Billy S First Day

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Bil l y´s

f ir st day
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Billy woke up at four thirty on Monday
morning./ He didn’t want to be late for his
first day at work/, so he got dressed quickly,/
ate breakfast,/ and left his house with his
bicycle and Rocky./

It was still dark outside,/ and the moon was

shining brightly. /Billy cycled as fast as he
could,/ and Rocky followed him to the shop./
Outside, Billy saw two large piles of
newspapers waiting for him in two bright
orange bags, and when he looked inside, he
could see some instructions and a map.

The first delivery was to the large white

house on the corner, and he delivered five
newspapers to them.
They must like Reading the news
Billy thought to himself as he posted them
through the letter box.
He then looked the at the map again and
followed the clear instructions.
And went from house to house and put the folded
papers through people´s front doors. Everyone in
the neighbourhood was still asleep And the only
person Billy saw was the milkman
Who was delivering milk, eggs and
That people would have for
breakfast in a few hours.
Everything was going well
Then suddenly Rocky saw a fox and
started barking loudly.
Rocky shhh, I will lose my job.
Please be quiet
Rocky stopped barking for a short time and
then he continued but much more quietly.

It took about an hour and a half for Billy to

deliver all the papers and he left the empty
orange bags outside the shop and returned
home with Rocky.

Billy was tired and he went back to bed.

At first, he couldn´t sleep, and he was
thinking that he would have to wake up
every day at 4:30 and do it all again.

For a second, he thought about quitting

the job but then he changed his mind
and said to himself, ´Think of the
money Billy, think of the money,
´before falling aslepp.
Investiga el uso del
pasado simple y el
pasado continuo y
sus diferencias
Thanks a lot

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