Chapter 16 - Thermochemistry
Chapter 16 - Thermochemistry
Chapter 16 - Thermochemistry
• Heat (q)
transfer of energy that always flows from a
warmer object to a cooler object.
Measuring Heat
One calorie (cal) is the quantity of heat that
raises the temperature of 1 gram of pure water
by 1oC.
Cp = q J
mΔT g x oC
q = m Cp ΔT
Specific Heat Capacities (p. 533)
Water (l) 4.18 J/(g x oC)
Ethanol 2.44 J/(g x oC)
• Exothermic Process:
Heat flows from the system to the surroundings.
T2 – T1 = negative number
heat (q) = negative number
• The accurate and precise measurement of
heat change for chemical and physical
The heat gained by the system must be equal to
the heat lost by the surroundings.
+qsystem = -qsurroundings
The temperature of hot gold changes by 312 oC when 53 g of
it is placed in a bucket of cold water. How much heat is
absorbed or released by the gold? (Cp = 0.129 J/goC )
-qsystem = +qsurroundings
Cal orimetry proble m
∆H = Hproducts – Hreactants
Molar Enthalpy for a phase change:
The amount of heat that is released or absorbed during the phase change
of 1 mole of material
• Water is boiled
Fe + O2 Fe2O3 (rust)
• Law of Disorder:
Spontaneous processes always proceed in
such a way that the entropy of the universe
Can we determine for sure if a reaction is
“H” is enthalpy.
“T” is temperature in kelvin
“S” is entropy
“G” is Gibbs free energy, the energy that is
available to do work.
ΔG0system = ΔHosystem – TΔSosystem