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Chapter 1

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Object Oriented Programming (CoSc2082)

Chapter 1

After studying this chapter, students should be able to:
 Learn about Programming Paradigms
 Structured Vs Object-Oriented paradigm

 Understand OOP Concepts and Features

 Fundamental Java Programming Structures:
 Tokens: Identifiers, Separators, Operators, keywords & Literals
 Constants, variables and primitive data types
 The main() method
 Control statements: if, switch, while, do…while, for and Jumps in loops
 Array & Strings in java

Programming Paradigms
 Programming Paradigm is a way of conceptualizing what it
means to perform computation and how tasks to be carried out
and organized on a computer.
Structured Programming
 Problem solving would involve the analysis of processes in
terms of the procedural tasks carried out and the production of a
system whose representation is based on the procedural flow of
the processes.
 data was separate from code.
 programmer is responsible for organizing everything in to
logical units of code/data
 A procedural program is divided into functions, and (ideally, at
least) each function has a clearly defined purpose & a clearly
defined interface to the other functions in the program.
Disadvantages of Structured Programming
1. Unrestricted Access
 Functions have unrestricted access to global data.
2. Real-World Modeling
 Unrelated functions and data, the basics of the procedural paradigm,
provide a poor model of the real world.
3. Difficult of Creating New Data Types
 Traditional languages are not extensible because they will not let you
create new data types.

OOP Approach
 A modern programming paradigm that allows the Programmer
to model a problem in a real-world fashion as an object.
 Major objective is to eliminate some of the flaws encountered
in the procedural approach.
 OOP allows us to decompose a problem into number of entities
called objects and then build data and methods (functions)
around these entities.
 The data of an object can be accessed only by the methods
associated with the object
 Follows bottom-up approach in program design

Features of OOP
 Emphasis is on data rather than procedure.
 Programs are divided into objects.
 Data Structures are designed such that they characterize the
 Methods that operate on the data of an object are tied together
in the data structure.
 Data is hidden and can not be accessed by external functions.
 Objects may communicate with each other through methods.

Basic OOP Concepts
The following are the basic OOP concepts:
1. Objects
2. Classes

3. Data Abstraction
4. Data Encapsulation
5. Inheritance

6. Polymorphism
7. Dynamic Binding

8. Message Passing
1. Object
 An object is an any real world entity which may represent place, person,
data item related to program.
 An object has state, behavior and identity.
 Ex. A ‘Mouse’ object has,
State: moving or working
Behavior: picking or pointing an object on the screen
Identity: color, company, Identification No. etc.
 An object is a variable/instance of class.
 An object is a run-time entity.
2. Class
 Is the template or blueprint that defines the states and the behaviors
common to all objects of a certain kind.
 It is a collection of objects of similar type.
 Classes are user-defined data types & behave like the built-in types of
programming language.
3. Data Abstraction
 Abstraction means representing essential features without

including the background details or explanations

 A classes can use the concept of Abstraction and are defined as

list of abstract data and functions to operate on these data.

 Since the classes use the concept of Data Abstraction, they are

known as Abstract Data Type(ADT).

4. Data Encapsulation
 The wrapping up of data and methods into a single unit (called

class) is known as encapsulation.

 This insulation of the data from direct access by the program is

called data hiding.

5. Inheritance
 Is the process by which objects of one class acquire the
properties of objects of another class.
 It provides the idea of reusability( reusing the code)
6. Polymorphism
 In polymorphism, ‘Poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means
forms, i.e. many forms.
 Is the ability to take more than one form. It allows a function
responding in different ways.
7. Dynamic Binding
 Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given
procedure call is not known until the time of the call at
 Memory is allocated at runtime not at compile time. 10
8. Message Passing
 The process of invoking an operation of an object is called

Massage Passing.
 In response to the given massage, the respective method or

operation is called.
 OOPs includes objects which communicates by sending/

receiving information with each other.

 Message Passing involves specifying the name of the object,

the name of the function (message) and the information to be

employee.salary (name);
 A message for an object is a request for the execution of a


Introduction to Java
 Java is an Object Oriented Programming language developed
by Sun Microsystems in the year 1991.
 Initially it was named as “Oak” by James Gosling
 In 1995, “Oak” is renamed to “Java” because the name “Oak”
did not survive legal registration. 
 James Gosling and his team members were consuming a lot of
coffee while developing this language.
 Good quality of coffee was supplied from a place called “Java
Island’. Hence they fixed the name of the language as Java. The
symbol for Java language is cup and saucer.
 Sun formally announced Java at Sun World conference in 1995.
On January 23rd 1996, JDK1.0 version was released.

