Transaction Management PDEU April 2023

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Transaction Management

Concurrency Control

Minal Bhise
Distributed Databases Research Group
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
[email protected]

ACID properties
Transaction states
Schedule: Serial, Interleaved, equivalent
Concurrency Control Protocols:
Lock based Protocols: Two Phase Locking, Time stamp based, deadlock detection, prevention,
Time Stamp based Protocols, Validation based Protocols
Crash Recovery Protocol
Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics ARIES

• Transaction is a logical unit of work that contains one or more SQL statements. A
transaction is an atomic unit. The effects of all the SQL statements in a
transaction can be either all committed (applied to the database) or all rolled
back (undone from the database)

• A user’s program may carry out many operations on the data retrieved from the
database, but the DBMS is only concerned about what data is read/written
from/to the database
• A transaction is the DBMS’s abstract view of a user program: a sequence of reads
and writes

Transaction Concept
• A transaction is a unit of program execution that accesses and
possibly updates various data items.
• E.g., transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B:
1. read(A)
2. A := A – 50
3. write(A)
4. read(B)
5. B := B + 50
6. write(B)

• Two main issues to deal with:

• Failures of various kinds, such as hardware failures and system
• Concurrent execution of multiple transactions
ACID properties

A tomicity: All actions in the transaction happen, or none happen

C onsistency: If each transaction is consistent, and the database

starts consistent, it ends up consistent

I solation: Execution of one transaction is isolated from that of

other transactions

D urability: If a transaction commits, its effects persist

• Transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B. t=0, A=B=100
1. read(A)
2. A := A – 50
3. write(A)
4. read(B)
5. B := B + 50
6. write(B)

If the transaction fails after step 3 and before step 6, money will be
“lost” leading to an inconsistent database state
• Failure could be due to software or hardware
• The system should ensure that updates of a partially executed transaction are
not reflected in the database
Transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B. t=0, A=B=100
1. read(A)
2. A := A – 50
3. write(A)
4. read(B)
5. B := B + 50
6. write(B)

• Once the user has been notified that the transaction has completed (i.e., the
transfer of the $50 has taken place), the updates to the database by the
transaction must persist even if there are software or hardware failures.

• The sum of A and B is unchanged by the execution of the transaction
• In general, consistency requirements include
• Explicitly specified integrity constraints such as primary keys and foreign keys
• Implicit integrity constraints
• e.g., sum of balances of all accounts, minus sum of loan amounts must
equal value of cash-in-hand
• A transaction must see a consistent database.
• During transaction execution the database may be temporarily inconsistent.
• When the transaction completes successfully the database must be consistent
• Erroneous transaction logic can lead to inconsistency
• if between steps 3 and 6, another transaction T2 is allowed to access
the partially updated database, it will see an inconsistent database
(the sum A + B will be less than it should be).
T1 T2
1. read(A)
2. A := A – 50
3. write(A)
read(A), read(B), print(A+B)
4. read(B)
5. B := B + 50
6. write(B

• Isolation can be ensured trivially by running transactions serially

• That is, one after the other.
• However, executing multiple transactions concurrently has significant
ACID Properties
• Atomicity. Either all operations of the transaction are properly
reflected in the database or none are.
• Consistency. Execution of a transaction in isolation preserves the
consistency of the database.
• Isolation. Although multiple transactions may execute concurrently,
each transaction must be unaware of other concurrently executing
transactions. Intermediate transaction results must be hidden from
other concurrently executed transactions.
• That is, for every pair of transactions Ti and Tj, it appears to Ti that
either Tj, finished execution before Ti started, or Tj started
execution after Ti finished.
• Durability. After a transaction completes successfully, the changes it
has made to the database persist, even if there are system failures.
Transaction State
• Active – the initial state; the transaction stays in this state while it is
• Partially committed – after the final statement has been executed.
• Failed -- after the discovery that normal execution can no longer
• Aborted – after the transaction has been rolled back and the
database restored to its state prior to the start of the transaction.
Two options after it has been aborted:
• Restart the transaction
• Can be done only if no internal logical error
• Kill the transaction
• Committed – after successful completion.
Transaction State
Concurrent Executions
• Multiple transactions are allowed to run concurrently in the system.
• Increased processor and disk utilization leading to better
transaction throughput
• E.g., one transaction can be using the CPU while another is
reading from or writing to the disk
• Reduced average response time for transactions: short
transactions need not wait behind long ones.
• Concurrency control schemes – mechanisms to achieve isolation
• That is, to control the interaction among the concurrent
transactions in order to prevent them from destroying the
consistency of the database
Disk Structure

• Sequences of instructions that specify the chronological order in
which instructions of concurrent transactions are executed
• A schedule for a set of transactions must consist of all instructions
of those transactions
• Must preserve the order in which the instructions appear in each
individual transaction.
• A transaction that successfully completes its execution will have a
commit instructions as the last statement
• By default transaction assumed to execute commit instruction as
its last step
• A transaction that fails to successfully complete its execution will have
an abort instruction as the last statement
Schedule 1
• Let T1 transfer $50 from A to B, and T2 transfer 10% of the balance from A to B.
• At t=0, A=1000, B=2000, A+B= 3000, A=855, B=2145
• A serial schedule in which T1 is followed by T2 :
Schedule 2
• A serial schedule where T2 is followed by T1
• At t=0, A=1000, B=2000, A+B= 3000, A=850, B=2150
Schedule 3
• Let T1 and T2 be the transactions defined previously. The following schedule is not a
serial schedule, but it is equivalent to Schedule 1
• At t=0, A=1000, B=2000, A+B= 3000, A=855, B=2145

• In Schedules 1, 2 and 3, the sum A + B is preserved .

Schedule 4
• The following concurrent schedule does not preserve the value of (A + B )
At t=0, A=1000, B=2000, A+B= 3000, A=950, B=2100

• Each transaction preserves database consistency.

• Thus, serial execution of a set of transactions preserves database
• A (possibly concurrent) schedule is serializable if it is equivalent to a serial
Simplified view of transactions
• simplified schedules consist of only read and write instructions.

• read(X) transfers the data item X from the database to a variable, also
called X, in a buffer in main memory belonging to the transaction that
executed the read operation.
• write(X) transfers the value in the variable X in the main-memory
buffer of the transaction that executed the write to the data item X in
the database.
Conflicting Instructions
• Instructions li and lj of transactions Ti and Tj respectively, conflict if and
only if there exists some item Q accessed by both li and lj, and at least
one of these instructions wrote Q
1. li = read(Q), lj = read(Q). li and lj don’t conflict
2. li = read(Q), lj = write(Q). They conflict
3. li = write(Q), lj = read(Q). They conflict
4. li = write(Q), lj = write(Q). They conflict
• Intuitively, a conflict between li and lj forces a (logical) temporal order
between them
• If li and lj are consecutive in a schedule and they do not conflict, their
results would remain the same even if they had been interchanged in
the schedule
Conflict Serializability
• If a schedule S can be transformed into a schedule S’ by a series of
swaps of non-conflicting instructions, we say that S and S’ are conflict
• We say that a schedule S is conflict serializable if it is conflict
equivalent to a serial schedule
Conflict Serializability
Schedule 3 can be transformed into Schedule 6, a serial schedule where T2
follows T1, by series of swaps of non-conflicting instructions. Therefore
Schedule 3 is conflict serializable

Schedule 3 Schedule 6
Conflict Serializability
• a schedule that is not conflict serializable:

• We are unable to swap instructions in the above schedule to obtain

either the serial schedule <T3, T4 >, or the serial schedule < T4, T3 >.
View Serializability
• Let S and S’ be two schedules with the same set of transactions. S and S’ are
view equivalent if the following three conditions are met, for each data item
1. If in schedule S, transaction Ti reads the initial value of Q, then in
schedule S’ also transaction Ti must read the initial value of Q.
2. If in schedule S transaction Ti executes read(Q), and that value was
produced by transaction Tj (if any), then in schedule S’ also
transaction Ti must read the value of Q that was produced by the
same write(Q) operation of transaction Tj .
3. The transaction (if any) that performs the final write(Q) operation in
schedule S must also perform the final write(Q) operation in schedule S’.
• As can be seen, view equivalence is also based purely on reads and writes
View Serializability
• A schedule S is view serializable if it is view equivalent to a serial schedule.
• Every conflict serializable schedule is also view serializable.
• Below is a schedule which is view-serializable but not conflict serializable.

