Unit - 2 Media Management

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Fashion Media Appreciation

Unit – 2 Media Planning

What is Media Planning?

▪ It is an important component of the promotional strategy

formulation. Selection of appropriate media is important not
only to reach the desired target audience but also to ensure
best utilization of promotional expenditure.

▪ Goal of the media plan is to find a combination of media that

will enable the marketer to communicate the message in the
most effective manner possible at minimum cost.

• The process of deciding how to most effectively get your
marketing communications seen by your target

• A process for determining the most cost-effective mix of

media for achieving a set of media objectives.

• Media planning is about determining the best Media Mix

(i.e., the best combination of one-way and two-way
media) to reach a particular target for a particular brand
Functions of Media Planning

1) Proper media planning enables the selection of the right media

2) It helps to allocate the advertising funds to the right products in

the right media

3) It indicates the period or the season in which the advertiser

need to concentrate advertising

4) It helps achieve the advertising objectives

5) It minimizes wastages of advertising funds

Role of Media Planner

1. Conduct media research

2. Determine media objectives and strategies

3. Determine the media mix

4. Do the actual media buy

5. Media planners work within advertising agencies or media

planning and buying agencies

6. Media planners combine creative thinking with factual analysis to
develop appropriate strategies
7. They apply knowledge of media and communication platforms to
identify the most appropriate medium for building awareness of a
clients brand
8. Liaison with the creative agency team, clients and consumers to
develop media strategies and campaigns
9. Presenting proposals, including cost schedules to clients
10. Recommending the most appropriate types of media to use, as
well as the most effective time spans and locations
11. Working with colleagues, other departments and media
buyers either in-house or in a specialist agency
12. Making and maintaining good contacts with media owners
13. Managing client relationships to build respect and trust in your
14. Proofreading advertisement content before release

15. Maintaining detailed records and evaluating the effectiveness

of campaigns
Media Planning Process

▪ Media planning is the process of designing a course of action

that shows how advertising space and time will be used
▪ The media plan is created by the media planner from
information about the market and prospective customers
▪ Media  decisions are primarily based on the creative strategy
established for the campaign and the characteristics of the target
▪ Through market research, facts about the target market are
accumulated and generalized into a consumer profile
▪ Copy strategy and copy requirements is analyzed by the media
planner, taking into account the size of the advertising budget
▪ Analysis is followed by matching the audience characteristics of
various media with the consumer profile
▪ Through the exercise of judgment concerning dimensions of
coverage, reach, frequency, continuity, ad size... the media plan
▪ The ultimate responsibility for choosing media rests with the
advertising/ brand manager
Media Planning Steps

1. Market 2. Media 3. Media

Analysis Objectives Strategies

6. Evaluation 5. Budget and

4. Selecting
and Follow Media
Media Mix
up Buying
1. Market Analysis

Identification of answers to the ▪ The target audience can be

following questions: classified in terms of age,
▪ Who is the target audience? sex, income, occupation,
and other variables.
▪ What internal and external
factors may influence the ▪ The classification of target
media plan? audience helps media
planner to understand the
▪ Where and when to focus
media consumption habit,
the advertising efforts?
and accordingly choose the
most appropriate media or
media mix.
2. Establishing Media Objective

▪ Media objectives describes Frequency - Frequency refers to the

what you want the media average number of times an
plan to accomplish individual within target audience is
exposed to a media vehicle during a
▪ There are five key media
given period of time.
objectives that an advertiser
or media planner has to
consider: Cost - It refers to the cost of different
Reach - Reach refers to the
number of people that will
be exposed to a media Weight - Weight refers to total
vehicle at least once during advertising required during a
particular period.
a given period of time.
▪ Continuity - It refers to the pattern of advertisements in a media
schedule. Continuity alternatives are as follows:
▪Continuous: Strategy of running campaign evenly over a
period of time.
▪Pulsing: Strategy of running campaign steadily over a period
of time with intermittent increase in advertising at certain
intervals, as during festivals or special occasions like Olympics or
▪Discontinuous: Strategy of advertising heavily only at certain
intervals, and no advertising in the interim period, as in case of
seasonal products.
3. Determining Media Strategies

▪ Media strategy is determined considering the following:

▪ a. Media Mix - From the wide variety of media vehicles, the
advertiser can employ one vehicle or a mix suitable vehicles.
▪ b. Target Market
▪ c. Scheduling - It shows the number of advertisements, size of
advertisements, and time on which advertisements to appear.
▪ Reach and frequency
▫ Creative Aspects - Creativity in ad campaigns decides the
success of the product
▫ Flexibility - An effective media strategy requires a degree of
▫ Budget Considerations
▫ Media Selection - It covers two broad decisions - selection of
media class, and selection of media vehicle within media
4. Selecting Media Mix:

▪ Media mix means the advertising strategy encompasses the use of

more than one type of advertising media

▪ No advertiser can rely only on one medium to reach his audience.

▪ combination plays a crucial role in reaching the maximum number

of consumers at the minimum cost
5. Budget and Media Buying:

▪ Media Buying

a. Occurs once plan is approved

b. Buyers work with media representatives to negotiate final prices
for the various activities

▪ Competitive Strategies and Budget Considerations

6. Evaluation and Follow-up

▪ Evaluation is essential to assess the performance of any activity.

▪ Two factors are important in evaluation of media plan:

▫ How successful were the strategies in achieving media

▫ Was the media plan successful in accomplishing advertising

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