Features of Java (Java Buzzwords)
 Simple: Learning and practicing Java is easy because of
resemblance with C and C++.
 Object Oriented: Unlike C++, Java is purely OOP.
 Distributed: Java is designed for use on network; it has an
extensive library which works in agreement with TCP/IP.
 Secure: Java is designed for use on Internet. Java enables the
construction of virus-free, tamper free systems.
 Robust (Strong/ Powerful): Java programs will not crash
because of its exception handling and its memory management
 Portable: Java does not have implementation dependent
aspects and it gives same result on any machine.

 Interpreted: Java programs are compiled to generate the byte
code(.class file). This byte code can be interpreted by the
interpreter contained in JVM.
 Architectural Neutral Language: Java byte code is not
machine dependent, it can run on any machine with any
processor and with any OS.
 High Performance: Along with interpreter there will be JIT
(Just In Time) compiler which enhances the speed of execution.
 Multithreaded: Executing different parts of a program
simultaneously is called multithreading. This is an essential
feature to design server side programs.
 Dynamic: We can develop programs in Java which
dynamically change on Internet (e.g.: Applets).

Java Environment
 Java Environment includes a large number of development tools
and hundreds of classes and methods.
 The development tools are part of the system known as Java
Development Kit (JDK) and the classes and methods are part of
the Java Standard Library (JSL), also known as Application
Programming Interface (API).
 JDK comes with a collection of tools that are used for developing
and running java programs:
 appleviewer (for viewing java applets )
 javac (java compiler)
 java (java interpreter)
 javap (java disassembler)
 javah (for C header files)
 javadoc (for creating HTML documents)
 jdb (Java debugger)
Java API
 It includes hundreds of classes and methods grouped into
several functional packages.
 Most commonly used packages are:
 Language Support Package: a collection of classes and methods required
for implementing basic features of java.
 Utilities Package: a collection of classes to provide utility functions such
as date and time functions.
 Input/output Package: a collection of classes required for input/output
 Networking Package: a collection of classes for communicating with
other computers via Internet.
 AWT Package (Abstract Window Tool kit package): contains classes that
implements platform-independent graphical user interface.
 Applet Package: includes set of classes that allows us to create java

Programming Structure
 In Java programming language:
 A program is made up of one or more classes
 A class contains one or more methods
 A method contains program statements
 In Java, first we need to import the required packages. By
default, java.lang.* is imported. Java has several such packages
in its library.
 A package is a kind of directory that contains a group of related
classes and interfaces. A class or interface contains methods.
 Since Java is purely an Object Oriented Programming language,
we cannot write a Java program without having at least one
class or object. So, it is mandatory to write a class in Java
program. We should use class keyword for this purpose and
then write class name.
// comments about the class
class header
public class Class-name

// comments about the method

public static void main (String[] args)
class body
method header
method body

Comments can be placed almost anywhere

First Java Program
// MyProgram.java
public class Sample
public static void main( String args[])
System.out.println(“ Hello World! “);
Let us discuss the program line by line:
 Class Declaration: the first line class Sample declares a class,

which is an object constructor. Class is keyword and declares a

new class definition and Sample is a java identifier that
specifies the name of the class to be defined.

 Braces : Every class definition in java begins with an opening
brace “{“ and ends with a closing brace “}”.
 The main line: the third line public static void main(String args[])
defines a method named as main, is the starting point for the
interpreter to begin the execution of the program.
 public: is an access specifier that declares the main method as
“unprotected” and therefore making it accessible to all other
 static: declares that this method as one that belongs to the entire
class and not a part of any objects of the class.
 Main must always be declared as static since the interpreter

uses this method before any objects are created.

 void : states that the main method does not return any value (but
prints some text to the screen.)
 All parameters to a method are declared inside a pair of
parenthesis. Here, String args[ ] declares a parameter named
args, which contains array of objects of the class type String.
 The Output Line: The only executable statement in the program
is System.out.println(“Hello World!” );
 This is similar to cout<< constructor of C++.
 The println method is a member of the out object, which is a
static data member of System class.