• What serial schedule is above equivalent to?

• Every view serializable schedule that is not conflict serializable has blind writes.
Testing for Serializability
• Consider some schedule of a set of transactions T1, T2, ..., Tn
• Precedence graph — a directed graph where the vertices are the transactions
• We draw an arc from Ti to Tj if the two transaction conflict, and Ti accessed the
data item on which the conflict arose earlier
• We may label the arc by the item that was accessed
• Example of a precedence graph

Precedence Graph
• This graph consists of a pair G = (V, E), where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of
• The set of vertices consists of all the transactions participating in the schedule.
The set of edges consists of all edges Ti → Tj for which one of three conditions
• 1. Ti executes write(Q) before Tj executes read(Q).
• 2. Ti executes read(Q) before Tj executes write(Q).
• 3. Ti executes write(Q) before Tj executes write(Q).
• If an edge Ti →Tj exists in the precedence graph, then, in any serial schedule S′
equivalent to S, Ti must appear before Tj.

• A schedule that is not conflict serializable:

T1: R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B)

T2: R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B)

• One node per transaction; edge from Ti to Tj if actions of Ti precedes and conflicts with one of
Tj’s actions
• The cycle in the graph G (V,E) reveals the problem. The output of T1 depends on T2, and vice-
versa A
T1 T2

• Schedule is conflict serializable if and only if its precedence graph is acyclic

Recoverable Schedules
• if a transaction Tj reads a data item previously written by a
transaction Ti , then the commit operation of Ti appears before the
commit operation of Tj
• The following schedule (Schedule 11) is not recoverable

• If T8 should abort, T9 would have read (and possibly shown to the

user) an inconsistent database state. Hence, database must ensure
that schedules are recoverable
Cascading Rollbacks
• a single transaction failure leads to a series of transaction rollbacks.
Consider the following schedule where none of the transactions has yet
committed (so the schedule is recoverable)

If T10 fails, T11 and T12 must also be rolled back.

• Can lead to the undoing of a significant amount of work
Cascadeless Schedules
• cascading rollbacks cannot occur
• For each pair of transactions Ti and Tj such that Tj reads a data item
previously written by Ti, the commit operation of Ti appears before the
read operation of Tj.
• Every Cascadeless schedule is also recoverable
• It is desirable to restrict the schedules to those that are cascadeless
Concurrency Control
• A database must provide a mechanism that will ensure that all
possible schedules are
• serializable, and
• are recoverable and preferably cascadeless
• A policy in which only one transaction can execute at a time
generates serial schedules, but provides a poor degree of
• Testing a schedule for serializability after it has executed is a little too
• to develop concurrency control protocols that will assure
Concurrency Control
• A policy in which only one transaction can execute at a time generates serial
schedules, but provides a poor degree of concurrency.
• Concurrency-control schemes tradeoff between the amount of concurrency they
allow and the amount of overhead that they incur.
Concurrency Control Protocols
• Lock-Based Protocols
• Timestamp-Based Protocols
• Validation-Based Protocols
• Multiple Granularity
• Multiversion Schemes
• Insert and Delete Operations
• Concurrency in Index Structures
Lock Based CC
• Only serializable, recoverable schedules are allowed, no actions of committed
transactions are lost while undoing aborted transactions
• Use of locks
• Locking protocol is a set of rules to be followed by each transaction to ensure that
net effect of interleaved transactions is identical to some serial execution
Lock-Based Protocols
• A lock is a mechanism to control concurrent access to a data item
• Data items can be locked in two modes :
1. exclusive (X) mode. Data item can be both read as well as
written. X-lock is requested using lock-X instruction.
2. shared (S) mode. Data item can only be read. S-lock is
requested using lock-S instruction.
• Lock requests are made to concurrency-control manager. Transaction can proceed
only after request is granted.
Lock-Based Protocols
• Lock-compatibility matrix

