Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
inventory management is the process of ordering, handling, storing, and using a
company’s non-capitalised assets – AKA its inventory. For some businesses, this
involves raw materials and components, while others may only deal with finished
stock items ready for sale.
Either way, inventory management all comes down to balance – having the right
amount of stock, in the right place, at the right time.
Retail inventory management
Retail is the general term used to describe businesses that sell physical products to consumers. While not exclusive to retail,
inventory management tends to play more of a role in this industry than any other.
We’ll therefore be focusing mainly on inventory management from a retail perspective within this guide.
A company’s inventory will therefore need to be managed in accordance with which of these retail models it operates within.
The importance of inventory management
Good inventory management is a vital part of running a retail company. Without inventory, the business is worthless as it no
longer has any stock to generate revenue from.
Good inventory management helps with providing a seamless customer experience, improving cash flow and maximizing
profits, avoiding shrinkage and waste, and optimizing the fulfillment process. All making it an imperative task for serious
A retail business is useless without its inventory. And so while it may not be the most exciting subject, inventory management
is vitally important to your business’s longevity.
Raw materials.
Work-in-progress (WIP) inventory.
Finished goods.
Maintenance, repair & operations (MRO) goods.
We also include packing materials as a fifth type of inventory that an ecommerce retailer may need
to keep track of.
How do you track inventory?
Inventory tracking can be done in a variety of ways, ranging from pen & paper, to
online spreadsheet, to full blown inventory software. We cover each method in detail
(including a spreadsheet template) in our dedicated chapter on inventory tracking.
The more sales channels you sell on (and the more sales you make on each one), the
tougher this practice becomes. So most growing multichannel retail businesses will
be looking at some form of automated system to take care of inventory tracking for
How do you manage inventory effectively?
The first step is to commit to regular and well-organized forecasting. You need to have a solid idea of exactly
how much inventory you have on hand and plan to sell in an upcoming period, so you can plan for
replenishment needs.
You’ll then need to purchase new inventory in a timely fashion, preferably based on specific reorder points. And
also ensure you have the right organizational structure set up in your warehouse to allow for optimal storage,
minimal shrinkage, and fast and systematic fulfillment.
A well set-up spreadsheet or automated system is essential to manage inventory across multiple sales channels.
This way, you know exactly where inventory is, how much you have on-hand, and minimize the chances of over
or under-selling what you have.
What are the methods of inventory management
Methods are something we explore specifically in our chapter on inventory management
techniques. But here are a few high-level examples of methods to control inventory:
Choose an appropriate fulfilment option.
Take forecasting seriously.
Set reorder points for each product.
Use EOQ for optimal order quantities.
Give each variant a dedicated warehouse bin.
Sell older inventory first.
Prioritize with ABC analysis.
Always track your metrics.
Verify accuracy with regular counts.
Automate as much as possible.
Key inventory management terms
Average inventory The average inventory on-hand over a given time period, calculated
by adding Ending Inventory (EI) to Beginning Inventory (BI) and dividing by two.
Average inventory cost An inventory valuation method that bases its figure on the
average cost of items throughout an accounting period.
Back order (BO) An order for a product that is currently out of stock, and so cannot
yet be fulfilled for the customer.
Barcode scanner A device used to digitally identify items via a unique barcode, then
perform inventory and fulfilment tasks like booking-in, picking, counts, etc.
Beginning Inventory (BI) The value of any unsold, on-hand inventory at the start of an
accounting period.
Bundles A group of individual products in an inventory that are brought together to sell as one
under a single SKU.
Carrying costs The total costs associated with holding and storing inventory in a warehouse or
facility until it is sold on to the customer.
Cost of goods sold (COGS) Direct costs of purchasing and/or producing any goods sold,
including everything that went into it – materials, labour, tools used, etc. Does NOT include
indirect costs – like distribution, advertising, sales force costs, etc.
Dead stock Inventory that remains unsold for a long enough period of time for it to be deemed
outdated and virtually unsellable.
Ending Inventory (EI) The value of any unsold, on-hand inventory at the end of an accounting
First-in-first-out (FIFO) An inventory valuation method that assumes stock that was purchased
first, is also the first to be sold.
Inventory count Also known as a stock take, this is the systematic process of
taking a physical count of inventory in order to verify accuracy.