Java Program Structure

Documentation Section Suggested

Package Statement

Import Statements

Interface Statements

Class Definitions Optional

Main Method class

{ Essential
Main Method Definition

Documentation Section
 Comprises a set of comment lines giving the name of the
program, the author and other details, which the programmer
would like to refer at a later stage.
 Comments are description about the aim and features of the
 Comments increase readability of a program.
 Java supports three types of comments:
1. Single line comment //
2. Multiple line comment /*………………
3. Documentation comment /**….*/
 This form of comment is used for generating documentation

Package Statement
 Is the first statement in Java file and is optional.
 It declares a package name and informs the compiler that the
classes defined here belong to this package.
Example: package student;

Import statements
 Next to package statements (but before any class definitions) a
number of import statements may exist. This is similar to
#include statements in C or C++.
 Using import statements we can have access to classes that are
part of other named packages.
Example: import java.lang.Math;

Interface Statements
 An interface is like a class but includes a group of method
 is also an optional section.
 is used only when we wish to implement the multiple inheritance
features in the program

Class Definitions
 A Java program may contain multiple class definitions.
 Classes are the primary and essential elements of a Java
 These classes are used to map objects of real-world problems.
 The number of classes depends on the complexity of the

Main Method
 Since every Java stand-alone program requires a main method as
its starting point, this class is the essential part of a Java
 A simple Java program may contain only this part.
 The main method creates objects of various classes and
establishes communications between them.
 On reaching the end of main, the program terminates and control
passes back to the operating system.

Creating a Source File
 Type the program in a text editor (i.e. Notepad, WordPad,
Microsoft Word or Edit Plus).
 We can launch the Notepad editor from the Start menu by selecting
Programs > Accessories > Notepad. In a new document, type the
above code (i.e. Sample Program).
 Save the program with filename same as Class_name (i.e.
Sample.java) in which main method is written. To do this in
Notepad, first choose the File > Save menu item. Then, in the
Save dialog box:
 Using the Save in combo box, specify the folder (directory)
where you'll save your file.
 In this example, the directory is JQR on the D drive.
 In the File name text field, type "Sample.java", including the
quotation marks. Then the dialog box should look like this:


Now click Save, and exit Notepad.

Executing the Source File
 To Compile the Sample.java program go to DOS prompt. We
can do this from the Start menu by choosing Run... and then
entering cmd. The window should look similar to the following

 The prompt shows current directory. To compile Sample.java

source file, change current directory to the directory where
Sample.java file is located. For example, if source directory is
JQR on the D drive, type the following commands at the
prompt and press Enter:

 Now the prompt should change to D:\JQR> 29

 At the prompt, type the following command and press Enter:
javac Sample.java

 The compiler generates byte code and Sample.class will be

 To run the program, enter java followed by the class name
created at the time of compilation at the command prompt in
the same directory as: java Sample

 The program interpreted and the output is displayed.

Java Tokens
 A class in java is defined by a set of declaration statements and
methods containing executable statements.
 Most statements contain expressions, which describe the actions
carried out on data.
 Smallest individual units in a program are known as tokens.
 In simplest terms, a java program is a collection of tokens,
comments, and white spaces.
 Java has five types of tokens: Reserved Keywords, Identifiers,
Literals, Separators and Operators .

1. Keywords
 Are essential part of a language definition and can not be used as
names for variables, classes, methods and so on.
 Java language has reserved 60 words as keywords.

2. Identifiers
 Are programmer-designed tokens.
 Are used for naming classes, methods, variables, objects,
labels, packages and interfaces in a program.
 Java identifiers follow the following rules:
 They can have alphabets, digits, and the underscore and
dollar sign characters.
 They must not begin with a digit
 Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct.
 They can be of any length.
 Can not be a reserved words like main, class ,string etc. 33

 Which of the following are valid Identifiers?

1) $amount 5) score
2) 6tally 6) first Name
3) my*Name 7) total#
4) salary 8) cast

3. Literals
 Literals in Java are a sequence of characters(digits, letters and
other characters) that represent constant values to be stored in
 Five major types of literals in Java:

I. Integer Literals: refers to a sequence of digits (decimal

integer, octal integer and hexadecimal integer)
II. Floating-point Literals
III.Character Literals
IV.String Literals
V. Boolean Literals 35
4. Separators
 Are symbols used to indicate where groups of code are divided
and arranged.
 They basically define the shape and functions of our code.
 Java separators include:

I. Parenthesis ( ) :- used to enclose parameters, to define

precedence in expressions, surrounding cast types
II. Braces { } :- used to contain the values of automatically
initialized arrays and to define a block of code for classes,
methods and local scopes.

III.Brackets [ ] :- are used to declare array types and for
dereferencing array values.
IV. Semicolon ; :- used to separate statements.
V. Comma , :- used to separate consecutive identifiers in a
variable declaration, also used to chain statements together
inside a “for” statement.
VI.Period . :- Used to separate package names from sub-package
names and classes; also used to separate a variable or method
from a reference variable.

5. Operators
 Are symbols that take one or more arguments (operands) and
operates on them to a produce a result.
 Are used to in programs to manipulate data and variables.
 They usually form a part of mathematical or logical
 Expressions can be combinations of variables, primitives and
operators that result in a value.


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