Gened 8 - Module 3
Gened 8 - Module 3
Gened 8 - Module 3
2. Extreme personalism
“Takes things personally”. Cannot separate objective task
from emotional involvement. Because of this, the Filipino is
uncomfortable with bureaucracy, with rules and regulations
and with standard procedures. He uses personal contacts
and gives preference to family and friends in hiring, services
and even voting.
The Filipino Character: Strength and
The weaknesses of the Filipino character as cited in the Report
are as follows:
3. Lack of discipline
A casual attitude toward time and space, manifested in lack of
precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management and
procrastination. Aversion to following procedures strictly
results in short cuts, ‘palusot’, ‘ningas cogon’. Lack f discipline
often results in inefficient work systems, the violation of rules
and a casual work ethic lacking follow through.
The Filipino Character: Strength and
The weaknesses of the Filipino character as cited in the Report
are as follows:
5. Colonial mentality
Lack of patriotism, or of an active awareness, appreciation
and love of the Philippines and an actual preference for the
things foreign.
The Filipino Character: Strength and
The weaknesses of the Filipino character as cited in the Report
are as follows: