The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Synaptic
The Nervous System - Revision
• Lesson objectives
• To revise the structure of the ear
• To do revision tests on LMS for The neuron and the Central and
Peripheral Nervous system
• Finish Checkpoint on Alef
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• Login to LMS and do Test 2 and Test 3
• It is a chemical that diffuses across a synapse and binds to the
receptors on the dendrites of a neighboring neuron.
• This causes channels to open on the neighbor cells and create a new
action potential
• There are more than 25 known neurotransmitters. Examples – acetyl
choline, dopamine, serotonin.
• The neurotransmitter does not remain on the receptor for long.
Central Nervous System – The brain and the Spinal
• The brain has 100 billion neurons
The central nervous • It is the control center of the body
system – The Brain • There are two distinct hemispheres
• It is divided into three parts, forebrain,
mid brain and hind brain
The cerebrum
• It is the largest part of the
• It is divided into two
hemispheres, which are
connected to each other by a
bundle of nerves
• The cerebrum is involved
with learning, thought
processes, memory,
language, speech, voluntary
movements, sight, hearing,
sensory perception.
The Cerebellum
- Midbrain
• The cerebellum controls
balance, posture and
• It is responsible for smooth
movements and involved
with motor skills like playing
the piano and riding a bicycle
Medulla Oblongata -
• The brain stem is connected to the
spinal cord
• It is made up of two regions – medulla
oblongata and pons
• The medulla oblongata controls
breathing rate, heartbeat and blood
pressure. It also has reflexes for
vomiting, gagging, coughing and
• The pons relays signals between
ccerebrum and cerebellum, and also
controls rate of breathing
The hypothalamus