Powerpoint Partnership Initiatives

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Background and Rationale

◦ The current Resource Generation Projects and Activities in SDO

Albay are focused on the implementation of Republic Act 8525
otherwise known as Act Establishing Adopt-A-School Program
with principles of volunteerism and multiple partnership that gives
the private sector an opportunity to become dynamic and strong
partners towards the noble goal of educating Albayano learners.
◦ The Adopt-A-School Program provides that the
State shall provide quality and relevant education
to the Filipino youth and shall encourage private
initiative to support public education. Towards
this end, the State shall institute programs to
encourage private companies and
◦enterprises to help in upgrading and
modernization of public schools in the
country, particularly those in poverty-stricken
provinces. It shall allow private entities to
assist a public school in the following areas :
◦ a.) staff and faculty development for
◦ training and further education
◦ b.) construction of facilities upgrading of
◦ existing facilities, provision of books,
◦ publication, and other instructional
◦ materials;
◦c.) and modernization of
◦ instructional technologies.
Republic Act 9155 , known as the Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001,
provides for the empowerment of school officials
to take initiatives toward improving the quality
of basic education. Through this mandate, teaching and non-
teaching personnel are encourage to introduce new and/or
innovative practices ,procedures, and processes to
◦ achieve higher learning outcomes and generate
resources through the implementation of
programs, projects and activities.
◦ DepEd Order No. 40 s. 2015 states that to achieve
the goals of the k 12 Program,
◦the Department of Education needs to enter
partnership with different groups and engage
in partnership building activities in the fields
of work immersion opportunities for public
Senior High School ( SHS) learners,
◦ use of facilities and equipments, additional teacher
training opportunities and additional resources in
the form of donations.
◦ Dep Ed Order No. 8 s. 2023, empowers teachers to
refuse from invitation to participate in community
events and activities tat are non-academic in nature,
◦ regardless of such activities and events shall be conducted
beyond school hours.
◦ Furthermore , paragraph 4 of DO No. 8 s. 2023
◦ states that teachers are not allowed to engage in
community service or extracurricular activities during
school hours as these will empede the performance of their
teaching work and responsibilities.
◦ The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers also mandates
every teacher to provide leadership to actively participate in
community movements for moral, social, educational, economic
and civic betterment and to live for and with community, study and
understand local customs and traditions in order to have
sympathetic attitude and refrain from disparaging the community.
All employees are also reminded to refrain from seeking
endorsements, recommendations, contributions, support,
consideration, political accomodations, or any form of
intervention from other government personnel or similar
entities outside of DepEd and to desist from soliciting
favorable actions from politicians to facilitate the
◦ the implementation of programs. projects or activties,
EXCEPT those covered by the following :
◦ a.) Adopt-A-School Program
◦ b.) Those initiated by the local government units
◦ (LGU )
◦ c.) Those funded by the Special Education Fund
◦ (SEF )
◦ d, ) Those covered by partnership agreements
and/or allowed by law.
◦ It is also directed that DepEd officials and
employees refrain from engaging in any activity or
any relationship that may impair one’s ability in
making objective
◦ decisions in the performance of his/her job
functions, desist from any act that may compromise
one’s integrity as a government employee and that
may compromise the honor of DepEd and to avoid
partisan activities.
Policy Statement

◦ 1. Activities related to resource generation

◦ should not disrupt classes or hamper
◦ instructional time in compliance with the
◦ provisions of DepEd Order No. 34 s. 2022 titled School
Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022- 2023
and DO No. 9 s. 2005 titled Instituting Measures to
Engage Time-On-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith
and the policy on off-campus activities stated in DO No. 66
s. 2017.
◦ 2. The resource generation should be in com -
◦ pliance with SDO Albay’s Project 3 Ps ( Plan,
◦ prioritize, Propose ) in support of the No
◦ Solicitacion Policy.
◦ 3. It should also be compliant to the No
◦ Collection Policy provided in the DepEd
◦ Order in No. 41 s. 2012 as stated in
◦ Section 3 of Republic Act 5546 or the
◦ Ganzon Law. All related activities should
◦ be voluntary in nature and not
◦ mandatory.
4. In accordance with DepEd Order No. 56 s. 2001,
educational field trips should never be used
to generate income for the school or for
school official/teachers organizing them.
◦ 5. The provisions of DepEd Order No. 28 s. 2001
◦ as amended by DepEd Order No. 36 s. 2010
◦ shall be strictly complied with for the following
◦ cogent reasons :
◦ a.) Endorsements by DepEd distort market forces
◦ and may give the impression of superior
quality of performance. depEd has no competence or duty
to say so.

