Theories Logic and Legal Reasoning
Theories Logic and Legal Reasoning
Theories Logic and Legal Reasoning
For example:
All men are mortal.
All kings are men.
All kings are mortal.
A syllogism, therefore, presents the following characteristics,
which distinguish it from other kinds of inference:
(a) Firstly, the conclusion of syllogism follows from the two
premises taken jointly, and not from any one of them, by itself.
The conclusion is not merely the sum of the two premises but
follows from them taken together, as a necessary consequence.
In the example given above, the conclusion ‘All kings are mortal’
is drawn not from any of the two premises singly, but it follows
from them conjointly.
(b) Secondly, the conclusion of a syllogism cannot be more general
than the premises. The syllogism is a form of deductive inference,
and in no form of deductive inference, can the conclusion be more
general than the given premises.
In the example given above the conclusion “All kings- are mortal” is
obviously less general than the premises “All men are mortal” —
which is applicable to a much larger number of individuals.
(c) Thirdly, the conclusion is true, provided the given propositions are
Syllogisms have been classified into Pure and Mixed. Pure syllogisms are of
three kinds — Categorical, Hypothetical and Disjunctive.
In the first figure, the middle term is the subject in the major premises, and the
predicate is the minor premises; thus
Pure Mixed
2. Second Figure:
In the second figure, the middle term is the predicate in both the
premises; thus
3. Third Figure:
In the third figure, the middle term is the subject in both the
premises; thus
M —P
M— S
S —P
4. Fourth Figure:
In the fourth figure, the middle term is the predicate in the major
premises, and the subject in the minor; thus,
P —M
M —S
S —P
Mood of Syllogism:
In the first figure, the middle term is the subject in the major premises, and the predicate in the minor premises.
(1) AA.
Here, both the premises are affirmative, therefore, the conclusion, if any, must be affirmative. The middle term is distributed
in the major premises. By drawing an A proposition in the conclusion, we do not violate any of the rules of syllogism,
because, the minor term which is distributed in the conclusion is also distributed in the minor premises. Hence, AA gives A
as its conclusion, in the first figure. The valid mood is called BARBARA.
(2) AE. A. All M is P.
E. No S is M.
Here, as both the premises are affirmative, and one premise is particular, the
conclusion must, must be a particular affirmative, i.e., I proposition. The
middle term is distributed in the major premises, and no term is distributed in
the conclusion. Here, AI gives I as its conclusion in the first figure. This valid
mood is called DARII.
(4) AO. A. All His P.
O. Some S is not M.
A. All S is M. E. No. S is P.
Here, one of the propositions being negative the conclusion must be negative.
If we draw an E proposition in the conclusion we do not violate any of the
rules of syllogism, because the middle term is distributed in the major
premises, and the major and minor terms which are distributed in the
conclusion are also distributed in their respective premises. Thus AE yields E
as its conclusion in the first figure. This valid mood is called CELARENT.
(6) EI. E. No M is P. No quadrupeds are men
One premises being negative, and another being particular the conclusion, if any, must
be a particular negative, i.e., O. In drawing on O proposition in the conclusion we do
not violate any of the rules of syllogism, because the middle term is distributed in the
major premises, and the major term, which is distributed in the conclusion, is also
distributed in the major premises. Thus, EI gives O as its conclusion, in the first figure..
This valid mood is called FERIO.
(7) IA. I. Some M is P
A. All S is M
No conclusion follows, because, the middle term is not distributed in either of the premises.
Thus IA is not a valid mood in the first figure.
A. All S is M
No conclusion follows, because the middle term is not distributed even once in the premises.
Thus OA is not a valid mood in the first figure.
Thus in the first figure, only four combinations yield valid
conclusions, viz., AA (Barbara), EA (Celarent), AI (Darii) and EI
The special rules of the first figure are the following:
1. The major premises must be universal.
2. The minor premises must be affirmative.
Rules of Syllogism:
There are many ways in which a syllogism may fail to establish its
conclusion. Just as travel is facilitated by the mapping of highways
and the labeling of otherwise tempting roads as ‘dead ends’, so
cogency of argument is made more easily attainable by setting
forth certain rules that enable the reasoner to avoid fallacies. Any
given standard-form syllogism can be evaluated by observing
whether the rules are violated or not.
Rule 1:
It there be less than three terms, we cannot get a mediate form of inference, but we may at best construct an immediate
inference, and not a syllogism. When there are more than three terms in a statement it is either not an inference at all or it
is a train of reasoning.
Three terms must be involved in every valid categorical syllogism—no more and no less. Any categorical syllogism that
contains more than three terms is invalid and is said to commit the fallacy of four terms.