Inventory shrinkage Inventory shrinkage is an accounting term to indicate
inventory items that have been stolen, damaged beyond saleable repair or otherwise
lost between the point of purchase and point of sale.
Inventory valuation The process of giving unsold inventory a monetary value in
order to show as a company asset in financial records.
Inventory variant The variations of a single product that a company may hold in
its inventory. For example, stocking a t-shirt in various colours and sizes.
Inventory visibility The ability of a person or business to see exactly where its
inventory is and how it is being used.
Last-in-first-out (LIFO) An inventory valuation method that assumes the most
recent products added to your inventory are the ones to be sold first.
Lead time The time it takes for a supplier to deliver new stock to the desired location once a
purchase order has been issued.
Multichannel A retail model that sells in multiple different places, usually online via a
combination of websites and marketplaces.
Omnichannel A retail model that goes beyond multichannel to integrate all of a company’s
online and offline sales channels into one, unified customer experience.
Order fulfilment The process of getting a customer’s sales order from your warehouse or
distribution centre to it being in their possession.
Order management The systematic order management process behind organising, managing
and fulfilling all the sales orders coming into a business. From receiving orders and processing
payment, right through to picking, packing, shipping, handling returns and communicating
with customers.
OversellingTaking online orders for a product that turns out to be out of stock (usually through
poor inventory management). Preventing overselling is key to providing a high-quality
experience for online customers.
Periodic inventory management A type of inventory system that involves using manual processes to periodically
count and update on-hand stock levels.
Perpetual inventory management A type of inventory system that involves automating your inventory tracking so it
stays perpetually updated in real-time.
Pipeline inventory. Any inventory that has not yet reached its final destination of a company’s warehouse shelves, but
is currently ‘en route’ somewhere within their supply chain – e.g. currently being manufactured, or being shipped by
the supplier.
Purchase order (PO) A commercial document created by a business to its supplier, detailing quantities, items and
agreed prices for new products to add to on-hand inventory.
Sales order (SO) A document created when a customer makes a purchase, detailing which products are to be
received and how much has been paid or is owed.
Stock-keeping unit (SKU) A SKU is a unique alphanumeric code applied to each variant in a company’s inventory,
helping to easily identify and organise a product catalogue.
Supply chain The complete flow a product or commodity takes from origin to consumer – including raw materials,
to finished goods, wholesalers, warehouses and final destination. A retailer might only be directly responsible for
certain chunks of this supply chain, but should still be aware of it in its entirety for the products they sell.
Third-party logistics (3PL) Refers to the use of an external third party to handle warehousing, inventory, fulfilment
and/or customer service on behalf of a retail company.
Key inventory management formulas
It’s not just common terminology you need to know when it comes to inventory management. There are
some specific formulas to take note of too.
We’ll be going into greater depth with how and when to use these formulas later on in this guide. But
here’s a quick run through to use as a reference point:
1) Inventory turnover
The inventory turnover ratio measures how many times your inventory is sold over a given time period.
It’s, therefore, a critical analysis metric showing how effectively inventory is being managed overall.
The formula takes cost of goods sold (COGS) over a specific period, and divides it by average
inventory over the same period.
Generally speaking, higher inventory turnover rates indicate better performance and efficiency. This is
because the company would be getting through its inventory stocks more often – minimizing carrying
costs per unit.
This gives an insight into the overall
efficiency of a company and its inventory
management processes.
= Cost of Goods Sold / (Beginning Invty + Ending Invty)
Inventory Turnover = 4.21
Inventory =
Example :
CGS = Php 200.00
BI = 66 Invty turnover = 4.21
EI = 29 invty level = 86.7 days
2) Sell through rate
Sell through rate takes the amount of inventory a retailer receives, and compares it
against what is actually sold over a given period. It’s usually expressed as a
Choosing an inventory management system that’s right for your business can be a tricky process. But here are a few
pillar features of good software:
Real-time tracking. Syncs a live inventory figure across all sales channels and warehouses.
Forecasting. Uses past sales data to project estimated inventory requirements into the future.
Purchasing. Helps manage all suppliers and purchase orders for quick and easy stock replenishment.
Rules & automations. Allows creation of inventory rules, e.g. to dictate how much stock shows on each sales channel.
Cloud-based. Accessed from anywhere with data never being overwritten by team members making changes.
Many systems will also help manage and automate a plethora of other operational tasks – like sales & wholesale orders,
picking & packing, shipping, and returns.