The document summarizes coronary circulation. It describes that the heart receives blood supply from the right and left coronary arteries. It discusses the branches and territories supplied by each artery. It also covers coronary dominance, functional divisions of the arteries, venous drainage, lymphatics, blood flow regulation factors including physical, chemical, neural and hormonal influences. Coronary blood flow mainly occurs during ventricular diastole due to compression of vessels during systole. The subendocardial layer of the left ventricle is more prone to ischemia due to lower blood flow.
The document summarizes coronary circulation. It describes that the heart receives blood supply from the right and left coronary arteries. It discusses the branches and territories supplied by each artery. It also covers coronary dominance, functional divisions of the arteries, venous drainage, lymphatics, blood flow regulation factors including physical, chemical, neural and hormonal influences. Coronary blood flow mainly occurs during ventricular diastole due to compression of vessels during systole. The subendocardial layer of the left ventricle is more prone to ischemia due to lower blood flow.
The document summarizes coronary circulation. It describes that the heart receives blood supply from the right and left coronary arteries. It discusses the branches and territories supplied by each artery. It also covers coronary dominance, functional divisions of the arteries, venous drainage, lymphatics, blood flow regulation factors including physical, chemical, neural and hormonal influences. Coronary blood flow mainly occurs during ventricular diastole due to compression of vessels during systole. The subendocardial layer of the left ventricle is more prone to ischemia due to lower blood flow.
The document summarizes coronary circulation. It describes that the heart receives blood supply from the right and left coronary arteries. It discusses the branches and territories supplied by each artery. It also covers coronary dominance, functional divisions of the arteries, venous drainage, lymphatics, blood flow regulation factors including physical, chemical, neural and hormonal influences. Coronary blood flow mainly occurs during ventricular diastole due to compression of vessels during systole. The subendocardial layer of the left ventricle is more prone to ischemia due to lower blood flow.
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Coronary circulation
• The heart is supplied by two coronary arteries, right and
left, arising from the root of the ascending aorta. Right coronary artery: • Traverse along the A-V sulcus to the back of the heart, and gives out several descending branches to both ventricles. • Terminates by anastomosing with left coronary artery. • Supplies: – Whole of rt. Atrium – Greater part of rt. ventricle – A small part of ventricle near posterior inter-ventricular groove. – Posterior part of inter-ventricular septum, and – Major portion of the conducting system of the heart, including SAN(60 % cases). Left coronary artery: • Anterior descending branch or anterior interventricular, runs in the interventricular groove to reach the apex of the heart and gives out septal branches. • Left circumflex branch which runs in A-V groove to the left and proceeds downwards as posterior descending branch. • Supplies: – Whole of the left atrium – Greater part of left ventricle – A small part of right ventricle near anterior interventricular septum, and – Anterior part of inter-ventricular septum – A part of the left branch of bundle of His (A-V bundle). • In 20% individuals myocardium is predominantly supplied by left coronary artery; in 50% individuals supplied by right coronary artery; and in 30% individuals it is balanced by supplied by both. • The left coronary artery supplies mainly the anterior surface and left lateral portions of the left ventricle. • The right coronary artery supplies most of the right ventricle as well as the posterior part of the left ventricle in 80 to 90 per cent of people. • The main coronary arteries lie on the surface of the heart and smaller arteries then penetrate from the surface into the cardiac muscle mass. • Only the inner 1/10 millimeter of the endocardial surface can obtain significant nutrition directly from intra-chamber blood. • Normally, the coronary arteries are end arteries. • However, the functional anastomoses are present and become active under abnormal condition like