• A transaction may be granted a lock on an item if the requested lock is

compatible with locks already held on the item by other transactions.
• Any number of transactions can hold shared locks on an item,
• but if any transaction holds an exclusive lock on the item no other
transaction may hold any lock on the item.
• If a lock cannot be granted, the requesting transaction is made to wait till all
incompatible locks held by other transactions have been released. The lock is
then granted.
•Consider the partial schedule

•Neither T3 nor T4 can make progress — executing lock-S(B) causes T4 to wait

for T3 to release its lock on B, while executing lock-X(A) causes T3 to wait for
T4 to release its lock on A
•Two-phase locking does not ensure freedom from deadlock. Observe that
transactions T3 and T4 are two phase
•To handle a deadlock one of T3 or T4 must be rolled back
and its locks released.

• The potential for deadlock exists in most locking protocols. Deadlocks

are a necessary evil.
• Starvation is also possible if concurrency control manager is badly
designed. For example:
• A transaction may be waiting for an X-lock on an item, while a
sequence of other transactions request and are granted an S-lock
on the same item.
• The same transaction is repeatedly rolled back due to deadlocks.
• Concurrency control manager can be designed to prevent starvation.
The Two-Phase Locking Protocol

• A protocol which ensures conflict-

serializable schedules.
• Phase 1: Growing Phase
• Transaction may obtain locks

• Transaction may not release locks
• Phase 2: Shrinking Phase
• Transaction may release locks Time
• Transaction may not obtain locks

• The protocol assures serializability. It can be

proved that the transactions can be
serialized in the order of their lock points
(i.e., the point where a transaction acquired
its final lock).
The Two-Phase Locking Protocols
• Two-phase locking does not ensure freedom from deadlocks.
• Cascading roll-back is possible under two-phase locking. To avoid this,
follow a modified protocol called strict two-phase locking. Here a
transaction must hold all its exclusive locks till it commits/aborts.
• Rigorous two-phase locking is even stricter: here all locks are held till
commit/abort. In this protocol transactions can be serialized in the
order in which they commit.
The Two-Phase Locking Protocols
• Two-phase locking does not ensure freedom from deadlocks
• Extensions to basic two-phase locking needed to ensure recoverability of
freedom from cascading roll-back
• Strict two-phase locking: a transaction must hold all its exclusive locks till it
• Ensures recoverability and avoids cascading roll-backs
• Rigorous two-phase locking/ Two-phase locking: a transaction must hold
all locks till commit/abort.
• Transactions can be serialized in the order in which they commit.
• Most databases implement rigorous two-phase locking, but refer to it as simply
two-phase locking
Locking in Commercial Databases
• When a transaction Ti issues a read(Q) operation, the system issues a lock-S(Q)
instruction followed by the read(Q) instruction.
• When Ti issues a write(Q) operation, the system checks to see whether Ti already
holds a shared lock on Q. If it does, then the system issues an upgrade(Q)
instruction, followed by the write(Q) instruction. Otherwise, the system issues a
lock-X(Q) instruction, followed by the write(Q) instruction.
• All locks obtained by a transaction are unlocked after that transaction commits or
Lock Management
• Lock and unlock requests are handled by the lock manager
• Maintains Lock table entry:
• Number of transactions currently holding a lock
• Type of lock held (shared or exclusive)
• Pointer to queue of lock requests

• Locking and unlocking have to be atomic operations

• Lock upgrade: transaction that holds a shared lock can be upgraded to hold an
exclusive lock
• Descriptive entry in transaction table for each transaction
• Entry contains pointer to a list of locks held by the transaction
• This list is checked before requesting a lock to ensure that a transaction does not
request the same lock twice
Pitfalls of Lock-Based Protocols
• Starvation is also possible if concurrency control manager is badly
• A transaction may be waiting for an X-lock on an item, while a sequence
of other transactions request and are granted an S-lock on the same
• The same transaction is repeatedly rolled back due to deadlocks.
• Concurrency control manager can be designed to prevent starvation.
• Deadlock: Cycle of transactions waiting for locks to be released by each other.
• Two ways of dealing with deadlocks:
• Deadlock prevention
• Deadlock detection
• Identification of deadlocks using timeout mechanism: transaction waiting for too
long…assuming it is a deadlock …abort it
• Blocking : blocked transactions may hold other locks that force other
transactions to wait
• Aborting and restarting: wastes the work done
Deadlock prevention
• protocols ensure that the system will never enter into a deadlock state. Some
prevention strategies:

