Brefons Ethiopia Disbursement PPP 2022
Brefons Ethiopia Disbursement PPP 2022
Brefons Ethiopia Disbursement PPP 2022
Launching Workshop-
Disbursement policy,
rules and procedures
29,Nov-2,Dec 2022
Reference Documents
Disbursement Handbook
Disbursement Letter
Project Appraisal Report
Loan/ Protocol of Agreement/Bipartite Funding and
Implementation Agreement
General Conditions
Specific Requirement -
Grant amounts and the amounts for each category of expenditure are
denominated in the Bank Unit of Account (UA)
Assignment of Resources
commitments are not
permitted against the
unallocated category.
Funds must be transferred
to an approved category for
Project Cost
Amount Financed
Loan Grant
Denominated in Commitment Currency
Expenditure Categories
Services Works
Unallocate Operating
Allocated/Denominated in Loan/Grant Commitment Currency d Expenses
2000 - ADB Loan USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, ZAR Commitment Currency No Restrictions
5900 - Fragile States Facility (FSF) UAC USD, EUR USD, EUR
General Principles-
Eligible Expenditures
Disbursement Methods Overview
Annual independent audit of project accounts (including special account) submitted to and
accepted by the Bank within 6 months of the project financial year end.
Account Open and held with a financial institution acceptable to the Bank
Special Account – General Principles
Replenishment threshold of SA (use 50% of previous advance and 100% of older advances)
1St Tranches 50%, 2nd Tranches 40% and the last Tranches 10%
All the funds advanced must be justified or reimbursed to the Bank within four months from
the closing date
Provide exchange rates applicable to expenditures in currency different from the Special
Account currency
Special Account – General Principles
Advances are provided based on project needs and planned expenditures for up to 6 months.
Payments from the special account must follow all Bank procedures and policies
Borrower bears all risks associated with foreign exchange fluctuations between the currency of
the grant, the Special Account and project expenditures
Justifications can be submitted on periodic basis - it does not have to be accompanied with a
request for replenishment/Interim Unaudited Financial Statement.
Special Account Method-Documentation Requirements
Procedure for Borrower Documentation Requirements for Borrower
1. Completes and signs withdrawal request for funds Form A1
2. Completes an estimate of expenditure sheet Form A3
Annual Work Programmed
Letter from the Bank opening the Account
a letter from the institution opening the account with full bank’s details.
Form A1
Form A2
Form A3
Supporting Documentation
Interim Unaudited Financial Statement approved by the bank
Sources and uses of Fund
Reconciliation Statement-Fund Movement
Bank Statements for the Special Account
Bank Statements for sub-accounts
Annual Work Programmed
The Bank reserves the right to
request any additional documents as
and when required
Special Account Method - Documentation Requirements
1. Completes and signs withdrawal request for funds Form A1
2. Completes and signs the Statement of Expenditures (SOE) Form A2
3. Prepares the necessary Special Account reconciliation Supporting Documentation
statement and attaches the bank statement(s) Mandatory:
4. Attaches supporting documents, as agreed to with the Interim Unaudited Financial Statement approved by the
Bank bank
5. Refunds promptly to the loan account any amount that Reconciliation Statement
remains outstanding in the Special Account after the loan Bank Statements for the Special Account
closing date, as specified in the Loan Agreement. Bank Statements for sub-accounts
Disbursement Methods
Direct Payment Method
Require “no objection” by the Bank
Payment in the currency in which the cost of goods and services are payable and within the limit of the
amounts approved
Advance payment guarantees and performance bonds denominated in the payment currency of the
contract and worded in accordance with the contract
The Bank recommends project to request a local bank to confirm authenticity of a guarantee issued by a foreign bank.