◦ b.) Government agencies are dissuaded

◦ from favoring one commercial product
◦ or service as against another.
◦ c.) Endorsement or accreditation tends
◦ to create the impression of private gain.
◦ This should be avoided.
d.) The DepEd institutional name and logo must only be
used for public purposes as determined by the
Department. Use of DepEd name, seal and logo for
◦ all sorts of goods, services and projects, depreciates
◦ the Department’s goodwill.
◦ e.) The Department may, at times, disseminate information on
events, scholarships and training opportunities for teachers and
students. This will be used
◦ as Advisories purely for the information of the organiza-
◦ tion. You may participate on the basis of your own
judgement, time and resources. Deductions to teacher’s
salaries and compulsory contributions

◦ from students for these activities will not be allowed and

are prohibited under the Ganzon Law (RA 5546 ).
◦ Eligibility
◦ All regular employees, teaching and non-
◦ teaching personnel of DepEd SDO Albay
whether from the Division Office, elementary or secondary
schools are eligible to submit their

◦proposal(s). Proponents are encouraged to

cover issues or categories or special programs
within their immediate concern or jurisdiction.
Possible Areas, Recommended Categories and
Purpose of Proposal
◦ a.) Partnership engagement activities contem-
◦ plated in Republic Act 8525 also known as
◦ the Adopt-A-School of 1998 with Brigada
◦ Eskwela as its logical extension.
◦ b.) Partnership engagement activities included
◦ in the list of allowed activities of a PTA under
under DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2022.

c. Curriculum
1. Contextualization of learning materials,
integration of ICT applications, designing crafting
instructional IM’s as an offshoot of a research or
to address to identified gaps ;
2. Enhance or contextualized Teaching
3. Contextualized Monitoring Tools, if applicableas been
pilot tested first to a
small group for reliability and validity.
◦ 4. Contextualized Assessment practices;
◦ 5. Contextualized Learning Management
◦ System.
◦ d. ) School Governance
◦ 1. New strategy for the engagement of
◦ stakeholders in school activities like construction
of school facilities,engagement in decision making, etc.

2. Localized strategy of health services delivery

3. Contextualized Monitoring Tools, if applicable has
been pilot tested first to a small group for reliability and
validity ;
4. Learning and Development provisions that are non-
CO/RO/DO initiated project
5. Provisions of welfare and wellness services and practices
to human resources other than what are alrready existing;

◦ 6. CI projects

◦ e.) ICT
◦ 1. Automation of Procedures or Processes
◦ 2. Integration of ICT in developed Instructional
◦ Construction of facilities funded by MOOE
or other downloaded funds shall not be claimed
as innovation for promotion purposes.
The purpose of the proposals should also have the four
critical components of MATATAG and

◦ the PILLARS in the delivery of basic education services

as follows :
◦ MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent and
job-ready, active, and respon-sible citizens ;
◦ TAke steps to accelerate delivery of basic
education facilities and services;

◦ TAke good care of learners by promotong

learner well-being, inclusive education, and a
positive learning environment; and
◦ Give support to teachers to teach better.

◦ 1. Improve Access to Basic Education Program;

◦ 2. Guarantee Quality in Education;
◦ 3. Ensure that learners rceive the resources needed to
acquire the basic work skills of reading, writing, and
simple arithmetic. (Equity )
4. Resiliency and well-being of teachers and

5. Improve decision making and school
dynamics by allocating roles and
responsibilities, determining priorities and
designs, and carry out education policies and
programs. (Governance )
◦ Other special coverage not included in the above
list may be considered provided that the same shall
provide clear benefit(s) for the learners, the teachers
or the office/school in general.
Source of Funds

◦ All Programs, Projects and Activities that are

already embodied in the approved SIP/AIP with
MOOE allocation or special projects downloaded by
the DepEd CO/RO/DO funded by MOOE or special
funds shall not be considered as innovations. If the
program, project or
activity is already included in the SIP/AIP,
proposal is no longer necessary
◦since the SIP/AIP is already approved. Only a
Program/Project/Activity Completion Report
shall be prepared for purposes of performance
monitoring and evaluation and in compliance
with liquidation requirements , if funded by
special funds.

◦ The source of funds should be resource

mobilization, partnership engagement or other
sources. Solicitation of funds to finance an
innovation is strictly prohibited.
Alignment of Existing DepEd
Standardization of Practices
◦ For further alignment to existing DepEd
standardization of practices, the following technical
aspects shall be adopted in reference to D.O. No. 30,
s. 2019 of the DepEd Manual of Styles :
Alignment of Existing DepEd Standardization of
◦ Font Type : Bookman Old Style
◦ Font Size : 11 points
◦ Margins : Top and left side - 1.5 in.
◦ Bottom and right side - 1 in.
◦ Text Alignment : Justified

Composition of the Review Committee

◦For Partnership Initiatives and Resource

Generation related to curriculum:
◦Chairperson : ASDS for Curriculum
◦Co-Chairperson : CID Chief
Members :

◦ LR Supervisor( For IM Development and

◦ Contextualization )
◦ EPS ( for topics related to the area he/she is handling)
◦ ITO (if partnership initiative involves integration of ICT)
◦ SEPS for Social Mobilization, Networking and Linkages
◦ EPS II for Social Mobilization, Networking and Linkages

For Partnership Initiatives and Resource Generation
related to School Governance and Administrative Matters

