Nidhi MRP Presentation
Nidhi MRP Presentation
Nidhi MRP Presentation
Review of Literature
Rationale of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Research Method
The first blockchain-based cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which still remains the most
popular and most valuable. Today, there are thousands of alternate cryptocurrencies
with various functions and specifications.
Transactional cryptocurrencies
The purposes of cryptocurrency is to eliminate all kinds of control of central
authorities and middlemen from our day-to-day transactions. These types of
cryptocurrency that can be store and exchanges for value.Transactional
cryptocurrencies are slowly gaining popularity due to large numbers of people
using it.
Examples of transactional cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin , Litecoin etc.
Cryptocurrency platforms
Cryptocurrency platforms create a base to build other crypto currencies. It is a base
and a building block to create other decentralized cryptocurrencies.
This type of cryptocurrency is a smart contract feature that enables blockchains.
Smart features are nothing but computing systems that enable self-execution,
which are written in codes, and stored in blockchains.
Examples of platform cryptocurrencies are Ethereum , Neo etc.
Review of Literature
A. Manimuthu, R. V., S., Dr. Rejikumar G., and Marwaha, D., “A Literature Review on
Bitcoin: Transformation of Crypto Currency Into a Global Phenomenon”, IEEE Engineering
Management Review, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 28-35, 2019.
Mittal Alka (2017) focuses on merchants and traders who accept this digital currency as a
medium of exchange to overcome its problem of volatility. This will boost the market of
Bitcoins not only in India but also in other developing economies. This emphasizes that to
survive in the system; Bitcoin has to adapt itself to the required technical and operational
innovations. In addition to this, government should impose proper legal framework, to protect
the consumers or users of these digital currencies, as the progress seen in the transactions in
this currency during the past few months is tremendous.
Authors Joseph Bonneau, Andrew Miller, Jeremy Clark, Arvind Narayanan, Joshua A.
Kroll and Edward W Felten determined 3 components of bitcoins that had to be analyzed
individually, in their paper „SoK: Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and
Cryptocurrencies‟(2015). The authors also believe that “bitcoin is a rare case where
practice seems to be ahead of theory” because there isn‟t a scientific model to answer
questions related to bitcoin.
This research helps to find out the perception of investors regarding investment
in cryptocurrency. If responses of individuals are in favour than government of
India should also plan to adapt cryptocurrency, because it is a safest and more
secure than other modes of currency.
Objectives of the Study
This section presents the methodology which was used in order to obtain the
necessary information so as to be able to analyze the topic of study. As a starting
point, the right type and number of participants that are required in order to be
able to conduct a study whose findings will be meaningful.
Type of Research
Research is descriptive research which include a detail study of various factors
which are crucial to know about perception of investor’s and also about having
knowledge of cryptocurrecy.
The Sample
In order for the study to be representative, it was thought that a sufficient sample was
required . For collecting data stratified sampling was used and strata were made and
data was collected accordingly, groups were professionals, business class,
service.Sample size of 70 respondents was used for the research. Different investor’s
from different sector were the respondents of the research . For the purpose of this
study not only primary data, also secondary data was collected .
I have prepared a questionnaire which includes some personal details questions
and after that 24 questions related to the topic and cirulated the questionnaire.
Within 10 days I have received responses from 70 people, after collecting the
data made excel sheet and than analyse the data in two parts:-
Basic questions with the help of bar chart and frequency distribution table.
Questions which were in likert scale was analysed through T-test.
After studying various researches and conducting survey it was
found that approximately 75% of respondents were aware about
the cryptocurrency , this shows that majority of people have
knowledge regarding cryptocurrency and related basics.
After analyse the data output comes was that majority of people
accepted cryptocurrency as mode of cash less transaction.
This study is limited to take responses from certain groups only, not
included all the people.
Garay, J., Kiayias, A., & Leonardos, N. (2017, August). The bitcoin backbone protocol with chains of variable
difficulty. In Annual International Cryptology Conference (pp. 291-323). Springer, Cham.
Everette, J. (2017). Risks and Vulnerabilities of Virtual Currency. Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method. Public-
Private Analytic Exchange Program.
Giudici, G., Milne, A., & Vinogradov, D. (2020). Cryptocurrencies: market analysis and perspectives. Journal of
Industrial and Business Economics, 47(1), 1-18.
Corbet, S., Lucey, B., Urquhart, A., & Yarovaya, L. (2019). Cryptocurrencies as a financial asset: A systematic
analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 62, 182-199.