Education Act of 1982
Education Act of 1982
Education Act of 1982
In accordance with
Section 2, this act shall
apply to and govern both
formal and non-formal
system in public and
private schools in all
levels of the entire
educational system.
Declaration of Basic Policy
(Chapter 2, Sec. 3)
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Special Education
Chapter 3
Duties of Parents
(Chapter 3, Sec.14)
Parents shall help carry out the
educational objectives in
accordance with national goals
Teacher’s Obligation
(Chapter 3, Sec. 16)
Sections 55 to 58
It provides the composition of
the Board of Ministry, its
functions and Powers.
Functions and Powers of the
1. Formulate general education objectives and policies, and adopt long-
range educational plans;
2. Plan, develop and implement programs and projects in education and
3. Promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the administration,
supervision and regulation of the educational system in accordance with
declared policy;
4. Set up general objectives for the school system;
5. Coordinate the activities and functions of the school system and the
various cultural agencies under it;
6. Coordinate and work with agencies concerned with the educational
and cultural development of the national cultural communities; and
7. Recommend and study legislation proposed for adoption.
Board of Higher Education
Sec 59 to 61 which provides the composition of the
Board of Higher Education reconstituted as an
advisory body to the Minister of Education, Culture
and Sports.
Function of the Board of Higher Education
1. Make policy recommendations regarding the planning and
management of the integrated system of higher education and the
continuing evaluation thereof.
2. Recommend to the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports steps
to improve the governance of the various components of the higher
education system at national and regional levels.
3. Assist the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in making
recommendation relatives to the generation of resources and their
allocation for higher education.
Chapter 3 – The Bureaus
Section 62 -66
Section 62Function of Bureau of Elementary
Educationf the
1. Conduct studies and formulate, develop, and evaluate
programs and educational standards for elementary
2. Undertake studies necessary for the preparation of
prototype curricular designs, instructional materials, and
teacher training programs for elementary education; and
3. Formulate guidelines to improve elementary school
physical plants and equipment, and general management
of these schools.
Chapter 3 – The Bureaus
Section 62 -66
Section 63 Function of Bureau of Secondary
1. Conduct studies and formulate, develop and evaluate
programs and educational standards for secondary
2. Develop curricular designs, prepare instructional
materials, and prepare and evaluate programs to update
the quality of the teaching and non-teaching staff at the
secondary level;
3. Formulate guidelines to improve the secondary school
physical plants and equipment, and general management
of these schools.
Chapter 3 – The Bureaus
Section 62 -66
Section 68 to 69 – Penal
Adminstrative Sanctions