◦ Chairperson : ASDS for SGOD

◦ Co-Chairperson : Chief SGOD
◦ Members : SGOD EPS
◦ Program Owner
◦ ITO (if partnership initiative involves
◦ integration of ICT )
◦ SEPS for Social Mobilization,
◦ Networking and Linkages
◦ EPS II for Social Mobilization,
◦ Networking and Linkages
Miscellaneous Provisions

◦ 1. The SDO requires the submission at least

◦ thirty (30) days before the (start of )
◦ implementation for approval of the
◦ School Division Superintendent.
◦ Resource Generation proposals for
◦ purposes of Brigada implementation
may be submitted as early as January until at least
one (1) month before the (start of )
Brigada Eskwela period.
2. Resource Generation Projects initiated by
the PTA shall be signed by the PTA officials
with attached PTA Resolution and Minutes
of the meeting. It shall be submitted to
the Division Office addressed to the
Schools Division Superintendent.This is purely
for the information of the Schools Division
◦ Office. Participation of teachers and learners shall be
voluntary and on their own
◦ judgment, time and resources.
◦ 3. The Schools Division Office shall no longer
◦ entertain late submission and ante-
◦ dating shall no longer be allowed.
The signatories in the proposal shall be the
following :
◦ Prepared By : Proponent
◦ Noted By : School Head
◦ Attested by : Public Schools District
◦ Supervisor
5. A letter addressed to the Schools Division
Superintendent requesting for approval
◦ of the proposal with the attached signed
◦ proposal shall be submitted thru the
◦ Records Section of the Schools Division
◦ Office. The Records section shall forward
◦ the proposal to the Review Committee
◦ thru the SMNL.
Programs, Projects and Activities on Resource
Generation for Purpose of Promotion
◦ Resource Generation/Income Generating
Project , Activity should be an offshoot of the lesson
if such will be used for promotion as credit point for
leadership potential and accomplishments ( two year
continuing worthwhile resource generation
income generation program, project or activity
for learners and given
◦ recognition by higher officials. Proposals for
resource generation/income generation which is not
an offshoot of the lesson is considered a regular
fund-raising activity and will not be creditedn for
leadership potential and accomplishment.
To qualify as innovation for purposes of
promotion, the proposal must introduce
◦ a new idea, method, device or something that is
relevant and bebeficial to the realization of DepEd’s
goals, aligned with DepEd thrusts and contributory
to the attainment of DepEd Vision and Mission. As
stated in No. 14 of Division Memorandum No. 59, s.
2023, if the proponent will the
innovation as “innovation” for pomotion
purposes, only the Certificate of Acceptance.
◦ signed by the Schools Division Superintendent shall
be pressented. Said document is enough to prove
that all processes were completed and that the
completed report was quality assured.
Resource Generation Proposal
(Format )
◦ 1. Project Title
◦ 2. Proponent/Position
◦ 3. Project Location
◦ 4. Project Duration
◦ 5. Number of Beneficiaries
◦ 6. total Project Cost
◦ 7. source of Funding
◦ the need of conducting the Resource
◦ Generation, what program, project will it
◦ finance, how will the generated amount
help the beneficiaries.)

◦ C. PROJECT OBJECTIVES (What goals will

◦ the Resource Generation achieve ?)
◦ (Pre, During and Post - Discuss briefly
◦ how the objectives will be achieved,
◦ who will be involved ?)
E. EXPECTED OUTPUT (Enumerate the
expected tangible or intangible deliverables)
timeframe is 1 school year ,the chart shall
illustrate the schedule by month, if the
timeframe is less than 1 school year, the chart
shall illustrate the schedule by week. this can be
presented in table form.
◦ * Major Activities
◦ * Persons Responsible
◦ * Time frame or duration ( may
◦ be divided by quarter)

*For production project (particular item,
◦ period and cost )
◦ *For equipment, supplies, tools and
◦ implements (particular item,
◦ description and costs )
◦ * For administrative expenses ( particular
◦ monitoring and evaluation and training and financial
◦ record keeping ).



◦ MECHANISM (Prepare a checklist of
◦ indicators of success for each objective,
◦ this will be utilized by the monitors and
◦ evaluators for the validation. Indicate
the higher authority to monitor the implementation of
the inovation, could
◦ be the school head, PSDS’s, EPSs, SEPS,
◦ EPS II, PDOs, CES depending on the area of the
◦ J. SUSTAINABILITY of the project (How will
◦ the project be sustained )
◦ Prepared By : (Proponent)

◦ Noted By : (School Head )

◦ Attested By : ( PSDS )
◦ 1. Project Title
◦ 2. Proponent/Position
◦ 3. Project Location
◦ 4. Project Duration
◦ 5. Number of Beneficiaries
6. Total Project Cost
7. Source of Funds
◦ B. RATIONALE (Discuss the need of
◦ conducting the project, what gaps or
◦ problems will it be solving. Include data
◦ to support the claim )
Prepared By : (Proponent )

◦ Noted By : (School Head )

◦ Attested By : (PSDS )

◦ Accepted : (SDS )
◦ Thank You

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