ischaemia heart diseases. • These anastomoses are of two types: Cardiac anastomosis: • Between branches of one coronary artery with that of the other. • Branches of coronary arteries and branches of deep system of veins Extra cardiac anastomosis : anastomosis between coronary arteries and vessels lying outside the heart: • Vasa-vasora of aorta • Vasa-vasora of pulmonary arteries • Intra thoracic arteries • Bronchial arteries • Phrenic arteries Coronary artery dominance • The artery that gives the posterior inter-ventricular artery branch determines the coronary dominance. • If the posterior inter-ventricular artery is supplied by the right coronary artery (RCA), then the coronary circulation can be classified as "right dominant". •If the posterior inter-ventricular artery is supplied by the circumflex artery (CX), a branch of the left artery, then the coronary circulation can be classified as "left-dominant". • If the posterior inter-ventricular artery is supplied by both the right coronary artery (RCA) and the circumflex artery, then the coronary circulation can be classified as "co-dominant". Functional division • Large coronary arteries(epicardial coronary arteries) - lies on epicardial surface, – conduct blood with little resistance. • Small coronary arteries – descends into myocardium, are of two types: – sub-epicardial vessels and – sub-endocardial vessels. • Small coronary arteries are the principle resistance vessels of the heart, change in their diameter regulate the coronary blood flow Venous Drainage
• It is divided into two systems:
Superficial system: lies beneath the epicardium and it ends in – Coronary sinus: largest vein and drains blood from myocardium and ends in posterior wall of right atrium. – Great cardiac vein: drains blood from left heart and ends in the coronary sinus – Anterior cardiac vein: receives blood mainly from the myocardium and opens directly in the anterior wall of right atrium. Deep system: arise within myocardium from the fine branches of coronary arteries, and opens directly into the cardiac chambers via 3 sets of vessels: – Arterio sinusoidal vessels – luminal vessels – Thebesian vessels. Lymphatics of Heart • Lymphatics of the heart accompany the coronary arteries and form 2 trunks. • Right trunk ends in brachiocephalic nodes and the left trunk into the tracheobronchial lymph nodes at the bifurcation of the trachea. Pecularities of coronary circulation • BF during diastole • End arteries • High capillary density • High 02 extraction • Regulation is mainly by metabolites • Functional anastomosis • The coronary vessels are susceptible to degeneration and atherosclerosis. • There is evident regional distribution: The sub-endocardial myocardial layer in the left ventricle receives less blood, due to more myocardial compression (but this is normally compensated during diastoles). However, this renders this area more liable to ischemia and infarction Coronary blood flow (CBF) • The resting coronary blood flow is about 250ml/min., which is about 60 – 80 mL/100gm/min of heart muscle, or 4- 5 % of the total cardiac output. • In severe muscular exercise, the work of the heart increased by 6-9 folds and the CBF may be increased by 3-4 folds, up to 2 liters/ minute. • 02 consumption (VO2) of the myocardium is very high (19-6=13 mL/dL). • CBF fluctuates with each cardiac cycle, which is more notable in LV where 80% flow occurs during diastole, 20% in systole. This fluctuation along the phases of cardiac cycle is called phasic coronary flow. • In the heart, ventricular action affects the coronary circulation : – By altering the aortic pressure – By altering the extra-vascular pressure which varies with systole, exerting a variable degree of compression on the coronary vessels. • Therefore, CBF shows strong phasic variation with reference to cardiac cycle. • Pressure difference between aorta and LV is very small during systole, therefore blood flows to sub-endocardial portion of LV only in diastole. • However, pressure gradient is more in superficial portion of LV to permit some flow in this region throughout the cardiac cycle. • Blood flow to RV and atria occurs both during systole and diastole. • Systole : Aorta= 120, LV= 121, RV =25 • Diastole : aorta= 80, LV= 0, RV= 0 • In the coronary sinus the outflow of blood gradually arises from the isovolumetric ventricular contraction phase and reaches its peak during ‘ protodiastole’ phase and then falls. Clinical importance
• Variation in CBF wit heart rate.