• Require that each transaction locks all its data items before it begins
execution (predeclaration).
• Impose partial ordering of all data items and require that a transaction can
lock data items only in the order specified by the partial order (graph-based
Deadlock Prevention Strategies
• Following schemes use transaction timestamps for the sake of
deadlock prevention alone.
• TS(T1) < TS (T2)
• wait-die scheme
• older transaction may wait for younger one to release data item. Younger
transactions never wait for older ones; they are rolled back instead.
• a transaction may die several times before acquiring needed data item
• wound-wait scheme
• older transaction wounds (forces rollback) of younger transaction instead of
waiting for it. Younger transactions may wait for older ones.
• may be fewer rollbacks than wait-die scheme
Deadlock Prevention
• Assign priorities based on timestamps. Assume Ti wants a lock that Tj holds. Two
policies are possible:
• Wait-Die: It Ti has higher priority, Ti waits for Tj; otherwise Ti aborts
• Wound-wait: If Ti has higher priority, Tj aborts; otherwise Ti waits

• Fewer rollbacks in wound-wait

• If a transaction re-starts, make sure it has its original timestamp

Wait-Die Scheme
• Lower the timestamp, higher the priority
• If Ti has higher priority, Ti waits for Tj; otherwise Ti aborts
• Lower priority transactions can never wait for higher priority transactions

• To ensure that no transaction is repeatedly aborted, when a transaction is

aborted and hence restarted, it will be given the original timestamp it had
• Only a transaction requesting a lock can be aborted
• As the transaction grows older, it tends to wait for more and more younger
transactions. The conflicting younger transaction may be repeatedly aborted. But
a transaction having all the locks will never be aborted.
Wound-Wait Scheme
• If Ti has higher priority, Tj aborts; otherwise Ti waits
• A transaction that has all the locks it needs may get aborted
Deadlock prevention

• Both in wait-die and in wound-wait schemes, a rolled back transactions is

restarted with its original timestamp. Older transactions thus have precedence
over newer ones, thus starvation is avoided
• Timeout-Based Schemes:
• a transaction waits for a lock only for a specified amount of time. After that,
the wait times out and the transaction is rolled back.
• thus deadlocks are not possible
• simple to implement; but starvation is possible. Also difficult to determine
good value of the timeout interval.
Deadlock Detection
• Create a wait-for graph:
• Nodes are transactions
• There is an edge from Ti to Tj if Ti is waiting for Tj to release a lock

• Periodically check for cycles in the waits-for graph


T1: S(A), R(A), S(B)

T2: X(B),W(B) X(C)
T3: S(C), R(C) X(A)
T4: X(B)

• S1(A), R1(A), X2(B), S1(B),W2(B), S3(C),R3(C), X2(C), X4(B), X3(A)

Deadlock Detection

T1: S(A), R(A), S(B)

T2: X(B),W(B) X(C)
T3: S(C), R(C) X(A)
T4: X(B)

T1 T2 T1 T2

T4 T3 T3 T3
Deadlock Detection
• Deadlocks can be described as a wait-for graph, which consists of a pair G = (V,E),
• V is a set of vertices (all the transactions in the system)
• E is a set of edges; each element is an ordered pair Ti Tj.
• If Ti  Tj is in E, then there is a directed edge from Ti to Tj, implying that Ti is
waiting for Tj to release a data item.
• When Ti requests a data item currently being held by Tj, then the edge Ti Tj is
inserted in the wait-for graph. This edge is removed only when Tj is no longer
holding a data item needed by Ti.
• The system is in a deadlock state if and only if the wait-for graph has a cycle.
Must invoke a deadlock-detection algorithm periodically to look for cycles.
Deadlock Recovery
When deadlock is detected: Selection of victim, rollback, starvation

