Session 1 - Leadership 1 - (2022-2023) FINAL - Ready
Session 1 - Leadership 1 - (2022-2023) FINAL - Ready
Session 1 - Leadership 1 - (2022-2023) FINAL - Ready
Session 1
Understanding Leadership
• Tujuan Organisasi
o Visi Bersama
o Melakukan hal yang beretika dan bermanfaat bagi organisasi dan anggotanya
o Memanfaatkan Followers untuk kepentingan pribadi ≠ Leadership
• Perubahan
o Beradaptasi dengan lingkungan global yang cepat
o Memengaruhi pengikut untuk membawa perubahan menuju masa depan organisasi
yang diinginkan
o Siapa yang mau mengambil risiko dan mencoba hal baru akan maju
• Manusia
o Mampu bergaul/berinteraksi dengan orang/manusia
o Senang bekerja dengan orang lain dan membantu mereka sukses dan
o Skills manusia lebih penting dari skills komputer
• Situasi
o Gaya kepemimpinan berubah sesuai situasi
Thus we are left with five major
1. Leadership as Person: is it WHO ‘leaders’ are that
makes them leaders?
2. Leadership as Result: is it WHAT ‘leaders’ achieve that
makes them leaders?
3. Leadership as Position: is it WHERE ‘leaders’ operate
that makes them leaders?
4. Leadership as Purpose: is it WHY ‘leaders’ lead that
makes them leaders?
5. Leadership as Process: is it HOW ‘leaders’ get things
done that makes them leaders?
The Essence of Effective Leadership
1. Help interpret the meaning of events. Helping people to find
meaning in complex events is important, especially when the pace
of change is accelerating and touching every part of our lives.
2. Create alignment on objectives and strategies.
3. Build task commitment and optimism.
4. Build mutual trust and cooperation.
5. Strengthen collective identity.
6. Organize and coordinate activities.
7. Encourage and facilitate collective learning.
8. Obtain necessary resources and support.
9. Develop and empower people.
10. Promote social/justice and morality.
Why be a leader?
1. EGO Want a position.
2. REPLACE Unhappy about now –tear down and replace with clear
Leadership vs. Management
• Leadership and management are not the same. Management emerged out
of the industrialization of work in the early 20th century, and its purpose is
to structure and coordinate various functions within organizations
(Northouse, 2019).
• In contrast, leadership has been studied for thousands of years, across
multiple contexts—politics, the military, religion, and more.
• Frederick Taylor was a key figure in the development of management
theory. At the turn of the 20th century, Taylor pioneered the concept of the
scientific management of labor. This involved measuring every detail of a
worker’s tasks to make work more efficient, consistent, and predictable.
• According to Taylor, the responsibility of workers was to provide the labor,
and the responsibilities of managers were to design the “one best way” for
each task to be done, and then train, monitor, and evaluate each worker.
This approach was applied to many U.S. industries in the first half of the
20th century and is still in use today in assembly lines, fast-food
restaurants, and other industries (Modaff, Butler, & DeWine, 2017).
Manager vs Leader (Warren Benis)
1. The manager administers; the leader innovates.
2. The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.
3. The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader
focuses on people.
4. The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
5. The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range
6. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
7. The manager has his eye always on the bottom line; the leader
has his eye on the horizon.
8. The manager imitates; the leader originates.
9. The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
10. The manager does things right; the leader does the right things.
Managers vs. Leaders
Managers Leaders
• Focus on things • Focus on people
• Do things right • Do the right things
• Plan • Inspire
• Organize • Influence
• Direct • Motivate
• Control • Build
• Follows the rules • Shape entities
• Has his eye always on the • Has his eye on the horizon
bottom line
• A long-range perspective
• A short-range view
• Innovates
• Administers
• Does the right thing
• Does things right
• Inspires trust
• Relies on control
• Challenge status quo
• Accepts the status quo
Leaders - Leadership
Leadership Leaders
• Is a process And followers are involved
• Involves influence together
And followers need each
• Occurs within a other
group context Often initiate and maintain
• Attends to the relationship
Are not above or better than
common goals
Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition. © 2016 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Leadership &
Management, Kotter (1990)
Management Leadership
Activities Activities
“Produces order “Produces change
and consistency” and movement”
Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition. © 2016 SAGE Publications, Inc.
On a recent episode of Fareed Zakaria called “How to Lead,” General
Stanley McChrystal, author of Leaders: Myth and Reality, said it best:
“Leadership is about you and a relationship to people…
Leaders will reflect who we want to be. We need to look in the mirror
and decide who we are, who we want to be, what’s important to us.”
Akbari (2022)
1. Power no longer the domain of leaders
2. Followers demand more from leaders Shift in Leadership
3. Access to technology has empowered followers Power,
4. Leaders more transparent Kellerman (2012)
5. Decline in respect for leaders
6. Leadership as social contract between leaders and followers
Leadership & Power
• Position Power • Personal Power is influence
derived from office or derived from being seen as
rank in an organization likable & knowledgeable
Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition. © 2016 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Kepemimpinan menyoal menang melawan
diri kita sendiri, membentuk diri kita lebih
baik dan menjadi keping solusi bagi
permasalahan yang ada dibangsa ini..