• Sub-endocardial portion of LV is more prone to myocardial infarction. • In aortic stenosis: – The pressure in the LV must be greater than that in the aorta to eject blood. – Therefore, coronaries are severely compressed during systole hence lead to MI due to compression of coronaries and more oxygen demand by ventricular muscles. • In congestive cardiac failure, increase in venous pressure decrease aortic diastolic pressure. Thus effective coronary perfusion pressure falls and CBF decreases. Compensatory mechanism in sub-endocardial portion of LV
• Sub-endocardial portion of the myocardium in
LV posses more capillaries density ( 1100 capillaries/mm2) than superficial layers (750 capillaries/mm2). • Deep layers has minimum diffusion ( about 16.5 µm) than superficial (20.5 µm). • Myoglobin is higher in deep layer. FACTORS REGULATING CORONARY BL.FLOW • Physical • Chemical • Neural • Hormonal
Coronary circulation is controlled almost entirely by local metabolic factors (hypoxia
and adenosine) ; sympathetic nerves plays a minor role. Physical factors Aortic blood pressure: • CBF is directly proportional to aortic blood pressure, especially the diastolic aortic pressure , most of CBF occur during diastole. • When diastolic pressure decreases when MAP is decreased e.g. shock or aortic stenosis, the CBF decreases. • Blood flow to the endocardial regions is more severely impaired than is that to the epicardial regions of the ventricle Heart Rate: • • Excessive↑ in the heart rate e.g. paroxysmal tachycardia→ ↓diastolic period→ ↓coronary filling (as it occurs mainly during ventricular diastole)→ ↓CBF. Cardiac Output: • CBF is directly proportional to COP i.e. ↓COP→↓ CBF ;↑COP→ ↑CBF • Increased cardiac output→↑BP in aorta + reflex inhibition of the vasoconstrictor tone →coronary vasodilatation→↑ CBF. C.B.F. occurs mainly during diastole as there is compression of coronary blood vessels during systole by the contracted muscle fibers. Temperature: • Hyperthermia increases body metabolism and CBF increases to maintain normal O2 requirement. • Hypothermia, markedly decreases body metabolic rate, O2 requirement decreases and CBF decreases. Anaemia: increases CBF • Causes hypoxia in cardiac tissue, which causes release of adenosine • A compensatory increase in heart rate produces metabolic hypoxia. NERVOUS FACTORS: Direct effect: • Parasympathetic: vagi are not poven to supply the coronary, but its stimulation has slight dilator effect. • Sympathetic: Both alpha and Beta receptors exist in the coronary vessels. Sympathetic stimulation causes slight direct coronary constriction. – the epicardial coronary vessels have a preponderance of alpha receptors, whereas the intramuscular arteries may have a preponderance of beta receptors. Indirect effect: • Plays a far more important role in normal control of coronary blood flow than the direct. Sympathetic stimulation increase both heart rate and myocardial contractility, as well as its rate of metabolism leading to dilatation of coronary blood vessels. The blood flow increase proportional to the metabolic need of heart muscle HORMONAL FACTOR • Thyroxine increases the cardiac metabolism, thus causes coronary vasodilation and increases CBF. • Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) coronary causes vasoconstriction and decreases CBF. Coronary auto regulation • If there is sudden change in aortic pressure, coronary vascular resistance will adjust itself proportionally within few seconds; so that a constant blood flow is maintained. • Range of autoregulation: 60 – 140 mmHg. Mechanism: • Myogenic response: an increase in passive stretch, caused by increased perfusion pressure, causes active smooth muscle contraction. Chemical theory: • Decrease perfusion pressure or hypoxia leads to Increase adenosine which causes Vasodilatation and increase CBF Endothelium derived relaxation factor (EDRF): • Hypoxia, ADP, muscular exercise, stimulate vascular endothelium to secrete EDRF, which is a potent vasodilator, that causes coronary dilatation and increase CBF. Coronary artery disease ANGINA PECTORIS • Angina Pectoris means severe chest pain (usually retrosternal i.e. behind the sternum) due to ischemia of the cardiac muscle. • Angina pectoris is usually due to narrowing of the coronary arteries ischemia. • When the coronary artery is only partly obstructed (by spasm or atherosclerosis) and the coronary blood flow is only moderately reduced, symptoms of ischemia appears only when cardiac work is increased by effort, exercise, excitement, food or severe cold, or anemia.
• Pain is due to accumulation of pain producing substances in the
myocardium such as, P factor, lactic acid, histamine, K, and Kinins. pain is usually relieved by rest or drugs. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION • Myocardial Infarction means necrosis of a part of the myocardium due to − Severe & prolonged ischemia due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. − Occlusion of one of the coronary arteries or its branches by coronary thrombosis leading to severe ischemia. • Most common cause of MI is rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque or hemorrhage into coronary arteries. • Myocardial Infarction produces also chest pain which is more severe than that of angina and it cannot be relieved by rest or coronary VD drugs. • It is usually complicated by fatal ventricular fibrillation. • Common site for development of plaque is in first few centimeters of the coronary artery. • There is a strong positive correlation between atherosclerosis and circulating homocysteine( damage endothelial cells). – Converted to methionine in the presence of folate and Vit B12. – Both vitamins lowers the incidences of coronary artery diseases. • Atherosclerosis has an important inflammatory component and there is a positive correlation between increased levels of C- reactive protein and MI. • Some serum enzymes plays an important role in the diagnosis of MI. The enzymes most commonly measure are: – MB isomer of creatine kinase ( CK-MB) – Troponin I and T – Lipoprotein a • In ECG, there ST elevation in the lead overlying the infracted area.