ENGG7902 Innovation

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CRICOS code 00025B

What is innovation

Innovation Invention

Innovation is the creation of a viable new offering. Invention is the creation of a

new product or process
It can involve invention but most innovations are
based on previous advances.

Innovations don’t have to be new to the world, just

to a market or industry.

Innovations have to make money.

CRICOS code 00025B

What is innovation?


Technical Business
knowledge model

CRICOS code 00025B

Doblin’s Ten Types of Innovation

Product Product
ce System
ss S er
ce vice

e Ch
ctu r a nn
S tru el




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CRICOS code 00025B
Innovations in Offerings
• Address the value, features & quality of a
Product companies products
• Does the product produce superior offerings,
Performance unique features, style & functionality? Are they
easier to use?

• How individual products and services connect or

Product bundle together to create systems or ecosystems
• Does the company (or 3rd parties) make multiple
Systems products that connect in unique ways? Can they be
purchased as packages?

CRICOS code 00025B

Innovations in Configuration
Profit • How you make money
• Does the company make $$$ in ways that don’t match industry norms? Big

Model differences in margins or costs? Users vs who pays for it? Quick cash?

• How you connect with others to create value
• Does the company work with others to develop products? Do they help others
with their products? Collaborate across the supply chain?

• How you organise and align your talent and assets
• Does the company have an unusual org structure? Are they known for
attracting the best talent? Do they use their assets differently?

• How you use signature or superior methods to do your work
• What is the company uniquely skilled at doing? Are the operating costs much

CRICOS code 00025B

Innovation in Experience
• How do you support and amplify the value of your offerings
Service • Do customers rave about their interactions with the company? Do they provide unique or
interesting guarantees? Are there social groups that help other customers?

• How you deliver your offerings to customers and users

Channel • Do they deliver their products in unique and strange ways? Do they use different channels
in unique ways? Do other players help sell or deliver the offerings?

• How you represent your offerings and business

Brand • Does the company have a unique or vivid identity? Is the company’s brand used by others?
Do customers see themselves as part of a distinct community?

Customer • How you foster compelling interactions

• Does the company takes something challenging and make it easy to understand? Do the

Engagement offerings confer a unique identity or sense of status? Do customers talk about how the
product has become part of their lives?

CRICOS code 00025B

Go Beyond Products / Strength in Numbers
Innovations in offerings are often considered the sum total of innovation.

Product changes are the easiest to implement and unfortunately the easiest to copy

It’s not that product performance is unimportant, rather you need multiple innovation types to create
competitive advantages that endure

On average, mediocre innovators use <2 types and top innovators use >3 types. Using 5 or more types,
integrated with care almost always sees you reinventing a market

CRICOS code 00025B

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