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Student: Aısun Magaramova

Faculty: Energy and Automation

Speciality: Process Automation
Group: 272a3
Subject: Business And Academic
Communication In A Foreign
Teacher: Xalifə Zamanova
Topic: Pollution
Pollution is the introduction
of contaminants into the natural
environment that cause adverse
change. Pollution can take the form of any
substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy
(such as radioactivity, heat, sound, or
light). Pollutants, the components of
pollution, can be either foreign
substances/energies or naturally occurring
Although environmental pollution can be
caused by natural events, the word pollution
generally implies that the contaminants have
an anthropogenic source – that is, a source
created by human activities. Pollution is
often classed as point source or nonpoint
source pollution.
General information about pollution
The origin of pollution can be very diverse. Among them are not only industrial enterprises and
thermal energy complexes, but also household, animal husbandry, transport waste, as well as
substances used against rodents and pests brought by humans to the ecosystems. From an ecological
point of view, pollution does not mean only the disposal of foreign substances into the air, soil and
water. In any case, pollution damages the entire ecosystem.
Types of pollutants

Pollutants are thousands of chemical

and toxic substances, especially
metals and oxides, as well as
aerosols. Although these substances
have different waste sources, they
may be similar in composition and
effects. Thus, hydrocarbons are
released into the air as a waste
product of the gas and oil industry
and as a product of burning fuel.
• Under anthropogenic influence, the number of
chemical substances in the soil exceeds the normal
limit for that place, and the soil is polluted and
damaged. The main indicator of pollution with
various substances is the negative effect of these
substances on living beings in the environment.
Because different organisms differ in their
Soil pollution resistance to chemical effects. Compared to the
natural environment, the amount of various
chemical substances in the environment that
surrounds man, as a result of his activity, is much
larger than you can see. This danger can be
dangerous even for organisms that are highly
resistant to these substances. Soil pollution is the
most dangerous type of ecosystem and land
Water pollution is the fall of various pollutants
into seas, rivers, lakes, and underground waters.
This happens due to the lack of facilities that
prevent harmful substances from falling into the
water, or because other measures are not taken

in this direction. Water pollution often goes
unnoticed because the pollutants are dissolved
in the water. However, there are exceptions: for
pollution example, foaming agents, oil stains floating in
the water, turbid streams can be shown. There
are several natural pollutants. One of them is
aluminum in the ground. The end of chemical
reactions enters the water and pollutes it.
Another natural pollutant is magnesium. It also
damages the fish.
However, the number of natural pollutants is very
small compared to man-made pollutants. Thousands
of pollutants are discharged into water bodies every
Radioactive year. It is often unknown what their impact will be.
Many of these substances are new chemicals. As a
pollution of result of human activity, heavy metals (such as
calcium, cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium),
Ocean pesticides, nitrates, phosphates, and oil products are
discharged into the waters. It is known that 12 million
tons of oil are discharged into the waters every year.
Radioactive substances are also falling into water
from nuclear power plants.
Air pollution
Air pollution is any undesirable change in the
earth's atmosphere resulting from the release
of various gases, vapors and solid particles into
the air. This can be natural processes or the
end of human activity.

About 10% of pollutants end up in the

atmosphere through natural events such as
volcanic eruptions accompanied by the release
of ash, dusty acids, and toxic gases. Sulfur
released from seawater and decaying plants is
also released into the atmosphere. Forest fires
also release large amounts of smoke and dust
into the atmosphere. Microorganisms in the
air (viruses, bacteria, fungi) cause people to
become infected with diseases and spread
various forms of allergies.
Space pollution
Space junk is all man-made objects and their fragments in space that were once used and are now
useless but pose a threat to spacecraft. In some cases, space debris containing more dangerous
substances (radioactive, toxic) can be dangerous for the earth. Because they can deviate from their
orbits and enter the earth's atmosphere and fall on residential areas.
Ways to solve environmental problems
In most countries of the world, several ways are used to solve environmental problems. These ways
can be combined in 3 big groups.
1. The first group includes the construction of various treatment facilities, waste disposal and
processing, land reclamation.
2. The second group refers to the development and application of fundamentally new technology
that protects nature, moving to low-waste production areas, processing received waste, and
moving to a cyclical water supply system.
3. In order to protect the natural environment where people live, and to protect their health, it is
necessary to properly place highly polluted production areas. It is necessary to move them
from large cities and away from regions where the population is concentrated. The most
polluted areas of the economy are chemistry, petrochemical industry, ferrous and non-ferrous
metallurgy, nuclear power plants, construction materials.
Consequences of polluting our enviroment
After pollution, separate ecosystems, as well as the processes of disintegration of the biosphere
take place. As a result, fertile lands are exhausted, the responsibility of ecosystems and biosphere

Acne has a negative effect on a person's physical and spiritual condition. Harmful chemicals in the
air, soil and water are becoming a threat to human health. They also weaken the immune system.

Warming of air after pollution leads to melting of snow and ice. This creates the danger of the sea
level rising and the land being flooded.

At the same time, tropical diseases spread in temperate climates. Because as a result of warming,
tropical bacteria are resistant to those climates and spread.
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