Introduction To ECG For Nursing
Introduction To ECG For Nursing
Introduction To ECG For Nursing
Introduction to ECG
ECG is short for ElectroCardioGram. The idea of ECG is to measure a surface electrical potential of the electrical activities occurring in the heart. This entails fitting leads to look at the currents from every possible angle. This emphasizes the need for standardizing the leads positions to be able to compare different ECGs.
Conduction System
Normal ECG
Chest Leads
V1: 4th space, Rt parasternal line. V2: 4th space Lt parasternal line. V3: Between V2 and V3. V4: 5th Space Midclavicular line. V5: 5th space Anterior axillary line. V6: 5th space Midaxillary line.
Electro-Mechanical Coupling
Axis Determination
The depolarization wave spreads in different directions through the ventricle. The term axis usually refers to the mean direction of the QRS wave in the frontal plane unless otherwise specified. This means that we are examining the QRS axis only in the standard limb leads.
Axis Determination
The way to determine the electrical axis is made easy by remembering few rules in ECG.
Axis Determination
Axis Determination
Axis Determination
Axis Determination
Common Mistakes
One of the commonest mistakes to be done by nurses and doctors is leads misplacement. The most common ones are 1- Right Arm Left Arm leads misplacement. 2- Arm Leg leads misplacement. 3- Reversal of 2 leads of the anterior chest leads V1 V3.
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Fibrillation
A V N R T - Sinus Rhythm
A V N R T - Attack
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Tachycardia
Orthodromic WPW
Antidromic WPW
Atrio-Ventricular Block
st 1
Degree AV Block
Mobitz Type I
Mobitz Type II
rd 3
Degree AV Block
Right B B B
Left B B B
Torsade de Pointes
Torsade de Pointes
Dangerous Patterns
Dangerous Patterns
Dangerous Patterns
Dangerous Patterns
Dangerous Patterns
Dangerous Patterns