• Selection of victim:
• Select that transaction as victim that will incur minimum cost
• How long it has computed and how long is still to go?
• Number of data items already used by it
• Number of data items to be used further by it
• Number of transactions involved in rollback
Deadlock Recovery
• Rollback -- determine how far to roll back transaction
Total rollback: Abort the transaction and then restart it.
Partial rollback: More effective to roll back transaction only as far as necessary to break
• Needs to keep additional information like state of all running ,
sequence of lock request/grants and updates performed by
• Detection mechanism should decide which locks the selected
transactions needs to release to break the deadlock
• The selected transaction must be rolled back to the point where it obtained first of
these locks, undoing all actions it took after that
• Starvation
• happens if same transaction is always chosen as victim.
• Include the number of rollbacks in the cost factor to avoid starvation
Multiple Granularity
• Allow data items to be of various sizes and define a hierarchy of data
granularities, where the small granularities are nested within larger ones.
• Can be represented graphically as a tree (but don't confuse with tree-locking
• When a transaction locks a node in the tree explicitly, it implicitly locks all the
node's descendents in the same mode.
• Granularity of locking (level in tree where locking is done):
• fine granularity (lower in tree): high concurrency, high locking overhead
• coarse granularity (higher in tree): low locking overhead, low concurrency

• Data items are of various sizes

• Defining hierarchy of data granularities where small granularities are nested
within larger ones
• Tree
• A nonleaf node of multi granularity tree represents data associated with its
Multiple-Granularity Locks
• Hard to decide what granularity to lock (tuples vs. pages vs. tables).
• Shouldn’t have to decide!
• Data “containers” are nested

contains Files

Example of Granularity Hierarchy

The levels, starting from the coarsest (top) level are:

• database
• file
• record
Writer Starvation Problem
• If several READ requests are compatible, immediately grant the lock request. Such policy may
cause writer starvation problem if there are a large number of read requests. If a reader was
granted a read lock, then fellow readers can immediately join in. However, writers will be blocked
out, until all readers have finished. In fact, some unlucky writers may get blocked indefinitely.
• A solution is to use FIFO (first in, first out) policy to queue up the requests. Only requests at the
front of the queue can try to get the lock. However, concurrency and efficiency may be negatively
impacted. Some opportunities for parallel access will be lost as queue processing is serial in
Optimistic CC
• Locking is a conservative approach in which conflicts are prevented.
• Lock management overhead
• Deadlock detection/resolution
• Lock contention for heavily used objects
• If conflicts are rare, we might be able to gain concurrency by not locking,
and instead checking for conflits before transactions commit
Timestamp-Based Protocols
• Each transaction is issued a timestamp when it enters the system. If an old
transaction Ti has time-stamp TS(Ti), a new transaction Tj is assigned time-
stamp TS(Tj) such that TS(Ti) <TS(Tj).
• The protocol manages concurrent execution such that the time-stamps
determine the serializability order.
• In order to assure such behavior, the protocol maintains for each data Q two
timestamp values:
• W-timestamp(Q) is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that
executed write(Q) successfully.
• R-timestamp(Q) is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that
executed read(Q) successfully.
Timestamp-Based Protocols
• The timestamp ordering protocol ensures that any conflicting read
and write operations are executed in timestamp order.
• Suppose a transaction Ti issues a read(Q):
1. If TS(Ti)  W-timestamp(Q), then Ti needs to read a value of Q
that was already overwritten.
• Hence, the read operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back.
2. If TS(Ti) W-timestamp(Q), then the read operation is executed,
and R-timestamp(Q) is set to mx(R-timestamp(Q), TS(Ti)).
Timestamp-Based Protocols
• Suppose that transaction Ti issues write (Q):
1. If TS(Ti) < R-timestamp (Q), then the value of Q that Ti is producing
was needed previously, and the system assumed that that value
would never be produced.
• Hence, the write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back.
2. If TS(Ti) < W-timestamp (Q), then Ti is attempting to write an
obsolete value of Q.
• Hence, this write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back.
3. Otherwise, the write operation is executed, and W-timestamp(Q) is
set to TS(Ti).
Timestamp-Ordering Protocol

• The timestamp-ordering protocol guarantees serializability since all the arcs

in the precedence graph are of the form:

Thus, there will be no cycles in the precedence graph.