The premises justify asserting such a connection only if they assert that each of two terms is
connected with a third term in such a way that the first two are appropriately connected with
each other through or by means of the third. For the two terms of the conclusion really to be
connected through the third, at least one of them must be related to the whole of the class
designated by the third or middle term. Otherwise, each may be connected with a different
part of that class, and the two are not necessarily connected with each other at all.
Rule 3:
When a syllogism contains its major term undistributed in the major premises but distributed in the
conclusion, the argument is said to commit the fallacy of illicit process of the major term or the
illicit major.
When a syllogism contains its minor term undistributed in its minor premises but distributed in its
conclusion, the argument commits the fallacy of illicit process of the minor term or the illicit minor.
Rule 4:
Any negative proposition (E or O) denies class inclusion, asserting that all or some of one class is excluded from the whole
of the other. Where S, P and M are the minor, major, and middle terms, respectively, two negative premises can assert only
that S is wholly or partially excluded from all or part of M and that P is wholly or partially excluded from all or part of M.
But these conditions may very well obtain no matter how S and P are related, whether by inclusion or exclusion, partial or
complete. Therefore from two negative premises, no relationship whatever between S and P can validly be inferred. Any
syllogism that breaks Rule 4 is said to commit the fallacy of exclusive premises.
An affirmative conclusion asserts that one class is either wholly or partly contained in
a second. This can be justified only by premises that assert the existence of a third
class that contains the first and is itself contained in the second. In other words, to
entail an affirmative conclusion, both premises must assert inclusion. But class
inclusion can be stated only by affirmative propositions. So an affirmative conclusion
logically follows only from two affirmative premises. Hence if either premises is
negative, the conclusion cannot be affirmative but must be negative also. Any
syllogism that breaks Rule 5 may be said to commit the fallacy of drawing an
affirmative conclusion from a negative premises.
Rule 6:
To break this rule is to go from premises having no existential import to a conclusion that does. A particular proposition asserts the
existence of objects of a specified kind, so to infer it from two universal premises that do not assert the existence of anything at all is
clearly to go beyond what is warranted by the premises. For example,
This syllogism is invalid because its conclusion asserts that there are unicorns (a false proposition), whereas its premises do not assert
the existence of unicorns (or of anything) at all. Being universal propositions, they are without existential import. The conclusion would
follow validity if to the two universal premises were added the additional premises ‘There are unicorns’. Any syllogism that violates Rule 6
may be said to commit the existential fallacy.
Formal Fallacies:
We have already explained the six essential rules for standard-form syllogisms and named the fallacy that
results when each of these rules is broken.
Rule 1:
A standard-form categorical syllogism must contain exactly three terms, each of which is used in the
same sense throughout the argument. Violation: Fallacy of four terms.
Rule 2:
In a valid standard-form categorical syllogism, the middle term must be distributed in at least one
In a valid standard-form categorical syllogism, if either term is distributed in the conclusion, then it must be distributed in the premises.
Rule 4:
No standard-form categorical syllogism having two negative premises is valid. Violation: Fallacy of exclusive premises.
Rule 5:
If either premises of a valid standard- form categorical syllogism is negative, the conclusion must be negative. Violation: Fallacy of drawing an
affirmative conclusion from a negative premises.
Rule 6:
No valid standard-form categorical syllogism with a particular conclusion can have two universal premises.
supported by an example).
Bad Reasons Fallacy - Also known as Argumentum ad Logicam, in this type of fallacy, the conclusion is
assumed to be bad because the arguments are bad.
· Her new boyfriend drives an old car. He must be poor. She should break up with him.
Masked Man Fallacy - Also known as the Intentional Fallacy it involves a substitution of parties. If the two
things that are interchanged are identical, then the argument is assumed to be valid.
· Jeremy's private investigator reported that a man with a beard was having dinner with his wife. Jeremy's
best friend, Ronnie, has a beard. Therefore, Ronnie is having an affair with Jeremy's wife.
Non Sequitur - A fallacy wherein someone asserts a conclusion that does not follow from the propositions.
· All Dubliners are from Ireland. Ronan is not a Dubliner, therefore, he is not Irish.
Informal Fallacies
Informal (or inductive) fallacies abound. Not only are we more likely to come
across them than formal fallacies, their variations are endless. While formal
fallacies are identified through an examination of the statement or claim,
informal fallacies are identified through supporting evidence.
In these instances, the statement or claim is not supported with adequate
reasons for acceptance. A strong inductive argument follows this pattern: (1)
The sun has not exploded for all its existence. Therefore: (2) The sun will not
explode tomorrow.
Subcategories of Informal Fallacies