L2 Modern Communication Theories1
L2 Modern Communication Theories1
L2 Modern Communication Theories1
1. Speech Act
2. Language Expectancy Theory
3. Framing
4. Social Cognitive Theory
5. Psycho-Linguistics Theory
6. Network Theory and Analysis
Speech Act
“ A theory of language is a theory of action”- Greig E.
Henderson and Christopher Brown.
the utterances have a different or specific meaning to
its user and listener other than its meaning according to
the language.
there are two kinds of utterances: constative and
Speech Act
Constative utterances describe states of affairs which are either true or false.
E.g.: Snow is white. (true)
Snow is red. (false)
Performative utterances often take the form of declarative sentences with which the speaker performs the action
denoted by some performative verb (e.g. promise, declare etc.). In so doing, the speaker does not describe the world but
changes it. Performatives “ do not ‘describe’ or ‘report’ or constate anything at all, are not ‘true or false’; and the
uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action, which again would not normally be described as, or as ‘just’, saying
E.g.: I apologize for my behaviour.
Speech Act
Locutionary- this is the act of saying