• Timestamp protocol ensures freedom from deadlock as no transaction ever
• But the schedule may not be cascade-free, and may not even be
Recoverability and Cascade Freedom
• Problem with timestamp-ordering protocol:
• Suppose Ti aborts, but Tj has read a data item written by Ti
• Then Tj must abort; if Tj had been allowed to commit earlier, the schedule is not
• Further, any transaction that has read a data item written by Tj must abort
• This can lead to cascading rollback --- that is, a chain of rollbacks
• Solution 1:
• A transaction is structured such that its writes are all performed at the end of its
• All writes of a transaction form an atomic action; no transaction may execute while
a transaction is being written
• A transaction that aborts is restarted with a new timestamp
• Solution 2: Limited form of locking: wait for data to be committed before reading it
• Solution 3: Use commit dependencies to ensure recoverability
Thomas’ Write Rule
• Modified version of the timestamp-ordering protocol in which obsolete write
operations may be ignored under certain circumstances.
• When Ti attempts to write data item Q, if TS(Ti) < W-timestamp(Q), then Ti is
attempting to write an obsolete value of {Q}.
• Rather than rolling back Ti as the timestamp ordering protocol would have
done, this {write} operation can be ignored.
• Otherwise this protocol is the same as the timestamp ordering protocol.
• Thomas' Write Rule allows greater potential concurrency.
Multiversion Timestamp Protocol
• Multiversion schemes keep old versions of data item to increase concurrency.
• Each successful write results in the creation of a new version of the data item
• Use timestamps to label versions.
• When a read(Q) operation is issued, select an appropriate version of Q based on
the timestamp of the transaction, and return the value of the selected version.
• reads never have to wait as an appropriate version is returned immediately.
Multiversion Timestamp Ordering
• Each data item Q has a sequence of versions <Q1, Q2,...., Qm>. Each version Qk
contains three data fields:
• Content -- the value of version Qk.
• W-timestamp(Qk) -- timestamp of the transaction that created (wrote)
version Qk
• R-timestamp(Qk) -- largest timestamp of a transaction that successfully read
version Qk
• when a transaction Ti creates a new version Qk of Q, Qk's W-timestamp and R-
timestamp are initialized to TS(Ti).
• R-timestamp of Qk is updated whenever a transaction Tj reads Qk, and TS(Tj) > R-
Multiversion Timestamp Ordering
• Suppose that transaction Ti issues a read(Q) or wrie(Q) operation. Let Qk denote the
version of Q whose write timestamp is the largest write timestamp less than or equal
to TS(Ti).
1. If transaction Ti issues a read(Q), then the value returned is the content of
version Qk.
2. If transaction Ti issues a write(Q)
1. if TS(Ti) < R-timestamp(Qk), then transaction Ti is rolled back.
2. if TS(Ti) = W-timestamp(Qk), the contents of Qk are overwritten
3. TS(Ti) > R-timestamp (Qk), a new version of Q is created.
• Observe that
• Reads always succeed.
• A write by Ti is rejected if some other transaction Tj that (in the serialization
order defined by the timestamp values) should read
Ti's write, has already read a version created by a transaction older than Ti.
• Protocol guarantees serializability.
MVCC: Implementation Issues
• Reading of data items also requires the updating of R-timestamp field (2 disk
• Conflicts are resolved though rollbacks rather than through waits (expensive)
• Creation of multiple versions increases storage overhead
• Extra tuples
• Extra space in each tuple for storing version information
• Versions can, however, be garbage collected
• E.g., if Q has two versions Qk and Qj, and both versions have W-timestamp
less than the timestamp of the oldest transaction in the system. Then the
older of the 2 versions (Qk, Qj) will not be used again and can be deleted

• the oldest active transaction has timestamp > 9, then Q5 will never be
required again

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