Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
Fat soluble vitamin
A stable vitamin
________form of vitamin D is
made in skin while ______ form is
received from diet.
Vitamin D is required for
________ of bones.
Delayed closure of
fontanelles ;a soft membranous
gap between cranial bones,
softening and reduced
mineralization of the skull.
Delayed sitting & crawling
Bossing of skull
Bow legs
Enlargement of the
costochondral junction (a
cartilage that attaches front
of ribs to breastbone) with
rows of knobs or beads
forming Rachitic Rosary, pigeon
chest and spinal curvature
Enlargement of wrist, knee
(knock knees) & ankle joints
Poorly developed muscles
Lack of muscle tone
Pot belly (due to weakness of
abdominal muscles)
Restlessness & nervous
Tetany characterized by low
serum calcium, muscle
twitching, cramps & convulsions
Delayed dentition
Malformation of teeth
A glance at signs
Bone pain or tenderness
Dental problems
Growth disturbance
Occurs when