bit beyond their absolute certainly.
Whenever you teach a languag, you also teach a complex system of cultural custom, values, and ways
of thinking, feeling and acting.
Some classroom applications:
• Discuss cross-cultural differences with your student, emphasizing that no culture is better than
• Include certain activities and materials that ilustrate the connection between language and culture.
• Teach your students the cultural connotations of language.
• Screen your techniques for material that may be culturally offensive.
The second aspect of the language-culture connection is the extent to which your students will
themselves be affected by the process of acculturatio, which will vary with the context and goals of
*Acculturation: a process in which changes in the lamguage, culture, and system of values of a group
happen through interaction with another group with a different language culture, and system of
In another words: especially in “second” language learning contexts, the success with which learners
adapt to a new cultural milieu will affect their language acquisition success, and vice versa, in some
possibly significant ways.
The native language of learners exert a strong influence on the acquisition of the target language
system. While that native system will exercise both facilitating and interfering effects on the
production and comprehension of the new language, the interfering effects are likely to be the most
Some classroom suggestions stemming from The Native Language Effect are as follows:
1) Regard learners’ errors as important windows to their underlying system and provide appropriate
feedback on them. Errors of native language interference may be repaired by acquainting the
learner with the native language cause of the error.
2) Ideally, every successful learner will hold on to the facilitating effects of the native language and
discard the interference.
3) Try to coax students into thinking in the second language instead of resorting to translation as they
comprehend and produce language.
Second language learners tend to go through a systematic or quasi-systematic developmental
process as they progress to full competence in the target language. Successful interlanguage
development is partially a result of utilizing feedback from others.