Retention money paid at the end of warranty/defects liability period or commissioning, or against an
acceptance certificate or against unconditional guarantee
Guarantees must be issued by a bank or financial institution licensed to do so in the country of the
Guarantee issuer
Borrower to monitor the validity of advance payment guarantees and performance bonds, and ensure
amendment/extension as necessary
Direct Payment Method - Documentation Requirements
Procedure for Borrower Documentation Requirements for Borrower
1. Completes and signs withdrawal request Form Form A1
A1using a separate application form for each Form A2
currency. Supporting Documentation
2. Completes and signs the appropriate Mandatory:
Statement of Expenditures (SOE) Form A2 Contract (with the first request for payment)
3. Attaches supporting documents Letter from Beneficiary’s Bank confirming the account
details (with first request for payment)
Purchase Order
The Bank reserves the right to
Advance payment bank guarantee
request any additional documents as
Retention Money bank guarantee
and when required
Interim payment certificate
Bill of Lading
Delivery Receipt
Acceptance Certificate
Completion Certificate
Certification of fulfilment of Defects Liability Period
Acceptance of report/study
Reports obtainable in Client Connection Link:
Details of disbursement applications paid between two
Statement of Confirmed Disbursement
specified dates
2. Loan/Grant Number
3. Project Title
4. Request Number
5. Please pay
Name/Title Signature
12. Date
A2 Statement of Expenditure
1. Application Type
Date Reimbursement
Special Account
Page of Justification Only
Direct Payment
Project Manager
Name Signature
Authorized Signatories
Initial A dvance
Page of
14. Date of
Item 10. Country of Origin of 11. Annual 12. Banks 13. Advance
o 8. Detailed Description of Goods/Services 9. Quantity approval by
N Goods/Services Budget Share Requested
Project Manager
Name Signature
Authorized Signatories
Project Name
7 Discrepancy (2) - (6) to be explained /v
/i: Assuming SA currency is US dollars.
/ii: List the advances disbursed to the special account and actual amounts received.
/iii: Enter the closing balance on the SA Bank Statement as at 31 August 2019.
/iv: List of justification previously submitted to the Bank with request No, and amount.
T he discrepancy should be explained in a separate note, e.g., expenses rejected by the Bank, non-eligible expenses to be
reimbursed to SA, expenses not yet justified to the Bank, interest earned, etc.
Observed Weaknesses - Both SA and DP - Form A2
Observed Weaknesses Recommended Action
More than one expenditure category included on a Separate Expenditure categories (Services, Goods,
single page Operating Costs e.t.c…)
Form not properly signed (Project manager and Ensure verification of authorized signatories and
Authorized Signatories) changes if applicable
Incomplete or unclear details of expenditure Provide detailed explanation
Be vigilante in calculating especially if not done on an
Errors in calculations
automated calculating application
Inclusion of ineligible expenses Refer to project appraisal report
Provide relevant exchange rates for expenses in
Relevant exchange rate not provided
currency different from special account currency
Transfers to sub-accounts are not considered as
Advances presented as expenditure
Observed Weaknesses – SA - Form A3
Budgeted expenses exceeds project absorptive Be realistic. Projects can request replenishment any
capacity time provided minimum replenishment criteria is met
Incomplete/unclear expense descriptions Put explicit description such as quantity, days, e.t.c.
Request includes expenses not eligible for payment Consult your PAR before submitting the request
through the special account
Time to closing is less than 6 months Track closing date and request extension early
Causes of Delays
Causes of delays Causes of delays
Documentation not appropriate for the
Agreement not effective and/or first
disbursement type being requested
disbursement conditions have not been met
Expenditures are not consistent with the Audited financial statements not submitted to
legal agreement or rejected by the Bank
Reconcile all the disbursements made (advances to the special account, direct
payments, reimbursement) with the bank records;
Contract for final audit should be approved by Bank before closing date
Request bank details from Bank and liquidate the special account
PAU Supervision
6-10 ,June 2022
Disbursement status
Status of the S/Account
Project closing: -Due
diligence to be followed
Project closing: -Due
diligence to be followed
•Steps have been put in place for the conduct of the final audit.
•For unjustified advances in the SA, the PMU shall submit to the Bank, no later
than four months after the closing date, the relevant justifications (summary
expenditure statements accompanied by the bank and reconciliation
•When the Bank and PMU have agreed on the total amount to be returned from
the SA, the PMU is required to repatriate the said funds to the account obtained
from FTRY within four months after the closing date of the project.
•When all the above have been achieved, the special account is considered
liquidated and may be closed by the PMU.
End of Session