South Korea
South Korea
South Korea
Division of labor
Food and
Food in daily-life Ceremonial occasions include ttok, rice
cake, and fresh fruits for birthdays,
Food customs at ceremonial marriages, and hwan’gap. At ch’arye,
occasions offerings include rice wine, soup,
barbecued meats, and fruits. Family
Basic economy
members consume these offerings,
Land tenure and property symbolizing blessings from ancestral
Major industries
Kwang –mok-chong-wang,
Division of labor The guardian of the west
Food and South Korea transformed its traditional agrarian subsistence
economy to a primarily industrialized one in little more than a
economy generation. In 1962, when the First Five-Year Economic
Development Plan was launched, per capita gross national
product was $87 (U.S.), in contrast with $10,543 (U.S.) in
Food in daily-life 1996. However, rapid increases in short-term debt
Food customs at ceremonial precipitated by overinvestments by chaebols (family-owned
occasions and –managed conglomerates) and insufficient foreign
exchange reserves caused the financial crisis of 1997, which
Basic economy necessitated emergency financial aid from the International
Land tenure and property Monetary Fund (IMF) in December 1997. After a year of rising
unemployment, negative economic growth, and reforms of
Major industries the financial sector in 1998, the economy began to recover.
For gross domestic product (GDP) of $406.7 billion (U.S.), the
country ranked thirteenth and for per capita GDP it ranked
Division of labor thirtieth among the world’s nations in 1999.
Food and Were traditionally the main form of wealth in Korea,
Division of labor
Food and
economy Trade. Korea’s economy is export-oriented and
heavily dependent on overseas raw materials. In
Food in daily-life 1999, exports were $143.7 billion (U.S.) and
imports were $119.8 billion (U.S.). Major trading
Food customs at ceremonial
partners are the U.S. And Japan. Exports include
computers, semiconductors, automobiles, steel,
Basic economy shipbuilding, electronic goods, machinery,
textiles, and fishery products. Imports include
Land tenure and property
steel, chemicals, timber, pulp, cereals,
Major industries petroleum products, and electronics.
Division of labor
Food and Leading chaebol companies such as Hyundai,
Samsung, and the LG Group recruit white-collar
economy workers from among college graduates through
Recruitment from outside is allowed only at certain
the kongch’ae system (an open competitive written
grade levels through the civil service examination
examination and interviews). Smaller companies
Food in daily-life system, with age limitations that favor the young.
often rely on social connections to hire employees.
Vacant positions, except at the lowest grade level,
Food customs at ceremonial For executive and upper-level management jobs,
are filled mostly by promotions based on seniority.
occasions companies may scout the desired personnel by using
The tradition of seniority, however, is being
a variety of means, including professional
Basic economy challenged as part of the wide-ranging restructuring
headhunting services. Employment in the civil
taking place in the public sector as well as in the
Land tenure and property service, which is based on a grade system, reflects a
financial and corporate sectors as a result of the 1997
strong tradition of seniority. Positions are assigned
Major industries economic crisis.
strictly according to grade, and remuneration is
based on grade and length of service.
Division of labor
Rituals and holy places Christian clergy duties include not only
sermons but also routine personal visits to
Death and the after-life their parishioners’ homes. In exchange for
monetary donations, Buddhist monks may
offer personalised prayer services.
Religion A shaman keeps a shrinewhere her
guardian deity and the instruments for
ritualservices are kept. Kut , which include
songs, dances, andincantations, are
Religious beliefs performedtemples
Buddhist at various
to be to securegood
distant curecities,
guide the spirit
but of
Religious practitioner adeceased
more templesperson to heaven. being
are increasingly
built churches are ubiquitous in urban
in cities.
Rituals and holy places
andrural areas. Some offer services not
Death and the after-life only on Sundays butalso at predawn hours
on weekdays. Leading Christianchurches
have huge new buildings that can
accommodateseveral thousand
Religion Many Koreans believe in ancestral spirits and
follow Confucian rites for funerals, grieving,
and memorial services. Folk ideas regarding
the afterlife are impacted by Buddhism, yet
they are diverse.
Religious beliefs
Religious practitioner Selecting goodgrave sites according to
geomantic principles is regardedas important
Rituals and holy places for both the ancestral spirit and
Death and the after-life thedescendants’ fortune. At domestic rites
performed on theeve of the death day and on
major holidays, the ancestralimage is that of
living, dependent, and inactive parents
towhom food and wine are offered.