Water Treatment
Water Treatment
Water Treatment
At Okhla
Characteristics of
Waste Water in
Yamuna at Delhi
Location 11 is at Okhla.
WWTP Layout
Plant Info:
As our water characteristics falls under domestic wastewater, we are using activated sludge process
aerobic type of STP. Activated sludge, which consists of stirred and aerated flocculated suspension of a
mixed bacterial population that comes into contact with wastewater, is the most commonly used process
in aerobic. It has high efficiency with operational flexibility and possibility for nutrient removal.
• The activated sludge process is a biological treatment method that uses a mixture of microorganisms
(activated sludge) to break down and remove organic matter from wastewater.
• In this process, wastewater is mixed with activated sludge in an aeration tank, and the mixture is aerated
to provide the microorganisms with oxygen for their metabolic activities. The wastewater is then
allowed to settle, and the settled sludge is separated from the treated wastewater.
• The treated wastewater is then subjected to further treatment, such as disinfection, to remove any
remaining pathogens or microorganisms before being discharged into the environment.
• The activated sludge process is efficient in removing organic matter and nutrients from wastewater and
is capable of achieving high levels of treatment efficiency.
Waste water cleaning
Primary Treatment
Inlet Screen
Grit Chamber
Scum and Sludge Sump
Wastewater screening is a crucial part of the
primary water treatment. It is used to clean
wastewater from larger solids like rags, sticks,
plastic, etc., before subjecting it to other treatment
processes. The purpose of screening in wastewater
treatment is to:
• Protect the equipment downstream from clogging
and damage;
• Remove large debris that can adversely affect the
efficiency of treatment processes;
• Shield final discharge waterway from
Grit Chamber
• Grit chamber is the second unit
operation used in primary
treatment of wastewater and it is
intended to remove suspended
inorganic particles such as sandy
and gritty matter.
• If inorganic particle will enter in
the SBR basin it will affect the
treatment process. Moreover it
also prevents damage to the
Primary Sedimentation Unit
• High Velocity of Treatment
• 3 times more compact than a
conventional primary settling tank.
• 3 functions in single work i.e. grit
removal, grease removal and settling.
Lamella Clarifier
• The untreated water flows into inlet
channel of lamella clarifier where it
flows downwards.
• Below the lamellae the flow is
reversed and streams up through
• The solids settle down counter-
currently on the lamella.
• The clarified water flows further
upwards and via a special overflow
weir to the outlet.
• The solids slide down along the
lamellae and accumulate into the
sludge funnel.
• In order to keep the sludge flowable a
mechanical scrapper is added.
Oxidation Pre-Degassing
Anoxic Zone Swing Zone Aeration Zone
Ditch Chamber
Anoxic Zone
Anoxic zones in wastewater are useful for nitrogen removal. Some wastewater has a high
nitrate and nitrite content, and the treatment process must break down those compounds to
avoid causing nutrient pollution when the plant discharges its effluent back into the
In anoxic zones, when bacteria break down the nitrogen products, the separation of the
molecules releases oxygen, which the bacteria need to thrive. Because the biodegradation
of nitrogen products naturally releases oxygen, the bacteria in anoxic tanks like
denitrification basins do not require supplemental oxygen from diffusers or surface
Swing Zone
As our plant has seasonal variations that is why swing zone cell is
During summers, reaction rates are faster and the nitrogen limits
lower multiple anoxic zones will be used only.
During winters, reaction rates are slow but higher acceptable
nitrogen limits one or more of the anoxic zone may be aerated to
give a greater aerobic mass fraction. Though nitrogen removal may
be significantly low.
Aeration Zone
Aeration in an activated sludge process that is
pumping of air into tank, promoting microbial
growth in wastewater. This zone will provide
aeration by circulating wastewater at slow velocity
or by air diffusers to promote biological oxidation of
wastewater. It will increase our dissolved oxygen
Oxidation Ditch
It is an extended modified activated sludge process.
It consist of large holding tank with oval shape. It
uses long solid retention times to remove
biodegradable organic matter. It has lower operation
and maintenance cost compared to other secondary
treatment technologies. Produces less sludge as
only 15% of BOD ends up as sludge.
Pre-Degassing Chamber
It is done to improve sludge settlement. By improving
the settling ability of the sludge, a higher biomass can
be kept in the bioreactor, which further results in better
wastewater treatment. The improvement in the settling
ability of sludge improves the amount of biomass in the
Secondary Clarifier
• The Suction Type Clarifier is a flat bottom
structure. The sludge settles at the
bottom of the device and is suctioned by
vertical tubes located along a radius to a
trough from which they are sent via a
siphon to the recirculation pit.
• Provides quick and uniform withdrawal of
return and waste activated sludge from
final settling tanks.
• More economical due to its shape and flat
bottom design.
• Shorter sludge contact time.
• Limited maintenance on suction tubes.
Tertiary Filter
Compakblue™ Tertiary Filter
• Diskfilter for retaining suspended solids
in tertiary filtration of urban
wastewater, as an alternative to the
granular media.
• Entirely automated functioning.
• Good mechanical resistance.
• Advance suspended solid treatment.
• First step towards micropollutant
UV Disinfection
• Pathogens are deactivated in short period of time.
• No by-product formation.
• Far more better than chlorination process as our
plant will require around 80 cylinders per day and
this process will completely eliminate chlorination
step and strong effectiveness on protozoa cyst and
a wide range of pathogens.
Power Generation from